Chapter 18

-Sasuke's POV-

"It's been three years since your first and only tour, Prestige. What do you say to finally having another one?" Kakashi grinned at the four of us. It's Saturday morning, and we thought we'd done something wrong for him to call us to the agency so early on the weekend.

Sakura cheered, "I've been meaning to ask you about that! I think it's a great idea. Will Akatsuki be with us again?"

"They'll be meeting with me once we're done here. If they agree to it, then yes. I'll also ask Konan if she'd like to join the line-up."

Gaara asked, "Wouldn't there be an issue with our genres being too different?"

"Yes, you see, that's what I initially thought, as well, but studies show that today's young adults prefer for concerts to have variety. Evolution will be using this line-up as a sort of test to see how well it goes."

Oh, great. Use our tour as a guinea pig, you silver-haired ass.

Truthfully, Kakashi's been great to us all. The only reason I'd call him an ass is because he's a little too honest with us sometimes. For example, when we returned to Konoha during our last tour, he blatantly said seeing our P.R. team get a break in our absence was nice. A businessman typically sugarcoats things, but that's not his style. I suppose I can respect that. It's better than being lied to or treated like children.

"Are we all in agreeance then?"

All of us responded affirmatively in some way before the CEO clapped his hands together, beaming sheepishly, "Wonderful! You'll be leaving a week from today!"

I sighed, irritated, "You've planned it for months already, haven't you?"

Kakashi winked, "A year and a half, actually! Prestige, you are dismissed. Please rest up for your upcoming sold-out tour!"

Sold out! How did we all miss that?

Sakura laughed as she led us outside the agency toward the employee parking lot, "I don't know why, but I'm not all that surprised." She and Gaara shared a knowing look.

"Here's hoping this one goes better than the last one, right?" Hinata half-joked with a sheepish grin directed at the ground.

I rolled my eyes when she glanced my way, elbowing her side, "Don't start thinking about that. You'll psyche yourself out before the tour even starts."

She nudged me back but didn't verbally respond. The other two shared a look before grinning and facing forward again as we reached the cars.

The Hyuuga woman in my passenger seat remained quiet almost the entire drive home, and I pretended I didn't know why so we wouldn't have to talk about it again.

Almost two weeks ago, Sakura and Gaara got engaged, and I explained why I think we should wait. She dropped the subject and said she understood, but she cannot lie to me these days. I know her too well, not to mention the fact that I can read her like a book. Hinata respected my wishes even if it made her sad.

Of course, I love her, and yes, I want to marry her. I've been sure of that for a very long time. I bought the ring a year and a half ago from the same shop I'd purchased the locket she always wears.

Truthfully, I was going to propose, but right around that time, Gaara and Sakura had their scandal, and the amount of backlash they both received was unbelievable, especially toward Sakura. The only thing I could picture after that was the look on Hinata's face the day we almost had sex at home before the tour. She'd been fine one moment, then looked so panicked she might be sick. It was because of the terrible, untrue things posted about her.

I can't knowingly put her through something like that again.

As I glanced over to see her glazed-over eyes staring out the window, I wondered if I should've been more honest about my reason when we talked. Then, I shook my head and refocused on the road. If she knew I was hesitating for her sake, she'd say she could take the hate even if she couldn't. At least I hadn't wholly lied. There's indeed a chance our careers could be ruined by going public.

Initially, my thought was that I don't care what everyone thinks. Even if Prestige's popularity takes a massive hit, I won't be as upset as I will be if I never get to give her my last name. Then, I remembered that my mother had scheduled my audition secretly from even me. It was the last thing she did before dying. I don't know if I can give up this gift. If I'd made it to Evolution without her help, it'd be easier to decide.

That night, Itachi called.

He, luckily, was only sentenced to community service and put on probation since none of us pressed charges against him for his part in what happened with Fugaku, Hiashi, and Toneri. We don't hear from him as much as before because, with our father in prison, he's become the acting head of the family company. The same can be said for Neji and their family's.

"I saw your text earlier. You're going on tour starting next week? Why are you just now telling me? I'd have liked to take some time off to see you and Hinata before you leave. I'm unsure if I can at such short notice."

My older brother has become pretty annoying now that we're actually on good terms, just a different type from before. Even if he can't physically visit, he's constantly sending gifts, texting to nag me about eating proper meals and getting sleep, and posting almost embarrassing photos and videos about Prestige in support.

"We just found out today. I told you as soon as Kakashi announced it."

Lately, he's been on the same page as Hinata, though I'm one hundred percent sure they never spoke of it. Itachi even calls her his sister in front of everyone. In public, when people ask about it, he just says it's because they've known one another since they were children. Truthfully, he does it to pressure me and to tease her because she gets as red as a tomato each time.

"I see. Well, I suppose it can't be helped," he changed the subject quickly, "Did Sakura and Gaara receive the champagne I sent? I feel awful for not being able to attend." The man was supposed to have been present at the dinner, where they became engaged, but had a work emergency to take care of.

"Yes, Brother. Anything else? If I keep talking, she's going to wake up." Hinata was curled up, fast asleep, beside him.

"Who? Your fiancee? How is she doing these days? We haven't been able to talk much lately."

I sighed, lowering my already quiet voice to a barely audible whisper, "She's not my fiancee yet. If you keep calling her that, she's going to overhear and get upset again."


I could've slapped myself for the slip-up.

Itachi sounded ten times more serious, then, "Did you make her cry? You know she's too good for you, right? Apologize now."

"No, it's nothing like that. It's just…complicated. I can't talk about it right now. Good night."

"I don't care, Little Brother. If she's upset, you make it better. That's your job. If I find out you've done something…."

"Alright, okay, fuck. Lay off it already."

"Thank you. Good night."

