Chapter 56 - Death Is Something We All Expect

When it was time for Platoons I and III to return, Claire remains by Raphael's side. And she can't help but feel something wrong is going to happen soon.

" something the matter?" Raphael asked when he noticed her troubled face.

They were sitting next to each other when they got on the military truck that'll send them back to the base. And Claire can feel all the intense atmosphere in the truck and piercing gaze on her back from Raphael's whole platoon.

These people know about me, she thought in suspicion.

"N-Nothing... everything's fine." Claire was expecting something like this to happen since words can spread fast like fire. She doesn't stand a chance from the soldiers in the first platoon, knowing damn well she's out of their league when it comes to strength.

Though the only good thing here is that these soldiers can't lay a hand on her with Raphael around as their platoon commander and her sworn protector.

"You look pale, are you sure?" Raphael's worry is annoying Claire tremendously, it wasn't helping her at all.

"I really am fine! You worry too much." she calms him down by holding his hand. "Why don't you take a nap? I bet you're very tired right now, I'll wake you up when we arrive at the base."

"Claire..." he was easily touched by her caring attitude. Raphael almost felt like they reverted to how they were like before and realized how much he missed Claire.

"C-Claire, can I—" though before he can ask Claire about her memories, one of his platoon subordinate interrupted his moment. "Commander Raph." Spoke Felix, the 5th top fighter of E.D.L. and the vice commander of platoon I.

Raphael's face was quick to change into an indifferent expression as he faced his subordinate. "Felix, do you have something important to report?"

"...the rankings have adjust again. Everyone under the sixth rank have been promoted one rank higher. It's as if the former rank number 6, Miss Julia have—"

"Yes, she died."

"You knew!?"

"Julia died facing off with the 5th ranker from I.E.A., I found out she died from the blood loss after getting a fatal wound on her legs." He spoke in a monotonous tone, like Julia's death isn't such a big deal to him.

Even Claire who was just listening to them was a bit annoyed with his cold and apathetic attitude.

"...I see." Felix was disappointed from the response he got. "It's quite cold of you to treat her death like that, considering how close the two of you were before." He boldly commented.

Every other soldier listening got intrigued by Felix provoking words.

This had Raphael's brow furrowed as he turns to face Felix. "This is a common thing, Felix. As dedicated soldiers, we always put our life on the line. So death is something we expect to happen no matter what."


"She signed up for this fate, Felix. In fact, everyone here all did. If Julia died on that battlefield for the sake of her duty as a soldier of E.D.L., then she have fulfilled her purpose and died an honorable death." His words weren't wrong, but it didn't feel right to Felix either.

He thought that the cold hearted strongest fighter of the E.D.L. would atleast feel some sorrow and grief over the person that cared a lot abour him. Felix stopped trying to talk with Raphael any further and just sighed. "...understood." he mutters.

Then on a quick glance at the woman beside his platoon commander, Felix met eye to eye with Claire Duvent, displeased with her presence. Though he broke eye contact and stared out the truck's window.

And for the remaining hours of their travel, both Raphael and Claire leans on each other as they take a peaceful nap. By the time they arrived at the base, Claire can feel even more deadly gazes upon her.

People knew the traitor was being protected by the most well-known and strongest man in E.D.L., and she happens to be glued to this man's side like a pup seeking for protection from its guardian.

"The girl beside Novick, isn't she the traitor?"

"Why won't people arrest her right away!?"

"How shameless!"

Claire can hear the whispers of people staring at her as they walk into the entrance of the base. Raphael was also aware of this situation and rushed to bring Claire some place safe.

"Hurry!!" They ran together and got inside at some empty conference room. Raphael quickly locks all the doors and windows before turning to Claire. "...don't let it get to you, they don't know what they're saying."

"...y-you think so?..."

"Yes, most people believe in lies right away without even a proper evidence to support their claims." his words of comfort proved his ignorance from the fact that Claire murdered some of their allies.

"There's no way the Claire I know can do such a thing, right?" He placed his hand over her shoulder, and she can feel how much faith he had on her.

"But if I did... would you still take my side?" She suddenly asked, curious of how he'll respond.

It was a risky question that can either make her lose his support, or confirm his unconditional favor for Claire.

And it instantly back fired as Raphael takes off his hands from her shoulder.


"...that was a silly question. I-I didn't mean to say something like that... it's just... that I'm afraid you might turn against me like everyone else!" She then tries to make it look like she's being anxious by the situation to dispel his confusion.

"R-Ridiculous!... I would never turn against you! Not even if what they say are true!!" Both his words and eyes spoke with sincerity while looking at her.

"You promise, Raph?" And to him, her eyes sparkled beautifully like diamonds, as it seeks assurance.

"Claire, I'd do anything just for you and only you..." he confessed.

The atmosphere between them somehow shifted as Claire's eyes lured Raphael closer to her face, briefly touching her lips with his. And Claire didn't let him go, wrapping her arms around his neck and kisses him back passionately, like a witch putting her victim on a spell.

Raphael became even more aggressive with her, sliding his tongue in her mouth, and got all excited hearing her moan a little. Both their hands started to explore on each other after getting too immersed in their heated moment, but Raphael snapped back to reality when Claire had her hand on his lower region.

"WHOA!" He quickly pulls her away from, getting all red and nervous.