Titanella's Evolution!

(A/N: More info dumps in this chapter! Wooo! We all love those!)

{Your contracted beast, Titanella, has initiated her evolution; kindly provide her with emotional support during this transformative phase (If necessary)!}

Sen was taken aback. [ "Evolution? Did you see that, Martha?"]

[ "I did indeed, Sen. Let's move forward and lend our assistance. Given the system's notification, the process seems to be quite arduous."]

[ "You're correct, Martha Direndal. I'm on the cusp of evolving from a mere Pupling into a Young Pooch. It entails a complete transformation, akin to being reborn. My size will increase approximately threefold from my current state. Say farewell to baby fat, and greet muscular definition. My fundamental capabilities will align with those of a C-Rank Hunter, while my empowered state will rival a B-Rank."]

[ "Triple the size? Considering Canisoris is the domain of Giant dogs, your current dimensions must be comparatively diminutive. I could barely leap onto your back before; it seems I might need to invest in a super-jump skill. By the way, given your innate elemental proficiency, will it evolve or will you acquire a fresh element?"]

[ "Both, in fact. My [Lightning Cloak] ability will certainly evolve, and I'll also gain dominion over a new element—most likely water. Moreover, I'll be empowered to physically embody these elements. Thanks to the system, mastering these abilities should progress smoothly. Oh, it's happening now, that really hurts!""

In the grip of agony, Titanella's howls reverberated. She underwent a size increment, with previously undeveloped muscles forming and gaining definition. Concurrently, her colour palette underwent a shift, as muscles and sinews took shape. The excruciating howls ceased as her evolution concluded, leaving Sen in a state of breathless astonishment.

Peter approached Titanella with an air of amazement, "Did we truly witness Titanella's evolution, her metamorphosis from Pupling to Young Pooch? She's beautiful! Pardon my bluntness, but she's transformed from being simply being large to colossal!"

Sen couldn't help but nod in agreement. He took a moment to thoroughly observe Titanella's transformed form.

Titanella had evolved and harnessed the profound energies of water and lightning, her once warm and earthy fur underwent a captivating transformation. Her new colour scheme now reflected the vibrant essence of her elemental prowess, turning her appearance into a mesmerising display of nature's most powerful forces.

Her fur, once a blend of warm earth tones, had shimmered with the iridescence of water and lightning. The base of her coat had taken on a lustrous azure hue, reminiscent of the tranquil depths of the ocean. Subtle ripples of cerulean and aquamarine had cascaded across her body, resembling the gentle movement of water in a serene lake.

Interwoven with her aquatic palette were streaks of electrifying silver and vibrant sapphire, weaving through her fur like intricate veins of lightning. These streaks had pulsed with inner energy, evoking the mesmerising dance of lightning bolts illuminating a stormy night sky.

As she moved, the colours had shifted and blended harmoniously, evoking the dynamic interplay between water and lightning. Her eyes, once amber orbs of wisdom, had gleamed with an ethereal fusion of azure and silver, reflecting the dual nature of her elemental mastery.

Overall, Titanella's evolved colour scheme had captured the essence of her dual elemental embodiments, showcasing her transformation into a living embodiment of water and lightning. Her appearance had resonated with the raw power and elegance of these elements, making her a truly awe-inspiring presence in the realm of mystical creatures.

Her eyes, once warm amber orbs, underwent a stunning metamorphosis. The new depths of her power were reflected in the profound change of her eye colour, turning them into a captivating blend of hues that resonated with her dual elemental nature.

Her eyes, now adorned with an enchanting fusion of shades, had taken on a mesmerising dual-toned appearance. The outer rim of her irises had adopted a deep and rich sapphire hue, reminiscent of the endless depths of the ocean. This outer ring had encircled her pupils like a halo of underwater tranquillity.

At the heart of her irises, a radiant and luminous silver had emerged, gleaming with an otherworldly brilliance. This inner core of her eyes had mirrored the vibrant intensity of lightning in a storm, evoking the raw power and energy of the element.

With every glance, her eyes had emanated an ethereal radiance, reflecting the harmonious union of water and lightning within her being. This transformation had not only altered her physical appearance but had also deepened the connection between her essence and the elemental forces she now embodied.

Sen accessed Titanella's Innate Abilities page and immediately noticed some significant changes!

{Innate Element 1: [Thunderstride Aura]

Description: As Titanella's power evolves, her [Lightning Cloak] transforms into the potent [Thunderstride Aura]. Infused with mana, her fur crackles with electric energy, enhancing her physical and mental attributes.

Physical Enhancement: The electric energy enveloping her form significantly augments her strength, endurance, and reflexes. Her muscles become infused with a surge of power, allowing her to deliver more forceful strikes and endure longer in battles. Her reflexes sharpen to an extraordinary level, enabling her to swiftly dodge attacks and react with lightning speed.

Mental Empowerment: The electric currents that surge through her body also stimulate her cognitive functions. This mental boost heightens her alertness, perception, and strategic thinking. Her thoughts become sharper, enabling her to analyse situations swiftly and make split-second decisions with remarkable accuracy.

Enhanced Speed and Agility: The aura grants her unparalleled swiftness, akin to a lightning bolt. She can move with incredible agility, making her a blur on the battlefield. This heightened speed allows her to close the distance between her and opponents swiftly, and evade attacks with finesse.

Defensive Charge: Upon contact, opponents are jolted by the electric energy, delivering a shock that hinders their attacks. This serves as both an offensive and defensive advantage, as enemies are discouraged from striking her directly, while she can exploit their momentary vulnerability.

