Michael's eyes widened with horror, "What are you babbling on about bitch? It was your idea from the beginning."

What the fuck?! It was Rachel!

"My idea?" I manipulated Rachel's imagery to speak according to Michael's words. "You were the one who wanted Brian's money, not me!"

Michael shook his head violently, "No... No... Rachel! What are you saying? I love you!"

Love my ass! Looks like that bitch played him for a fool too.

"LOVE?!" Rachel glared at Michael furiously, "You never loved me. You just wanted Brian's money and fame! You wanted to kill his friends and family in the name of revenge for your mother's death. No, even before that you were always jealous of him, weren't you?"

Michael screamed as he dashed over to Rachel and grabbed her throat, pushing her down on the ground, "You fucking bitch! You are the one who tried to kill him first... You rigged the gas cylinder in his apartment that night when you visited him, and now you are pretending to be an innocent bitch!"

Rachel struggled against Michael's grip, gasping for breath, "I rigged nothing! That was all YOUR plan!"

WHAT?! That explosion was her doing?

"You said that if you can't have him, you will destroy him. That night you were about to confess to him after he told you about his breakup, but when you went to his apartment that night, he wanted your help to fix their relationship... What was that you said about Brian's fight with Peggy just before she got stranded in the Quantum realm and was feeling guilty about it..." Michael punched Rachel's imagery repeatedly. "THAT HE WANTED TO DO SOMETHING SPECIAL FOR HER AND THAT HE LOVES HER SO MUCH!! YOU GOT SO ANGRY THAT YOU TRIED TO KILL HIM!"

That bitch! So it was Rachel all along...

Rachel glared at Michael angrily, "I did not..."

"Yea, you did, bitch! Just like how you came to ride my dick after bailing me out of prison and claiming that you LOVE ME!" Michael gripped her neck tighter, choking her. "And that you wanted to help me destroy Brian for ruining our lives! You were the one who told me that you became an addict and lost all your fortune after that incident... I may have become hyper after getting out, but you... You snake motherfucking bitch! I will kill you..."

Fuck! It seems Michael was also being played by Rachel. That bitch!

I flicked my finger. Rachel's imagery disappeared, leaving Michael confused. He looked back at me with a baffled expression on his face.

"Rachel...? Where did she go?"

"Thank you for your confession. Even though Rachel manipulated you, it was your choice to follow through in the end," I grabbed his throat and flew up in the sky, "I gave you a chance back then, Michael, but you just had to throw it away. Now, you have exhausted all your options..."

"Don't... Brian... It's all her fault. She is the one..." He struggled against my grip pathetically.

"It's too late, Michael... Rachel may have planted the idea in your head, but it was YOU who decided to follow it through. She fucked you and you became her bitch, pathetic. This time I won't make the same mistake as I did back then... I will eliminate anyone and everyone who dares to hurt my friends, family, and my girls... So, goodbye, old friend... I wish you rest in peace..."

Michael gasped desperately, "Brian... Wait... Please... I know her location. I will tell you, just let me go... Yeah? Kill her... I will just disappear... Ok?"

"Location?" I smirked, "And where is your mistress hiding?"

"She is hiding at Boulviers Mansion in France. She bought that mansion under fake identities and has been living there..." Michael pleaded desperately.

France huh... Interesting.

"Ok... Thank you for the information..."

"Haha... You will let me go, right?" He grinned hopefully.

I nodded, "Of course..."

Michael sighed in relief, "Thank you... Brian... My man..."

I let him go, just like he wanted...

Michael fell freely from hundreds of meters above the ground towards the ground with a scream.


His body smashed into pieces as he hit the ground like a watermelon, painting the entire area with blood. The civilians and police officers around flinched in surprise as they stared at his splattered body in horror. MJ closed her eyes and turned away.

Damn! That felt satisfying!

[Skill: Reality Wrapping] I used my cosmic skill to make the people forget my face and MJ's and took her away from the splattered scene.

"How does it feel?" She asked as we left the place behind.

"What?" I flew down on a rooftop.

"Taking someone's life... How does it feel?" She gazed at me seriously.

"Honestly..." I sat down on the edge of the roof, "I never wanted to kill him or anyone. But you see, this world isn't fair... People commit crimes and get away with them, while others suffer... Even if you try to do good, someone will be there to twist everything and make it look ugly... So, if you are asking for my feelings... Then I am relieved that there is one less scum living on the face of the earth..."