Clicking the call to an end, I sighed and set the device on the nightstand before lying down and resting an arm across my eyes. I thought after having a conversation like we did that things would get easier because we're on the same page, but they haven't because now Hinata thinks that I value my career over her.

It's not the truth.

Before meeting her, I dreamt of being a musician because I was passionate about it, had some basic talent that I developed over the years, and it made my mother smile when I'd play the guitar or sing for her. I wanted to make other people look happy like that.

After these past almost four years, though, it'd feel like a crime to be on those stages alone. Of course, I prefer Sakura and Gaara to be there with me, but they are one another's partners.

Hinata is mine.

She was my duet and dance partner from the day the four of us began training as a group. I don't doubt that I could do it. I could successfully have a solo career, but I don't want it. Not anymore. Everything is better with her.

"...fuck…" I whispered to myself, turning onto my side to throw an arm over the woman in question's side.

She's not the only one suffering from my decision to hold off on furthering our relationship. What I feel for her is leagues stronger than simply dating. I didn't think it'd be this hard to endure. It sucked before, but honestly, it became unbearable after seeing the disappointed look on her face when I told her no.

Hinata rarely asks for anything, so when she does, I've never turned her down until now. It's not like she asked me to marry her or asked me to ask her. She only wanted to know if something like that could possibly be in the near future for us, and I denied her.

I want to give her everything she wants and needs, whether she asks for it or not.

I just have to wait until the timing's right to do that.

-Hinata's POV-

Upon leaving Konoha to begin our tour, Gaara told us he had an idea for a song that's had him stuck for weeks now. He said he'd begun working on it after the dating scandal between him and Sakura occurred. After sharing with us the one completed verse and few lines of a chorus, it became evident that this would be a very special song.

"Will we be able to perform something like this, though?" Sakura asked, frowning, "It'll be hard to convince everyone it's not about us." Even with only a few lyrics completed, the song was focused on being in a relationship that has to be hidden from others.

The redhead shook his head, "We can always save it for after we're married and go public."

I nodded, "I agree. This is too good to give to someone else. You two should be the ones to sing it."

Gaara glanced between me and Sasuke with barely muted confusion but didn't comment, "Do you guys have any ideas?"

"I do. Hand it over," Sasuke suddenly said, reaching across me to accept the notebook and pencil from our bandmate.

After a minute of watching him slowly write, erase, write more, erase, and repeat, Sakura pulled out her phone, "Why don't we all work on it and then compare later?"

So, the four of us worked on lyrics while traveling. After our first stop in Iwagakure, we went right back to it. In the hotel room, I hummed the song's melody while doodling in my notebook. Sasuke was showering, and I already had, so I laid on my stomach on the bed and brainstormed.

"I wish that it could be like that. Why can't it be like that?" I quietly sang to myself the only two lines I'd managed to secure, trying to figure out what to do next.

Working on this specific piece has been difficult for me. It's just too close to what I'm currently struggling through. A sigh passed my lips as I allowed the pencil to fall from my hand to the notebook, crossing my arms and resting my head atop them while childishly kicking my feet.

" stupid…"

It's times like these that I can't help but be upset with our more fanatical fans. We deserve to be allowed to say we're in love. I'd shout it from rooftops if I could.

When I think about my love for Sasuke, my life with him in it, it's just so strong and beautiful. I want to show everyone how proud I am to have it. Why can't I tell everyone how happy he makes me? It's not fair. I chose this career knowing this toxic culture existed, but I didn't expect to fall in love with anyone at that time. It was all so unexpected.

"Let's drink," the man ruling my thoughts suddenly spoke. I lifted my head and turned to see him pouring two glasses of wine. His hair was longer than it was when we first met, but it still suited him very well. It was wet and slicked back from the shower, and he wore a dark blue bathrobe.

Smiling softly when he glanced my way, I got up and placed my notebook on the nightstand before joining him, "How did you know?"

He handed a glass to me, absently clinking his to it and smirking warmly, "You sing to yourself a lot when you're stressed."

"...How embarrassing…" I blushed, taking a sip of the dark liquid and eyeing him over the top of my glass.

He lifted a brow over his own, making short work of downing the entire glass, "I think it's cute."

I snickered as he poured himself another glass while giving me a look that dared me to try and keep up with him, "What's the rush? You'll make yourself sick if you don't slow down."

Sasuke rolled his eyes, "I have plans for when this bottle's empty, and I don't want to wait all night."

Wildfire heat flooded my face and ears, making him chuckle amusedly. How can he say things like that with a straight face? We've been together for over three years now, and it never ceases to fluster me. It doesn't help that he takes it as a personal challenge to make me feel shy.

That said, the words did their job, and I bashfully averted my gaze while tossing back the remainder of my glass and motioning for him to refill it. He did with a victorious little grin. For a few moments, we drank in silence, just enjoying one another's presence. It's nice that we don't need to fill every second with conversation. Simply existing beside Sasuke is comfortable and pleasant.

When my glass was half empty, I wandered away from the counter, eyes on the foot of the bed as I reminisced, "Remember the first time?"

Unsurprisingly, strong arms snaked around my waist, pulling me back against the man's front. Sasuke moved my hair away from one shoulder so he could press his lips into the curve of my neck, musing in a nostalgic voice, "I do. That's why I bought the same wine from that night."

I gasped, looking at the glass in my hands, "It is?"

He chuckled, fingers brushing down to my hips, where he slid them beneath my shirt, "I was wondering if you'd ever notice." Familiar heat began pooling between my legs when one of his hands slid further under my shirt to cup my breast while the other flirted with the hem of my pajama shorts.

The Uchiha man spoke firmly into my ear, "Finish it."


Tonight's not going to be anything like our first night together.