Self Reflection, The truth, Martha's response!

For the first time in ages, Sen found himself embracing his social life once again. He had always been resolute in tackling challenges single-handedly, rarely seeking the support of others. Trusting in the prowess of his all-powerful Omni System, he believed it could guide him through any obstacle. As the system seemed to evolve with some form of awareness, Sen even began to view it as a friend. However, spending time with his guild members and Martha in town served as a wake-up call. While simulated training against imaginary foes was valuable, engaging in real activities with fellow human beings proved to be an even more enriching experience.

In that moment, a sense of self-fulfillment and satisfaction washed over Sen, unlike anything he had felt in ages. The thrill of training with an actual, living opponent would undoubtedly bring him exponentially better results. While he valued the benefits of [Simulation Mode], he couldn't help but yearn for a future where the virtual opponents possessed genuine personalities.

As he strolled back home, a hopeful glimmer in his eyes, Sen couldn't shake the thought that someday, the Omni System might evolve into something far beyond his imagination. A world where virtual training would be an experience akin to sparring with real companions, each with their own unique traits and characteristics. The very idea of such technological advancements fueled his curiosity and anticipation.

'I really do hope that there will be something like that in the future,' Sen was determined to keep exploring the possibilities that lay ahead. The prospect of merging technology and genuine human connections filled him with an undeniable sense of wonder, paving the way for exciting adventures on the horizon.

{Of course there will be something like that, you just have to pluck up the courage to tell someone you absolutely trust, about the system. After that, you will unlock the [Party] function, which will be especially useful when training with someone who's significantly stronger than you!}

"Oh! That's great to know, thank you for telling me this! There's only one person I can tell currently, but I can only do it when me and Martha are alone," Sen thought to himself, excitement and curiosity bubbling inside him. He couldn't help but feel grateful for the helpful insights from the Omni System.

Sen and the others were currently walking home, Sen slightly tipsy but otherwise fine. In contrast, Titanella kept stumbling from side to side, her large form proving challenging to manoeuvre. Some of the guild members tried to help her along, but she unintentionally almost trampled a few in the process, prompting her to let out apologetic doggy noises. Despite the clumsiness, everyone seemed to find it endearing, and the journey back was filled with laughter and camaraderie.

Sen had made some progress in getting to know his fellow guild members. Among them were Ravenna, whom he had already been introduced to. Now, he also knew the names of four others.

Skorlen Torgensud, a Mage in his 30s, had a pale complexion, short brown hair, and piercing eyes that seemed to see into the depths of one's soul whenever he made eye contact.

Lythandra Doxenbard, a Bard-Mage, possessed an ageless grace and beauty, typical of her Elven heritage. Despite being in her early 70s, she appeared as young and vibrant as a twenty-year-old human. Her voice exuded a gentle and calming quality, a characteristic shared by most Elves. Though her demeanour might seem distant or aloof to some, Sen knew that it was simply a result of her wisdom and life experience. In Elven society, being in one's 70s was considered incredibly young, as Elves typically enjoyed lifespans of 500 years or more.

Zethin Borundel, an Alchemist, stood out among the others. Unlike the majority of Orcs who were known for their warrior prowess, Zethin seemed more like a scholar. He was in his mid to late 40s, and his interests seemed to lie more in the pursuit of knowledge and understanding.

As Sen continued his journey with the guild, he knew that there were still many more names and personalities to learn about. Each member brought a unique skill set and perspective to the table, and he looked forward to getting to know them all better. The Mooncry guild was a diverse group, but united by their common goals and the camaraderie that was already starting to form among them.

Finally, the last member to be introduced was Arkan Fonsen, a genderless and seemingly ageless being known as a "Diamond Celestial." Arkan's appearance was truly awe-inspiring, as their skin seemed to shimmer and sparkle like solid diamond. Their ethereal countenance gave them a godlike presence, though they were not actual godly beings; it was simply the nature of their appearance.

Hailing from the realm of "Luminaris Sanctum," a domain filled with beings like Arkan, each distinguished by their unique colors. In that realm, these celestial beings, known as Demigods, held unparalleled power and authority. However, Arkan had been exiled from their homeland, a revelation that intrigued Sen.

