I can sense so many life forms... The once barren Earth is teeming with life once more... Plants, animals, and even the human population have started growing... Everyone who died in the Maker's hand has been revived...

It feels surreal to see this barren planet filled with life once again...

I removed the infinity gauntlet and stored it back into the inventory. No side effects so far. I guess my cosmic evolution played a part in nullifying the side effects.

MJ ran toward me, hugging me tightly, "Brian! Are you okay?" She asked worriedly.

"Yeah," I nodded. "You alright?"

"Yup," She nodded back.

I saw mom hugging my other version or I should say the real me of this reality along with MJ's version of this world. It feels weird seeing another me. I quietly used the infinity gauntlet to return back to my original world with MJ. It's better this way. I don't want to create some weird multiverse-shattering shit.

Mom noticed us teleporting away. We waved our hands with a smile before disappearing from their view.

Back home... Finally, I can find Rachel and put her down for good and let the others know about the Maker... Is what I would have liked to say...

But I landed somewhere else...

Where the fuck did I teleport us to?

"Are you sure we are back home?" MJ asked while looking around.

"Positive..." I replied, looking at the System's notification. This is our Earth, alright... According to the system, we are in New York City. But everything is in ruins as always...

"Brian, look!" MJ pointed at the sky.

There are alien ships everywhere, battling with the superheroes. Some weird-looking creatures, huh?! Freaking hell! Paradeamons from the DC universe!? What the fuck?! A merge between Marvel and DC?!

I grabbed MJ's hand and rushed inside a nearby building.

"What is going on?" She asked nervously.

"A merge between two realms is what it looks like," I replied while opening the interface. I had to find the others. "And those creepy aliens are called paradeamons. They can smell fear and you see those humans they are carrying? They are taking them to a conversion tower."

"We need to save them!" She exclaimed.

"I know. Just give me a minute to check where Gwen and the others are," I pressed my palm on the ground, spreading my Cosmic awareness.

Where are you, guys? Come on...


Found you!

Gwen [Alt ver.] and Cindy are together in Central Park, fighting the paradeamons. So, they are still here. There are too many of them. Peggy is protecting Mom and Gwen at the mansion. Where are you Gali? I know if you want, you can eliminate them all in a blink of an eye...

Oh? What do we have here?

A massive army of robots are marching toward Manhattan. And at the head of that army, I see Red Skull. Hydra too...

On the southern side, there is an army of Doombots, led by Doctor Doom himself. Huh?! Is he? Of course, he is wearing Galactus's armor.

In the skies, Phyla, Dr. Strange and Wakandan fighter jets are battling against a massive fleet of Paradeamons. It's like an endless hoards gushing out of an endless abyss.

Hulk, Thor, and Iron Man are fighting against some freaking weird giant octopus near the harbor.

"Brian, we need to hurry!" MJ exclaimed.

I grabbed her and flew fast toward the mansion. I can't fight while protecting her. Peggy is strong enough to protect my mom, but she won't be able to fight an endless horde. I need to help Gwen regain her power.

"Hold me tightly," I said to her as we flew over the ruined streets of New York.

I landed on the outer wall of the mansion, seeing the dead bodies of paradeamons lying around. There were too many of them. Some of them are even trying to get in through the windows. I weaved an energy doam around the mansion and rushed inside.

Peggy is shooting at the paradeamons with a freaking big gun in the living room. Mom is standing behind her. There is no sign of Gwen anywhere.

"Brian!" Peggy turned back, noticing us.

I killed all of the paradeamons present inside the barrier.

"You okay?" I asked, walking toward them.

"Yes," Peggy nodded. "Somehow... Where the fuck were you two? You two just disappeared for an entire week!"

"Long story, another time. Brief me on the situation," I said.

"The situation is... bad... The aliens are coming from everywhere. I don't even know where these things are coming from. The world government has announced a state of emergency," Peggy sighed. "Illuminati is doing everything they can to hold back the enemy. But they are overwhelmed by the number."

"And Gali?" I asked.

"I don't know. She disappeared as well. I thought you might know where she is," Peggy shrugged.

Ah! I remember. She texted me saying she wanted me to cook something nice for her just before the vortex incident. Don't tell me she is angry at me for not making anything for her. She must be sulking somewhere.

Gwen rushed down from the second floor with a plasma rifle. Her eyes fell on me and MJ, "Where the hell have you two been?!" She snapped at us.

"Long story short... Someone threw us into an alternate Earth where our Reed turned evil and tried to kill us after he eradicated nearly half of the multiverse before I killed him. We have just returned from there," I said in a single breath.

Everyone is silent. Even Peggy has a hard time digesting the information. I can't blame them. I would probably feel the same way if someone told me that.

"So, you have a plan, right?" Mom asked.

I nodded, "Yep. But I need Gwen to regain her power."

"How?" Gwen asked.

I touched her arm, transferring a part of my Symbiote into her body.

"What did you do?" She looked at me weirdly. "The f-" Black tendrils erupted out of her back, covering her entire body.

"Don't resist. I have already killed its mind, so it won't be able to influence you. Just let it fuse with your body," I said.

"O-okay..." She stuttered before letting the symbiote cover her entire body. Now she looks just like Gwenom from comics, only a bit more human and with two legs.

"So, this is the Symbiote," Peggy said, looking at the newly transformed Gwen.

Within a few minutes, Gwen's form returned back to her regular form.

"Weird. I feel like I got my Spider power back... No, even better..." She threw a tendril at the window, breaking it into smithereens. "Whoa!"

"Now, try to imagine your suit," I suggested.

She closed her eyes for a few seconds, imagining it.

Suddenly her white top and jeans were replaced by a skintight black bodysuit covered by thin spider-web patterns all over. The Symbiote cells have taken the shape of her original Ghost Spider costume.

"Cool, huh?" I smirked.

"Fuck, I can get used to this," She clenched her fist.

I then explained to her about the certain changes and power boost she gained after the merge of the symbiote. With her strength at an unprecedented level and the vast number of powers from the Symbiote, she is going to be stronger than when she had her Spider power, that's for sure.

"Alright. Now, I have to find Gali and somehow convince her to help us stop this madness. Mom, stay inside the barrier and you girls save the nearby civilians... Just don't do anything reckless. It's like all hell broke loose out there," I said while extending my Cosmic Awareness as far as I can, searching for her location.

She's standing on the roof of my restaurant.