Charged Presence: With each movement, sparks of lightning form around her, creating an electrifying aura that leaves a trail of charged energy. This presence not only dazzles opponents but also offers a glimpse of the immense power she wields.

Mana Consumption: The aura's intensity can be adjusted, with greater power requiring more mana. Titanella can summon and maintain this aura at will, allowing her to control the balance between energy consumption and its benefits.}

{Innate Element 2: Hydroshock Infusion

Description: As Titanella's evolution progresses, a new dimension of power awakens within her—the innate water element called [Hydroshock Infusion]. This elemental infusion enhances her combat capabilities and introduces versatility to her fighting style.

Water Manipulation: With mastery over water, Titanella gains the ability to conjure and control water in various forms. She can create aquatic projectiles, water whips, and watery barriers, leveraging the element's fluid nature for both offense and defense.

Hydro-Empowerment: The infusion of water enhances her physical attributes, granting a boost in strength and resilience. Her strikes gain a water-infused impact, delivering both physical and water-based damage to opponents. This synergy of elements allows her to exploit the vulnerabilities of foes weak to water.

Fluid Movement: The water element's presence affords her unmatched agility, as she can fluidly navigate her surroundings. She can perform graceful water-based movements, evading attacks and positioning herself strategically on the battlefield.

Aqueous Defense: Titanella can mould water into defensive structures, generating protective barriers or redirecting enemy attacks. These watery shields offer additional layers of protection, reducing incoming damage from both physical and elemental assaults.

Hydroshock Impact: By condensing water into projectiles, Titanella can unleash powerful Hydroshock impacts upon her foes. These high-velocity water projectiles possess the force to knock back opponents and drench them, impairing their movement and causing discomfort.

Dual Elemental Synergy: Titanella's mastery over both lightning and water elements allows her to combine their effects for devastating attacks. The synergy between lightning and water results in electrified water attacks that amplify damage and temporarily paralyse enemies.

Fluidic Regeneration: Immersed in water, Titanella can channel the element's rejuvenating properties to accelerate her natural healing processes. This ability aids in recovery during and after battles, increasing her endurance and survivability.

Mana Harmonisation: As with her [Thunderstride Aura], Titanella can regulate the infusion of the water element, managing mana consumption based on the intensity of the infusion.

The acquisition of the [Hydroshock Infusion] further enhances Titanella's prowess, imbuing her with the dual power of lightning and water. This combination of elements grants her adaptability across a wide range of scenarios, making her an even more formidable presence in the ever-evolving world of battles.}

{Physical Elemental Embodiment:

Elemental Embodiment: Water

Description: As an embodiment of water, Titanella can transform herself into a fluid form of aqueous energy. In this state, she gains unparalleled mobility and can pass through obstacles as effortlessly as water flows. Her attacks manifest as powerful water-based assaults, capable of drenching, immobilising, and wearing down foes over time. The elemental embodiment grants her an ethereal grace, enabling her to traverse terrains that were once challenging to navigate.

Elemental Embodiment: Lightning

Description: When Titanella becomes the embodiment of lightning, she becomes a living surge of electrifying energy. In this form, she moves at blinding speeds, allowing her to dart across the battlefield with lightning-like agility. Her attacks are imbued with shocking power, delivering both physical and electrical damage to adversaries. As a lightning embodiment, she can also manipulate her form to briefly appear as shimmering arcs of lightning, confounding opponents with her evasive maneuvers.

Dual Elemental Fusion: AquaVolt Ascendancy

Description: Upon achieving mastery over both water and lightning, Titanella can seamlessly merge her two elemental embodiments to create the awe-inspiring fusion known as [Thunderstorm Ascendance]. In this form, she wields the combined might of water and lightning, producing cataclysmic storms that ravage the battlefield. Thunderstorm Ascendance grants her the ability to generate thunderclouds, rain down electrified water torrents, and release devastating lightning strikes. The fusion synergises the fluid grace of water with the electrifying fury of lightning, making her attacks both unpredictable and devastatingly effective.

The mastery over these dual elemental embodiments and their fusion transforms Titanella into a force of nature, capable of unleashing elemental chaos upon her foes. Her ability to seamlessly transition between these states and harness their immense power sets her apart as a truly exceptional entity, fusing the ethereal elements of water and lightning into an embodiment of raw elemental supremacy.}

Sen was marveling at Titanella's evolution information, and even Martha looked impressed. Titanella underwent a transformation, embodying both her Lightning and Water elements. The entire guild was in awe, and even Arkan appeared surprised. Suddenly, two new messages from what seemed suspiciously doglike names appeared in the party chat.

[ "I see that a human has successfully formed a Beast Contract after 60 years—a relatively short span for us, yet quite lengthy for mortals."]

[ "Indeed, it appears that the time has come to bestow our gifts once more!"]

Sen blinked rapidly, then spoke up, [ "You're aware I can hear you both. Who are you, and how are you using my party chat? My apologies if I sound disrespectful."]

[ "Oh!"]

[ "This human is certainly bold!"]

Sen realized that this situation was about to become far more complex. It seemed he was conversing with beings who may even be superior to the Celestial Alphas. After all, they'd somehow managed to use part of the all-powerful system's functionality!

Part 2 has reached its conclusion! An intriguing ending (I hope)! As usual, feel free to share your rating/review and, if you'd like, leave a power stone. But, remember, this is all up to you. With just 3 more chapters left, Volume 1 is on the brink of completion! Until next time, peace out!