INTERLUDE- Captain Carter pt2

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⭐As of now, Pat reon is 9 chapters ahead⭐

(No double billing) (Exclusive NSFW chapters only on pat reon)


Red Skull turned his attention toward them, "Ah! Welcome. Captain. It seems you couldn't resist the temptation to confront me once again," He sneered, his voice dripping with arrogance.

Captain Carter stood tall, her gaze fixed on her arch-nemesis. She could feel the weight of their shared history, the pain and loss he had inflicted upon her and her loved ones. But she refused to let her emotions cloud her judgment. She had a mission to accomplish, and taking down the Red Skull was an integral part of it.

"Red Skull," she replied, her voice steady and resolute. "Let's end this today, once and for all."

"End this? Oh, my dear Captain, you never learn, do you?" Red Skull mocked, a sinister smile creeping across his face. "You and your pitiful allies think you can stop me, but I am beyond your comprehension. Why do you think I have invited you here, into my territory?"


Red Skull chuckled, reveling in his own superiority. His eyes gleamed with a mixture of madness and cunning, fully embracing his role as the megalomaniacal mastermind.

"You see, Captain, I wanted to give you a front-row seat to witness my triumph, so I brought you here," he taunted, his voice dripping with contempt. "I have perfected a weapon—a device that will reshape the world in my image. Once activated, it will cleanse this world from filths and there will be only one ruler, HYDRA!"

Captain Carter's expression remained stoic, but a flicker of concern crossed her eyes as Red Skull revealed his sinister plan. The stakes had been raised, and she knew the gravity of the situation. She had faced evil before, but the stakes had never been this high. She had to stop Red Skull and prevent the catastrophic consequences his device could bring.

"Your delusions of grandeur will be your downfall, Red Skull," she retorted, her voice unwavering. "Your thirst for power blinds you to the fact that you'll never succeed."

Black Bolt walked before her and opened his mouth, targeting Red Skull, "This ends now!"

His voice reverberated through the chamber, a silent yet devastating force that struck with unimaginable power. But, a force field materialized around Red Skull, shielding him from the impending attack.

Red Skull smirked, clearly prepared for such a confrontation. "Did you really think it would be that easy, Captain?" he taunted, his voice laced with arrogance. "I am no fool. I have taken precautions against your feeble attempts to stop me."

With a swift and precise throw, Captain Carter unleashed her shield, aiming to shatter the metal bridge beneath Red Skull's feet. The shield whirled through the air with incredible speed and accuracy, hurtling toward its target.

However, Red Skull was not one to be caught off guard easily. He swiftly leaped into the air, evading the oncoming projectile with a grace that belied his menacing presence. The shield collided with the bridge, sending shards of metal flying in all directions, but Red Skull remained unscathed, hovering in mid-air.

She caught as the shield came back to her as always.

"You'll have to try harder than that, Captain," Red Skull sneered, his eyes gleaming with triumph. "I've studied your tactics, your every move. You're nothing more than a predictable relic of the past."

Captain Carter's jaw clenched as she assessed the situation. She couldn't allow Red Skull's taunts to distract her.

"Destroy the ceiling," She turned toward Black Bolt, "Johnny, be ready." She said through the communication device.

Black Bolt nodded in response, with a focused gaze, he directed his attention toward the ceiling of the chamber. The air around him crackled with energy as he prepared to unleash a powerful blast that would bring down the entire structure.

Meanwhile, Johnny Storm positioned himself strategically, ready to respond.

"Wait! What are you planning?" Red Skull looked troubled, "If you unleash such power in here, the entire mountain will come crashing down on us. You will die!"

"I don't think so," She took up her shield and Black Bold channeled his energy to create a barrier of highly active electrons around them with a wave of his hand. Then he unleashed his voice.

A deafening roar echoed through the chamber. The force of his power shook the very foundations of the Hydra base, causing the ceiling to tremble and cracks to appear on its surface. Dust and debris rained down as the chamber became enveloped in chaos.

The barrier of highly active electrons generated by Black Bolt shielded them from the impending collapse as he used Anti-Gravitons to levitate both of them into the sky.

"Burn everything to the ground, Johnny," Captain Carter yelled.

"Flaming inferno, coming right up..." He focused his power, summoning intense flames that engulfed the chamber. The scorching heat consumed everything in its path, reducing Hydra's operations to ashes.

As the flames raged below, Captain Carter and Black Bolt floated safely above the chaos, shielded by the barrier of electrons. They observed the destruction, knowing that their mission was far from over.

However, to their surprise, Red Skull and six of his minions burst out from the flaming base and flew into the air.

Captain Carter's eyes narrowed as she witnessed Red Skull and his minions escape the destruction. She knew they couldn't let them get away. Their mission to stop Hydra and the Red Skull had to be completed.

"Johnny, Black Bolt, after them!" she commanded, her voice cutting through the chaos. "We can't let them escape!"

Johnny Storm immediately took to the air, soaring through the smoke and flames with incredible speed. Flames trailed behind him as he pursued Red Skull and his minions, determined to intercept them before they could disappear.

Black Bolt, still maintaining the barrier of electrons around Captain Carter, followed closely behind, his expression focused and determined. He unleashed a powerful blast from his voice, directing it toward the escaping Hydra agent.

