Unforgettable Experience

Altair carefully closed the ornate coach door behind them as they settled inside its plush interior. With a turn, he directed his gaze towards Rosalie, and in a tone of utmost confidence, he spoke,

"Now, Lady Rosalie, I must beseech your aid as you can help me heal my wounds with the Holy Power."

"Pardon me?!"

Rosalie's eyes widened, struck by surprise at the audacity of his request. She wondered if the excruciating pain had clouded his judgment or if delirium had taken hold, as no rational mind would dare make such an extraordinary claim.

"In what way could I possess the ability to perform such miracles? I am certainly devoid of such supernatural capabilities!"

Altair found himself unable to suppress a gentle chuckle, witnessing Lady Rosalie's unwavering confidence dissipate as swiftly as it had arisen.