MJ nodded and looked down, "This isn't a perfect world, is it..."

"Nope. Nothing is perfect, not the government, not even superheroes... What does it say? For evil to prosper, all it takes is good men to do nothing... Sometimes we don't have any option other than to fight, right?"

"Yeah..." She agreed and added, "We didn't have an option either. They would have killed me or worse... And that makes you different from those supervillains or corrupted government officials or anybody, for that matter... Because in the end, we choose to stand up and do something, while the others chose to hide in their holes and do nothing... Just like those people who watched me in trouble and did nothing to lend a hand. I am sure there were many mutants among them with hero licenses, yet they turned their backs and did nothing."

"That's why the hero organization I am going to create won't have anything to do with the government or Illuminati. We will just be there to help civilians while keeping a low profile and root out those coward heroes..."

She smirked, "Like a bunch of underground vigilantes... I like it."

"Underground, huh?" I chuckled, "Well, Illuminati and Shield got their base above the ground, so we should have one under the ground."

She blinked a few times and laughed.

"I didn't mean that underground... Hahaha... Idiot!"

"Why? Aww..." I acted hurt by her mocking words.

After a few seconds of giggling, we returned serious.

"Now, tell me. How are you so calm after watching such a scene? I remember back then when I first saved you and bashed those fuckers, you looked calm. I was like what? How can she be so rational after going through such an experience... Tell me, MJ... What are you hiding in that closed heart of yours?" I grabbed her hand and asked, feeling the desire to connect with this girl on another level.

MJ sighed and took a deep breath...

"I wasn't always like this, you see. There was a time when I was normal, excited about my birthday, and did stupid teenage things. But things changed when my dad lost his job and started drinking... Things began to take a downturn as my family fell into debt, and the landlords began to threaten us. Our lives were ruined by a loan shark..." She looked at the sky as she leaned back on the wall.

I could tell from her eyes that she was struggling, battling the pain in the back of her mind.

She continued, her voice filled with despair and grief, "That day was my 14th birthday, and despite my family falling into a difficult situation, my mom saved money and bought me a cake. But my dad found out and started beating us all... All I remembered was cowering under my bed. I heard the screams and shouting, and I was scared... Then I heard the sound of glass shattering and wood creaking..."

She paused for a minute before continuing, "When I realized it was over and all became silent, I crawled out from my hiding place. All I found was blood on the floor, two bodies lying before my eyes... A woman and a man lying on the ground... covered in blood. There wasn't any heartbeat nor was there any breath... Nothing..."

I squeezed her hand tighter in my palm, trying my best not to interrupt her story...

"Mom... Dad... Their dead bodies just lay there in a pool of blood..." Tears fell from her eyes. "I still remember holding my mom's hand and calling her... I was just a kid back then. How would I know what to do in a situation like that? When the people next door came over and found me crying near the bodies... They took me out of the house and contacted the police. Later I heard that dad stabbed mom with a broken beer bottle and mom grabbed a broken shard and stabbed him in his neck while defending herself. But he... That monster kept stabbing her until he felt satisfied..."

She gripped my hands back and leaned on me, burying her face in my chest as she wailed and wept.

"But he slipped on her blood and hit his neck on the stairs. That's how he died, drowning in a pool of his own blood..."

I consoled her as I held her.

"I was so afraid back then that I couldn't even move... If I had just gathered enough courage and stepped out of that closet... My mom could have survived!" MJ wailed in pain.

"Shh... It wasn't your fault. You didn't have a choice." I told her gently.

"That's when I decided to never be afraid of anyone or anything. I will never let anything control my mind. Ever since then, I made my life my own and control it on my own... I stopped crying or being scared. After a while, I went into foster care but my caseworker arranged some charity program, so I was adopted... And here I am, trying to pursue my dreams once again..." She took a few deep breaths as she leaned against the wall.

---[Powerstones pls]---

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Next Chapter: You call this good luck?


Poll Result: Ok, you guys win. I will write 1 more arc and make it 200 chs or a few more. It's going to be a fun arc. New Year Gift: Multiverse Book-2 & A new Spiderman fic will be released together.