It caught one of the six agents and his body disintegrated instantly. Then, Black Bolt threw Captain Carter forward with blinding speed.

As Captain Carter flew through the air, she hurled her shield with precision and force, targeting another escaping Hydra agent. The shield sliced him in half. Black Bolt quickly covered her shoes with Anti-Gravitons particles, allowing her to fly and jump as high as she wants or as fast as she wants to fly.

"Leave the agents to us... Go after that red face, Captain" Johnny yelled with a smirk.

She nodded, her eyes focused on Red Skull as she soared through the air, propelled by the Anti-Gravitons. She maintained her speed, closing the distance between herself and Red Skull, determined to prevent his escape.

Red Skull glanced back, a mixture of surprise and frustration evident on his face as he realized Captain Carter was hot on his trail. He maneuvered through the air, attempting to evade her pursuit, but she matched his every move, her agility, and speed honed by years of training.

Their chase took them through the skies, above the mountainous terrain surrounding the Hydra base. Captain Carter could feel the wind rushing past her, her determination fueling her pursuit. She knew that capturing Red Skull was crucial to their mission and the safety of countless lives.

Red Skull, realizing that he couldn't shake off Captain Carter, changed tactics. He veered sharply and dived toward the dense forest below. The canopy of trees offered him cover, a chance to disappear from her sight.

Suddenly, her phone rang. She saw the caller ID on her smartwatch. It was from Brian. They were supposed to go on a date today and with the sudden news about the Hydra and Red Skull... she forgot to inform Brian.

She took the call.

"Hello?" her voice came through the phone, slightly breathless.

[Chapter: 7 first part. So, I won't be writing the dialogues again.]

"Goodbye, Captain." The call got disconnected from the other side. Brian made it clear that it's better for them to pursue what matters most in their life. For her, it's being a Superhero and her ever-ending duties which she always prioritizes before anything. He broke up with her.

Captain Carter's heart sank as the call abruptly ended. She knew that being a superhero meant making sacrifices, but that didn't make it any easier to accept the loss of a personal connection. She couldn't dwell on it now, though. The mission still needed her undivided attention.

Focusing back on the pursuit, she dove down through the dense forest, following the path Red Skull had taken. The trees whipped past her as she maneuvered through the narrow gaps, pushing her body to the limits of her enhanced abilities. She could sense Red Skull's presence ahead, a malevolent force driving him forward.

Captain Carter emerged from the forest, finding herself in a clearing. Red Skull stood at the edge, his back turned to her, seemingly confident in his escape. She landed gracefully, her eyes locked on her target.

"Red Skull!" she called out, her voice carrying a mix of determination and anger.

Red Skull turned around, a smirk on his face. "Ah, Captain, always persistent," he taunted, his voice dripping with contempt. "But this is where your pursuit ends."

She tightened her grip on her shield, preparing for the final confrontation. "Not today, Red Skull. This is where it ends." She rushed toward him.

With a burst of speed, Captain Carter closed the distance between herself and Red Skull in an instant. She swung her shield with all her might, aiming to knock him off balance and gain the upper hand. But Red Skull was no ordinary opponent. He sidestepped her attack with a calculated grace, his movements almost inhuman.

Red Skull retaliated with a series of lightning-fast strikes, each blow infused with his enhanced strength. Captain Carter deflected his attacks with her shield, her training and reflexes allowing her to match his speed and precision. Their clash sent shockwaves through the clearing, the force of their blows creating small craters in the ground.

The fight between them was intense, a battle of wills and skill. Red Skull's combat prowess was formidable, but Captain Carter's determination and unwavering spirit pushed her to fight with everything she had. She landed a powerful kick, sending Red Skull sprawling backward.

But Red Skull quickly regained his footing, a twisted smile crossing his face. "Impressive, Captain," he hissed, blood trickling from a cut on his lip. "But I am afraid, I don't have time to play with you anymore." He took out a small device and pressed a button.

A shimmering blue portal opened behind him.

Captain Carter's eyes narrowed as she witnessed the portal opening behind Red Skull. She recognized it as a gateway to another dimension, a means of escape that he had prepared in advance. She couldn't let him flee and potentially unleash chaos elsewhere.

"The reason I called you today is to let you know that in the coming years, a threat bigger than me, and greater than anything you have encountered will appear on Earth. So, make your preparations because it's a threat even I can not evade. I'd rather pick a fight you Illumanaties than face him. But in case you fail, I have taken certain measures..."

Red Skull took a step backward.

"If I can not have Earth, then no one will... I did rather see it going up in flames than to be his slave..."

He jumped into the portal.

Captain Carter at that exact moment threw her shield with precision, aiming to strike Red Skull before he disappeared into the portal. The shield whirled through the air, propelled by her strength, and disappeared beyond as the portal closed.

She felt a mix of frustration and determination. Red Skull had slipped through her fingers once again, but she knew that their encounter had revealed valuable information. His mention of a greater threat on Earth intrigued her, and she made a mental note to investigate further.

She called Reed Richards, "Track down the tracker on my shield. I will explain the rest at the headquarters, gather everyone, we have an emergency situation on our hands."

***[POWER STONES]****[Drop some more ps for daily update.]