Ch 3 - day 2- part 2

"I Trever chaps welcome the ' holy knights ' to my kingdom" Trever said with a fake business smile

" I appreciate the welcome " said Rosh ,the leader of the 'holy knights'.

" you've got a capable squad here " said Trever looking at all the members.

Some we're carrying katanas while some had spears others had giant,two handed hammers. A majority of then also a short pocket knife as a secondary weapon that could not be seen easily.All of these items were still made of wood thought as they could not mine and utilize stone yet.

" so do you have any idea when they will reach here " Rosh asked while looking around

" his tribe should be here in about 20-30 minutes i suppose " Trever said while also looking around


"YES SIR" everyone one shouted back in reply

The ' holy knights ' were standing at the border and ' moonlight ' soldiers were inside the kingdom to protect the citizens. The knights were positive they could win the fight since they had recruited people who they say were strong. The only one that were vary of,was of course ' Darkness '

They had all seen him fighting the drawf nation. In the battle he had killed 5 people alone without any help of the 13 people killed.

(After 25 minutes....)

Suddenly shadow figures appeared in the distance. Trever was he first one to spot them.

" looks like they are here " he said with a grim expression

" people with with a sword join me ! , people with spears support us from behind ! And people with hammers stand behind us all and do not move forward unless told to do so ! "

Rosh said

(While on the other side, inside darknesses tribe)

"Looks like we have reached, now let me explain my plan " Darkness said

Everybody leaned in to hear it correctly since Darkness did not like to repeat himself.

" Rosh is their leaders name and he a fearsome warrior and better than anyone of you hear by a considerable margin so do anything but do not fight him i will take his head " He said stopping for a breath

Darkness knew he was a formidable opponent cause he had fought him in another game which also had very realistic combat and since War online was pretty much like real life they would be very similar .

"Darkness continued " we will charge in there everyone should maintain a couple feet distance it should be enough to be separated but you can still help out your opposite members "

" we understand sir Dark " all of them said in unison

After that all of them started charging.

A grade 1 warrior charged a knight in formation.

THUD! The sound as their swords clashed, the battle had begun !

As the knight and the warrior were fighting a spear strike caught the warrior off guard and hit him in the gut leaving a big bloody mark blood gushing out of his wound.

"AHH! Someone help me!!!! " he shouted

The grade 1 warrior who was near him moved to his side but, a katana came and slashed a huge chunk in his throat. The strike was unbelievably fast, it made a sound as if it was cutting through air itself.

The warrior fell on his knees and looked at Rosh the one who had delivered the strike. Both the warriors were now good as death.

(On the other side)

Darkness was walking forward slowly. The knight in-front of him could not wait any longer and wanted to prove his worth by slaying the evil Darkness.

He charged forward not paying attention to the warning of the spearman behind him.

He thought that Darkness was not powerful but lucky, how powerful can one man be huh ?

He swung his sword at Darkness but Darkness dodged with almost no effort coming to his side and delivered a powerful blow on his lower hand.

He let go of his katana because of the pain. Seeing the scene unfold the spearman who was behind him also charged forward in a effort to save his comrade. Since they were fairly near he was able to catch up quickly.

He launched his spear forward, towards Darkness's stomach but, Darkness grabbed the spear and pulled him forward caught pff guard he jolted forward and was meet with a two handed katana strike to the head barely cutting his head off.

The spearman's head dropped near the warrior. blood spewing out of it.

He was soon met with a similar fate getting a overhead strike to his neck.

After this Darkness licked his blooded katana and started slowly moving closer, humming a random song.

Trever was at the back observing both,Rosh and Darkness he knew that undoubtedly these two were the strongest people on the field and the first of them to go down would essentially mean the other side's victory.

Both of them knew this as well. That is why the formation was the strongest where Rosh was standing. And behind Darkness there were 2 grade 3 In case he was defeated. Initially Darkness did want any help but reluctantly agreed when his tribe members begged him.

They both saw each other at the exact same time and said out in unison " charge him! "

All of Darknesses warriors came closer together and charged Rosh's position.

Rosh initially wanted to charge Darkness but refrained from it and said "everybody cone near me and and hammerers come out ! " he called out

Hammers were very slow and heavy weapons but the force at which they were launched to strike the enemy was very high and if it hit would cause heavy injury to that body part. Rosh wanted to take advantage of the Chaos that would ensue when both the parties clashed and let the hammerers get good hits.

THUD! THUD! THUD !SWOOSH !SWOOSH! Came the sounds at they clashed.

THUD! As a hammer hit a grade 2 warrior in the arm making him drop his sword and open for a strike.

Another hammer hit a grade 1 warrior on the head crushing it and almost killing him.

Another hammerer tried to hit a swordsman. But he was a grade 3 and barely managed to avoid the attack and hit back the hammerer slashing a wound in his chest. Just as he was about to finish him off a sword came for his head. He was able to put him katana in-front of the strike but was taken aback by the blow's power.

He saw Rosh in-front of him and swung his his sword at him. Rosh masterfully parried it and came closer a threw a fake slash at his legs, just as he raised his sword to his legs to block the attack, he redirected his attack turning it into a spinning slash by doing a spin, cutting him in the throat and leaving him for dead.

Darkness saw that the hammerers would be a huge burden if left for longer so he especially targeted them and took down 3 in a short amount of time.

The skirmish continued for another 10 minutes until only the last remained.

The "holy knights " had lost 20 people leaving just 5. 3 spear men and 2 swordsman including Rosh.

While darknesses tribe had lost 27 people.

2 rank 3 and at last Darkness.

The difference in numbers was due to the spear - katana wall technique used by Rosh at the beginning that had kill many grade 1's. And the hammerers had killed many grade 2's.

The remaining men were exhausted and had many cuts and injuries but not 2.

They were of course Rosh and Darkness. Everybody on the field knew that hey would decided the winner! . They had started the battle and they would finish it.

Rosh was the first to swing, throwing a fast clean strike to his chest. Darkness blocked the the attack with ease.

Rosh did not hesitated for even a moment he spun as he threw a fast overhead kick.

Darkness managed to dodge the attack but got a scratch because of the speed.

"Looks like i got the first hit" Rosh said

Darkness ignored him and and threw a slash.

Rosh used the spins momentum to barely slid by and avoid the attack.

Darkness threw a full power 2 handed strike.

The strike sent Rosh a few feet back although he had blocked it. Showing Darknesses power.

Suddenly darkness started charging forward he threw his sword straight at Rosh and at the same time turned his charge into a sliding kick by falling down.

Rosh immediately reacted and jumped to avoid the kick and blocked the thrown sword but, as the sword fell down darkness reached him and grabbed the sword and in a spilt second hit Rosh's leg making him lose balance and falling face first on to the ground.

Darknesses trick had worked !

Darkness got up and tried to hit the fallen Rosh but Rosh predicted this and slid away.

Rosh threw a kick hitting Darknesses leg and making him lose balance but he did not fall down but it let rosh get back up.

Rosh threw a punch at darkness. Bur it was a fake! Rosh quickly and with unparalleled speed delivered a big cut to his legs. But as soon as Darkness realized the punch thrown was a fake he also quickly threw a slash cutting Rosh's chest.

Rosh and Darkness at the same time threw another,cutting each other more and more. Until both of them were only a strike away both of them were feeling happiness beyond words as to finally met a strong person.

Suddenly Darkness turned back and said " i do not Want to end this amazing duel with us both dying , so i am leaving let us met another day for another amazing battle "

He said and left by his 2 remaining tribe men.

Rosh did not try to stop him as he knew he could not.

With a the sun setting on the battle, day 2 came to a end.

Day 2 end....