Prologue: Sen Direndal

Sen Direndal was nothing special, but that didn't matter to him. At least he had friends. He'd at least led a normal life until this point. Sen was walking home after watching the latest Guardians of the Galaxy film. (A/N: Skip this part if you haven't watched GOTG: Volume III) They had all greatly enjoyed the film, it had taken a much darker turn than they had been expecting, Rocket's backstory had taken them all by surprise, none of them were comic readers so it was all a fresh experience for them.

Sen was deep in thought, he was wondering what could possibly come next, what with the main cast of characters going off and doing their own thing. 'Would there ever be a spin-off film starring the Neo-guardians, and Adam Warlock taking more of a centre stage? His character had some really wasted potential', Sen was fully aware that Adam was basically still a 1-year-old child. However, he did have to admit that the High Evolutionary was mostly responsible for this wasted potential, he was too impatient in his vendetta against Rocket to wait for Adam Warlock to mature enough. Martha, his best friend, waved her hand in front of his face, "Yooo Sen, you there man?"

Sen was snapped out of his train of thought by his best friend, "Hey Martha, what's going on?"

Martha sighed, this was why it was often such an arduous task to communicate with Sen, he always had his head in the clouds. "We were just wondering if you wanted to us in town. We'll party through the night, eat terrible food, and drink equally awful drinks, it'll be fun!"

Sen chortled at his friend's antics, he really liked her, she was always so laid back, yet despite her seemingly lazy outlook on life, she was one of the smartest people he'd ever met, she was kind-hearted, and while she did tease him from time to time, it was all in good fun, and she never crossed the line. She was an attractive young woman; 26 years old; quite tall (6'2"), had shoulder-length hair, tied back in a ponytail, and dyed Metallic green; her nails were not painted. She had hazel-green eyes, a small nose, medium-sized ears- Sen decide to stop thinking about her appearance before she started trying to get his attention again. "Thanks Martha, really, I appreciate the offer, but I really must get back, Timothy must be starving by now."

Martha frowned at this, "I'm sure your cat can wait a little longer".

Sen stared at her, "If by a little longer, you mean 6 AM, then no, he can't wait a LITTLE longer", he responded, in an overly serious voice. "Fair enough, oh well, I guess we'll see you tomorrow then."

Sen smiled at that, "Bye, see you tomorrow", he called towards her retreating back, she waved back in response. Sen turned back and walked back up the hill towards his flat. It was a slightly tiring walk back, he wasn't exactly out of shape, it was just that the hill was rather steep. He greeted a few of his peers along the way, and as he neared his flat, he heard quiet yowling sounds. "Oh god, he's really hungry, isn't he? Sorry boy, I'll be there in just a moment."

The yowling stopped abruptly and as he unlocked the door and entered, the sound of purring could be heard.

Timothy was looking at him as if to say, "You've finally returned human, now, FEEEED MEEEE, Nya Nya."

Sen folded his arms and stared at the proud and majestic creature, "I know, I know, alright, I was planning to feed you anyways."

The cat continued purring, whilst looking at him knowingly. Sen poured the cat food into the bowl, he then walked to the fridge, and took out some treats to go with the food. Timothy immediately shot towards him, holding his paw up in the air, as if to say, "GIMME! RIGHT NOW! NYA NYA!"

Sen smirked at the cat, "Now who's a good kitty", he said with no small amount of teasing in his tone of voice. As if on cue, Timothy leaped into the air before punching Sen in the face, "That was a great Haym- wait, did my cat just punch me?"


Timothy would put up with it no longer, as for Sen, his eyes were closed with confusion and he was more than a little nervous, "But I haven't drunk anything yet, and I don't take Hallucinogens, so what's wrong with me? Jumping up is normal for a cat but punching me back with that much force just doesn't make sense."

"Sen? Are you alright, you look upset about something, did I do something wrong?"

Sen's eyes suddenly flew open, "M-M-Martha, when did you get in here? I locked the door, breaking and entering is not okay you know!"

Martha tilted her head sideways, and several question marks appeared around her, "Babe, I live here, and stop being weird already."

Sen Blinked rapidly, this was one crazy dream, but he decided to play along for now. "Babe? Since when did you start calling me that? And that isn't exactly the problem now, is it?"

Several tick-marks appeared on her forehead, "Since we got married, that's when, Sen Direndal, I think it's a pretty big problem BABE!"

Sen was even more confused, and more than a little bit angry, "Is this some kind of joke? You've never been one for this kind of this kind of humour. We're just friends though, aren't we? I mean, don't get me wrong, you're a beautiful young lady, but we've never been that close, have we?"

Several more tick marks appeared on her forehead, "I'LL SHOW YOU A JOKE SEN DIRENDAL!",

she yelled, before punching him flush on the nose, Sen was sent flying back before crashing into a wall with no little force, coughing up a small amount of blood.

(A/N: This isn't a gag, she's actually that strong...)

Martha immediately covered her mouth, "SH*T, ARE YOU OK BABE? I DIDN'T MEAN TO HIT YOU THAT HARD! I didn't mean it babe, I promise, I just lost my temper!", she said all of this in a loud, high-pitched scream, filled with worry. She rushed over to him, Sen was now gasping, his faced screwed up in pain, he had never felt anything like this, "Ok, dream punches don't hurt that much, just what the hel- WHAT THE FUUUUUUUU-----". outside the window, a large thing with things, a Wyvern to be precise, flew by, the figure of a young man could be seen riding it, but that wasn't the problem here...


Well, that's that for the first chapter guys, I hope you like it, I plan to keep putting out chapters. Again, as I mentioned in Volume 0, I don't intend to write long chapters. I'll only do that if something big is happening during a chapter. I'm mainly just doing this for fun and am getting back into writing. I will probably aim to publish around 4-5 chapters around this length or less per week, maybe I'll increase it once I get used to releasing chapters. If any of you give stones, I'd be very grateful, I'm not expecting much feedback from this honestly. I don't see Webnovel giving me a contract in the near future somehow, but you never know. If they do, then I'll probably start locking chapters if this story goes beyond 50 chapters. I will start working on the next chapter in a couple of hours. Please leave a review, but don't feel forced to do so! I'll try my best to respond to criticism, but if you don't explain what's wrong, then I probably won't improve that much. Until then, peace out guys!