Curiosity piqued, Sen turned to the Omni System for more information. 'System, can you tell me anything about the hierarchy in the Luminaris Sanctum?', he inquired, eager to delve deeper into the mysteries of Arkan's origin.

{Certainly, since the host has come in contact with with a Diamond Celestial, I was able to find that information...}

{Prismatic Divinities: The supreme ruling species in the Luminaris Sanctum, embodying unimaginable power, wisdom, and cosmic harmony. Each Prismatic Divinity represents a different facet of existence, shaping the fabric of the realm. They remain distant, seldom intervening directly in lower beings' affairs, bestowing gifts upon the worthy. Dwelling in a celestial citadel at the realm's heart, they inspire awe and reverence among all inhabitants.

Luminarix Highborne: The ruling species of Luminaris Sanctum, known for their unparalleled wisdom and power.

Diamond Celestials: In the Luminaris Sanctum, the genderless and ageless humanoid Diamond Celestials hold a revered position between Aurorian Seraphs and Luminarix Highborne in the hierarchy of beings. Their skin sparkles like solid diamond, emanating an otherworldly radiance that befits their godlike appearance. Though not true deities, their majestic presence and attire evoke a sense of divine power. Peaceful and benevolent, Diamond Celestials work in harmony with other species to maintain balance and prosperity in their dimension.

Aurorean Seraphs: Beings of pure light and divine essence, guardians of the celestial balance.

Eclipse Sentinels: Masters of the shadows, skilled in manipulating darkness for both protection and attack.

Sylvan Elders: Wise and ancient protectors of the mystical forests, possessing a profound connection with nature.

Ethereal Spectra: Mysterious beings able to phase in and out of existence, possessing a cosmic understanding of reality.

Nimbus Archons: Celestial heralds and messengers, embodying the power of the elements and cosmic forces.

Astral Aegis: Celestial warriors with the ability to conjure ethereal shields, shielding their allies from harm.

Each species contributes to the intricate tapestry of the Luminaris Sanctum, each with their unique abilities and roles within the realm.

More Info will be unlocked after visiting the Luminaris Sanctum!}

'I see, that definitely makes sense. I can't imagine why they got exiled, though; it seemed like a sensitive topic. I'll ask when the time is right,' Sen mused in his thoughts, contemplating the mysteries surrounding the enigmatic beings of Luminaris Sanctum.

As they neared home, Sen caught sight of it out of the corner of his eye. Surprisingly, he hadn't received any notifications from the micro-surveillance system he had set up. Then again, spending most of the day in Canisoris meant that his Mana signature wouldn't have reached his phone. 'Oh well,' he thought, 'they'll probably be staying away for a while, especially since so many witnesses were present at the scene.' Sen dismissed any concerns, his mind preoccupied with the exciting encounters and new discoveries from the day's adventure.

As they reached the front gate, the other guild members bid their farewells, and they parted ways. Sen and Martha unlocked the gate, and it securely locked itself behind them. It was evident that no one had broken in during their absence, and Sen couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, feeling a sense of reassurance in the security measures.

It was no secret that several organizations were likely monitoring Martha's every movement, given her influential position in the guild. Sen glanced at the door, about to enter their home when Martha's keen perception stopped him in his tracks. "I can tell there's something on your mind, Sen. You know you can share anything with me," she said, her eyes warm and understanding. Sen knew he could trust her, and he decided it was time to reveal the truth about his knowledge of the hound hierarchy and the system that had brought him this far.

Sen grinned sheepishly at Martha's perceptiveness. "You're always sharp as a tack, Martha. Let's discuss it inside; these walls outside have ears."

Martha nodded in agreement, and they both stepped inside the house. As Martha appeared on the surveillance camera, Sen's phone buzzed with a notification. 'Ah, looks like the surveillance system is working perfectly. Good to know,' he thought.

Settling down in the living room, Sen took a moment to collect his thoughts. "Well, you see, I've been meaning to tell you about something important," he began. "It's about the hound hierarchy and the system I encountered."

Martha leaned forward, her curiosity piqued. "Go on," she encouraged, giving him her full attention.

