Rundown on abilities! Rift!

"What the fuuu---!"

Sen literally felt as though he'd been atomised, but had somehow retained all of his consciousness. This felt more akin to "The Transporter" from "Star Trek", which instantaneously moved an individual to another location by breaking down their molecules and transporting them to another point. Sen couldn't help but shout "Beam me up Scotty!" as they arrived on the top floor.

Martha looked completely non-plussed, "Wha-?"

Sen laughed out loud before telling her that it was nothing, "Well, if you say so Sen..."

The two of them walked down an ornately decorated corridor until they reached a door labelled "Guildmaster - Martha Direndal," and it automatically opened as soon as they reached it. Sen could see no mechanism in place so he had to assume it recognised her unique mana signature. 'System, could you please give me the Pseudocode for this?'

{Of course! Compiling... DONE!}

(A/N: Pseudocode is a way of writing out the steps of a computer program using plain English (or any human-readable language) instead of complex computer code. It's like creating a recipe for a dish, where you describe each step in simple terms without using specific measurements or cooking techniques.)

1. If the office owner opens the door from the inside:

- Allow the door to open.

2. If someone from the outside approaches the door:

- Check if their mana signature matches the office owner's unique signature.

- If the signature matches:

- Allow the door to automatically open.

- If the signature does not match:

- Keep the door closed and display a message saying it's locked.

3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 as needed.

'Ah, I get it now! I'll remember this for my door back at home. All I have to do is imagine it, and the Omni System will take care of the rest. This makes things so much simpler!'

{Pseudocode has been successfully saved!}

'Great, now it's time to explain some more about my powers.'

"Martha, I've been trying to understand my powers better, but it's still a bit confusing for me. Once I figure out more about how they work, I promise to explain it to you. It's just that right now, I'm still learning too. For now, I'll just give you a rundown of my different abilities, there may be more than I thought there were."

The door was now closed, and he was fairly certain that there were plenty of barriers in place to prevent any kind of attempted surveillance, or attempts to listen to any sounds going on inside the office. At the same time however, he just didn't know how to make the existence of an all-powerful cheat system believable. He also didn't know whether there would be any consequences for spilling the beans like that to Martha.

"Oh, I see, well, take your time! Don't worry about it! Just tell me about your abilities. I've accepted that you may have a lot of abilities that were dormant. It's just that they have started to awaken over a short period of time. By the way, an increase in of your physical and mental capabilities is something that everyone experiences, so that doesn't count as an ability."

Sen nodded, that made sense actually, an awakening suggested overall improvements to one's entire body as well as their mind. "Alright, well I definitely experienced a massive improvement in my physical and mental capabilities. I'm now able to learn how to do something almost instantly, but if I learn too much then I get burned out. I was able to instantly memorise a few of the basic martial arts guides in our Library. My body also seems to be able to carry out those movements after just learning about them, as long as I have the flexibility to do so."

Martha whistled, "Colour me impressed, when I mentioned that your capabilities would be increased, I didn't think it would be that drastic for you! Alright, now tell me about your actual abilities, aside from Martial Arts."

"The first ability I awakened is called Anthrakokinesis, it's basically a scaled-down version of Pyrokinesis, although it did recently evolve to become that. I was able to control embers, I could use them to cause minor burns, and was one of the main factors that helped me to win against those mercenaries. If they built up, then they could cause higher-degree burns, but the mana usage was quite low at that point. It'll probably be a lot more energy consuming, now that it has evolved. It also granted me minor fire resistance. I did burn myself a little when first using my ability, this leads me onto my second ability."

"Enhanced Regeneration, it's pretty self explanatory, I heal at an extremely fast rate, so those minor burns weren't really an issue, so I was able to hone my low-level fire abilities until they evolved."

"My next ability that I awakened, I decided to call it 'Stellar Veil'. It basically allows me to utilise the essence of the stars to enhance my offensive and defensive. Essence only equates to a miniscule fragment of true Cosmic energy. Nonetheless, it played a vital role in both repelling and defending against the mercenaries. With this essence, I can enhance my vision by around 2x, allowing me to detect hidden dangers and see through illusions. I can also negate around 55% of all physical and magical attacks, as well as greatly heightening my intuition and foresight. This ability also allows me to almost double my strength, and immobilise my enemies for an extended period of time. You can probably identify which of these are active or passive effects."

"Since you mentioned that enhanced capabilities don't count as an ability, there's only one more one to tell you about. This one could be incredibly useful when it comes to improving technology. It's called Technomancy, I found that out by reading about theoretical magic concepts in the library. I can use my mana to manipulate, create, and destroy technological constructs. I can manipulate it by injecting binary code into electronic devices within a limited radius. This allows me to essentially hack into nearby devices and systems without using some convoluted brute-force method. I can override their functions completely because of this. I'll have to show you more of this ability when we get home, it will take too long to explain everything right now!"

