Chapter 35 - The Incident in the Medical Ward

It all started from the night after Leon Belshaw's death.

Some of the patients that were on the verge of death have been found dead the next day. The medical staff finds this unusual since they were sure that these people won't be dying too soon, however they can't find any plausible explanation for this.

The incident was quickly dismissed by the authorities as natural deaths when the medical staff requested to have an investigation to this seemingly unnatural situation.

Then after another night passed, what the medical staffed fears have happened again. "Shit... what's the count this time?" Asked the head doctor, Apollo Onasis.

"There's a total of 78 deaths this time around." One of the nurse reported. "Of all the 78 deaths that occured, only a few of them seemed like a natural death but the rest is..." the nurse was quite disturbed to talk about it.

"I see. You all may go now." Once Dr. Onasis was left alone, he checks his documents that listed down the names of the people whose deaths are similar cases.

Since the authorities have turned down their request of investigation to this matter, Dr. Onasis and a few of his staff have done an investigation by themselves. And what they discovered was unsettling.

There was one thing in common that was found in this people that died unnaturally, their bodies have become heavily bruised all over and deflated as if their insides have gone missing. When they decided to dissect one of the dead, they were able to confirm that the internal organs have really disappeared.

Dr. Onasis also taken out some photos from his drawer, it's an image of the dead body they have dissected. He then thought to himself, "What could have caused this?"

This situation doesn't only bothers the medical staff, but the patients as well. "...I don't like where this is going." Said one of the patients.

"Yeah, I don't want to end up like those who mysteriously died out of nowhere from these past few days. I want to get out of the medic ward quickly!"

"Sheesh, I don't want to end up like Fred. They said he had a chance to wake up from his coma soon, but he suddenly died last night! Like how the fuck did that happen!?"

"What the hell, it's just too creepy."


Meanwhile, soldiers of the Special Infantry Troop that have recovered are now gathered at the assembly hall for some announcements from their commanding superiors. They were all lined up according to their platoons, and as they all got settled, Captain Wright along with the top four strongest fighters were already on their seats on the stage of the assembly hall.

Looking over at the crowd, Devian Rivlin estimates the number of soldiers to be less than 160. "We've lost a lot here." He said.

"We sure did, and to mention that we even lost Leon Belshaw. I'm depressed to be stuck with repulsive faces like you guys." Bernadette frowns, while Devian only rolled his eyes at her.

Captain Wright then starts the meeting by standing on the stage, getting all of everyone's attention followed by the crowd giving a 5-second salute to him. "Gentlemen, we have gathered here today for a few announcements..." he starts.

"...during our losing battle against the I.E.A. over the Rhombus District at the North Western Territory, we have lost a number of our brothers and sisters, friends and comrades..." Some of the soldiers began to feel dejected by the reminder of their fellow soldiers deaths.

" we shall offer our prayers and respect to our fallen comrades, and vow that we shall not let their deaths be in vain. I know most of you are disheartened by our recent defeat, but let it be known that tribulations are bound to happen in the face of war. Don't let your faiths and beliefs falter too easily by a mere defeat—"

The crowd lifts up their head, some with tears on their eyes. "—this war still continues, and there's still more challenges we have to face, but we'll continue to stand and fight for what we believe in! The E.D.L. Special Infantry Troops will persevere until we achieve victory for this war, if not, with our whole lives!!"

Everyone cheered with Captain Wright's short speech to lift their spirits. Bernadette watches everyone with a smile on her face. "Ahh, the captain really knows what to say at times like these."

"Of course, he's a Captain after all." Gunther said.

Captain Wright then continues with his other announcement when the crowd quiets down. "And another thing for today, I would like to announce that we will have a reformation of platoons in our troop. As you all have heard, our 4th strongest fighter, Leon Belshaw have passed away recently. Then there's also the deaths of many in our troop, reducing us greatly in numbers."

The troop used to have 5 platoons with 40 men each, but since they are now greatly reduced in number, the Captain had to sort to this decision. "...and so we have decided to divide this troop into 4 platoons under the command of the remaining leaders I've assigned."

With a total of 157 remaining soldiers, and an additional 6 soldiers that just completed their training. They continue the reformation and have finalized the results.

The 1st Platoon under Raphael Novick's command remains to have a number of 40 men of ranks 40th and above. The 2nd Platoon under Devian Rivlin's commands have a number of 41 men of ranks 80th to 41st. The 3rd Platoon under Bernadette Ritter's command also have a number of 41 men of ranks 120th to 81st. And the 4th Platoon that used to be in Leon Belshaw's command is now transfered to Gunther Neumann, the 4th Platoon had 41 men of ranks 163rd to 121st.

Claire who still rightfully remains in the 3rd Platoon is quite satisfied with the result of the reformation. She didn't want to end up under Raphael's platoon, although she's soon to join his platoon because it's required in her plans to raise her rank to accomplish her personal goals.

And at a distance, Claire notices a familiar face from the 4th Platoon. He waves his hands at her with an excited manner. "Claire!! Over here!" He shouts in a whispering voice.

"Ross!?" Claire reunites with a former fellow trainee.