Shaking Arms

In the dimly lit room, a fresh surge of hushed murmurs and startled gasps reverberated, their resonance intertwining with the already palpable tension that hung in the air. The audience's collective distress seemed to offer a peculiar release, further diffusing the weight that burdened the very walls of the chamber. Amidst this dramatic backdrop, a fusion of astonishment and bewilderment painted each and every face, all eyes converging upon a figure who had masterfully wrested the spotlight from the aftermath of the preceding fight.

Within the unwavering clasp of Felix's formidable hold, Lord Kaylen, his voice quivering yet maintaining its resonance, sought to beseech the duke with a compelling blend of trepidation and urgency, his words bearing the weight of his plea,

"Your Grace, I implore you, permit me the opportunity to explain the circumstances!"

However, Damien harbored no inclination for an explanation.