Martha's mouth seemed to widen with every word he uttered, she had to pick her jaw back up from the floor before responding, "Fire, Regeneration, Cosmic Energy, Technomancy! Those are insane abilities Sen, each one seems more ridiculous than the last! Especially Technomancy, do you have any idea how much other guilds would pay you to join them, just so that they could take advantage of your ability? Of course, I know you're joining this guild to spend more time with me, I also want you to join so that you can be more safe when it comes those who might bring harm to you."

Sen smiled, warmly, and genuinely at Martha, "Of course! Peter pretty much already scouted me, and I don't intend to sell myself out to anyone. I intend to use my Technomancy for the betterment of the guild, but first and foremost, to help with the evolution of Centropai's technology as a whole!"

Martha beamed, she really did have a wonderful smile, "I'm glad to hear it, that sounds just like you! So, I had another reason for inviting you here in private. How would you feel about exploring a rift filled with adorable giant dogs? It would be your first experience in a Rift, and what better a way to experience it than with giant doggos? After all, Timothy came from the Felinea, the Realm of Colossal Cats."

Sen started to grin, and then broke out in excited laughter. "Let me guess, the one filled with dogs is called 'Canisoris, the Realm of Gigantic Dogs'!"

Martha looked at him in astonishment, "Yes! But how on Earth could you possibly know that?"

Sen chuckled at that statement, which only left Martha feeling even more mystified, "It just seemed logical, Felinea = Cats, Canisoris = Dogs."

Martha nodded, "When you put it that way, it does make a lot of sense!"

"So you're coming with me right?"

"Of course!", Sen replied, he couldn't miss out on this opportunity.

Martha once again led him over to the teleportation circle, and held out her hand to Sen, he took it more confidently this time, and suddenly, they were in a ruined industrial area. It was then that he saw it, A diagonal fissure. It looked as though it was a part of the air itself, except that, on the other side, he could another world on the other side, it was a little blurry though.

'System, please tell me about Canisoris!'

{To learn more about this realm, you must first enter it!}

Martha looked at him, that same, wonderful smile, now filled with excitement. "Well, shall we?"

Sen took a few deep breaths, and nodded, they both walked forwards before climbing carefully into the Rift. What Sen saw on the other side took his breath away.

{Canisoris, the Realm of Giant Dogs!

In the ever-expanding tapestry of the Multiverse lies Canisoris, a realm both captivating and formidable, where enchantment and majesty intertwine in a mesmerizing dance. This realm, shrouded in mystery and wonder, is dominated by colossal canines, whose presence commands respect and admiration.

Canisoris unfolds like an artist's masterpiece, its landscapes a stunning panorama of diversity. Rolling meadows, painted with a kaleidoscope of wildflowers, stretch as far as the eye can see, while verdant forests of towering trees reach towards the heavens. Crystal-clear lakes mirror the boundless sky, reflecting the grandeur of the realm in their still waters.

The inhabitants of Canisoris are the towering guardians of the realm, the giant dogs that roam with grace and dignity. Each step they take resonates with power, their presence evoking a sense of awe and reverence. Their fur is a marvel of color and texture, ranging from the deepest ebony to the purest white, adorned with patterns that seem to tell ancient tales of valor and triumph.

Among them, the Puplings are the youngest and most playful, their curiosity a boundless source of energy. As they grow, they become Young Pooches, their loyalty and devotion forming the foundation of their character. The Loyal Canines stand tall with unwavering dedication, embodying the essence of trust and companionship.

At the apex of this canine hierarchy stand the Guardian Mastiffs, their imposing presence serving as the ultimate shield to protect their realm. The Noble Wolfhounds command both strength and grace, their noble bearing marking them as pillars of Canisoris.

As the sun ascends, bathing the realm in a warm embrace, it reveals the celestial wonders of Canisoris. The night sky comes alive with a celestial dance of stars, each forming the image of a celestial hound, immortalizing the legends and myths of this realm's past.

The air itself seems to hum with a harmonious melody, echoing the bond between the land and its inhabitants. It is a world where nature and magic are seamlessly entwined, where dreams become tangible, and where the extraordinary meets the ordinary.

Within this enchanted realm, the Alpha Sentinels take their place, the paragons of strength and wisdom, guardians of a realm where harmony reigns. And high above them all, the Celestial Alphas stand, their presence a testament to the celestial origins that shape the very essence of Canisoris.

Canisoris, with its breathtaking vistas and towering beings, is a realm that beckons the curious and the daring, offering the promise of uncharted adventures and revelations yet to be unveiled. As the System unveils its secrets, this realm stands as a testament to the infinite wonders that lie within the boundless Multiverse.}

'They even have a ranking system, I wonder what the chances are that I will ever meet a Celestial Alpha! They probably wouldn't even notice me...'

The rift seemed to be a lot larger on this side for some reason, at least by several hundred times, so there was little chance of losing it. The two of them then began to venture further into the realm. One thing was for certain, this would be an adventure that Sen would never forget as long as he lived!

Chapter 2/3 done! I'll leave the usual details at the end in the final chapter in this batch.