Sen let out another long, drawn-out sigh (A/N: I know, there's been a lot of sighing this chapter), "There's another part of my power that I've been wanting to tell you about, but I wasn't sure how to go about it. You've kind of accepted that I have so many abilities a lot more easily than I thought you would."

Martha smiled gently, reaching out to hold his hand. "You don't have to worry about how to tell me, Sen. I trust you, and I know that you'll always do what's best for us and the guild. Whatever it is, I'm here to listen."

Encouraged by Martha's support, Sen took a deep breath and began to explain his encounter with the hound hierarchy and the fascinating abilities he had unlocked. As he spoke, Martha's eyes sparkled with interest and wonder, hanging on to every word he said.

"I never imagined that joining the guild would lead to all of this," Sen chuckled softly, feeling a sense of relief as he shared his secret with his beloved wife and guildmaster. "But I'm glad I have you by my side through all of it."

'System, does that count as indirectly telling her?'

{Yes, you have fulfilled the conditions to unlock the [Party] function. Just use it as a thought command like you always do, followed by "Invite Martha Direndal."}

'Perfect! Thank god!'

'[Party] Invite Martha Direndal.'

Martha immediately leaped backward, her eyes fixed on the black and red object that appeared in front of her. To her shock, it seemed to follow her every movement! "Sen, what the actual f*ck is this? This isn't what you were trying to tell me about, right?"

Sen couldn't help but laugh at her reaction, though he felt a tinge of guilt for not explaining it better. She still looked extremely confused, but there was a hint of anger in her expression now. "That's exactly how I reacted the first time I saw it too, except I freaked out even more. I didn't have a clue what was going on."

"Just tap the YES button or think about it in your head, it'll be easier that way."

'System, once she does that, please explain everything to her, and ensure she gains access to all the functions I have when using the system. You know how much I trust her, she's someone I'd trust with my life!'

{Of course, she is indeed trustworthy! I will make sure she has access to all of the same permissions as you, except for Party management itself, that is currently out of my jurisdiction.}

"Martha, are you seeing a bunch of information right now?" Sen asked cautiously.

Martha nodded, still looking very nervous, "Yes, it's telling me about something called The Omni System, wait, is this why you've been able to gain these powers so quickly?"

"Yes, this is the reason for that, without it, I wouldn't have been able to awaken my abilities if it hadn't been for the System. You're accepting this a little too quickly, what kind of insanity have you seen in your life that makes you so willing to accept this as a reality?" Sen inquired, genuinely curious about her perspective.

Martha laughed bitterly at that question, "You'd be surprised, when you face cataclysm-level beasts all of the time, you see all sorts of weird and wacky sh*t! While the existence of a reality-breaking cheat system is definitely up there, it is nowhere near as crazy as some other things I've experienced!"

Sen stared at her, he'd already respected her, but his respect for her rose to new heights. Martha smirked at him, "The system is telling me that you respect me more now, being able to read emotions perfectly is very useful! So, let's see how this works, [Status]!"

This time, instead of a window only being visible to Sen, since they were using the party function, and he could now see her status window as well.

Name: Martha Direndal (Sword Empress)

HP: 46.45Qd/46.45Qd (A/N: Qd = Quadrillion)

MP: 398.06Qd/398.06Qd


Level: 579 (10.2Sp/3.21Oc) (A/N: Sp = Septillion, Oc = Octillion, reduced the scaling here)

Rank: S-Rank Hunter (Peak)

Title: Sage


STR: 1904

PHY: 1930

AGI: 1897

DEX: 1922

INT: 1784

WIS: 1753

VIT: 2029

END: 1900

STA: 1896

Stat Points: 5790

Sen was taken aback; Martha was an S-Rank Hunter, but this was just insane! Without having a System like him, she must have accumulated an absurd amount of Stat Points, possibly enough to reach at least SS-Rank. He couldn't keep this from her. This unexpected turn of events made him eager to share everything with her, and he was hopeful that with her immense potential, their progress speed would skyrocket!

And that wraps up another chapter! I'm taking my time to carefully write and edit each installment. While I might incorporate some new words, don't worry, I won't go overboard like the System's extravagant descriptions!

As always, your feedback is valuable to me. If you enjoyed the chapter, consider leaving a rating, review, or even a power stone. But remember, there's no pressure at all! Until next time, take care and peace out!