[Location: New Pentagon] [Underwater prison] [Omnicent 3rd person pov]

The slithering shadow of a snake-like creature entered the shadow of one of the guards, patrolling the prison hallways, checking on every cell for any suspicious activity. The serpentine tail snuck into his ear canal, taking full control of his body and forcing him to make his way through the meta-zone where all the dangerous supervillains were being kept.

He stopped at the cell number "786-K" and entered a code on the touch screen door. The metal door opened, revealing an energy barrier. Beyond that barrier was sitting a thin middle-aged man, reading a book. He glanced up at the guard. "Now, what do we have here?" He said, lowering the book, "Did you come to pay me a visit, Ombric? Miss me that much?"

Ombric, the guard's real name, growled, trying to resist the creature inside his body, but it was no use. A light snap on his neck was all it took to kill the guard. The creature then took the form of the real guard as the original body turned to dust.

"Now that's new," He said, grinning at his lookalike. "What are you? Shapeshifter of some kind?"

"Emil Blonsky, come with me," The fake guard said in a calm tone.

Blonsky stood up and walked towards the barrier, "And who might you be? I do not recall ever seeing such an imposter in the prison before. Mind enlightening me on your plan?"

"I will set you free... Is there anything more you want other than freedom?" The guard asked.

"Hmm. I was expecting you to set us all free and take revenge on everyone. But I have my own reasons. First, let me finish my book. There are only three pages left. Then I might think this over a few weeks," Emil turned around and went back to his chair. He took up the book and glanced toward the guard, "Do close the door on your way."

"Superman," The guard replied, turning around to leave.

[Baaam!] Emil's right arm transformed into that of Abomination's as he punched hard on the energy barrier, "You run your mouth too much. No point telling me things I already know," he spoke, returning to his human form and putting on his reading glasses. He resumed his reading before mumbling, "None can defeat that blue suit boy scout..."

[Flashback] [The day of the merge between DC and Marvel universes]

The world was already in chaos thanks to the Parademons and the prison break. The old and new supervillains were causing chaos around the world, resulting in massive destruction. The superheroes were spread thin around the globe, trying to contain the situation.

Abomination was among them too, doing what he does best - causing havoc. He was fighting his way to kill General Ross for using him for his own gain and throwing him away like garbage. As he was tearing through the defenses, a hard punch out of nowhere sent him flying miles away from his target.

He crashed on the ground, shaking off the debris covering his face. Looking up, he saw a new superhero he hadn't seen before. He was wearing a blue costume with a 'S' symbol on his chest and a red cape.

Abomination stood up and roared, before charging toward him. His giant body collided with Superman. But to his surprise, the new guy who is the size of a regular human stopped his charge with a single finger. Abomination tried everything to push him back, but nothing worked.

"Who the hell are you?!" He yelled, smashing his giant fists against a little finger.

Superman smirked, "I am Superman. And you need to cool down a bit." With that, he grabbed Abomination by his throat and flew up in the atmosphere, before slamming him down on the earth with great force, creating a huge crater. Shockwaves spread out, knocking out nearby buildings and vehicles. Abomination's transformation canceled out, leaving him unconscious. Superman looked down at him and sighed, "That should do for now..."

That day, he was captured by Amanda Waller's Suicide Squad team and thrown into a meta-zone underwater prison along with other supervillains. But the surprising thing is that Emil didn't try to escape that prison. Maybe it was fear or admiration for Superman's strength, or maybe something else. Whatever it was, Emil Blonsky was content living in the underwater prison with his books until someone came to rescue him.

[Present day]

"I would like to say otherwise," The guard responded, turning back to Emil, "You underestimate yourself."

Emil chuckled, "You talk quite a lot. So, what you say is you have a way to kill Superman and you will help me with that... At what cost?"

"Nothing. Kill Superman and cause chaos. That would be enough for my master. So, deal?" He asked, extending his hand through the barrier.

Emil raised an eyebrow, "Master? You work for someone else? And the barrier doesn't affect you. Impressive."

"Yes, and we don't have much time. Are you in or not?" The guard asked impatiently.

Emil grinned and shook the guard's hand, "Deal. Let's cause some chaos together, shall we?"

"Good," He deactivated the barrier and the alarm went off. Then he opened a portal and both of them vanished beyond it.

[Waller's office]

Waller and her team were witnessing the entire situation unfold before their eyes.

"Director, you sure it's safe to just let him go?" A blonde girl sitting at the back asked. She was chewing on a pencil while watching the live feed of Emil escaping.

Waller nodded, "The word safe doesn't go well with Abomination. But, to catch a bigger fish, we have to let the small one swim away. Put Deadshot in this mission. Ask him to track him down and gather data on this new group of criminals we are unaware of. Should the situation escalate, get rid of everyone involved."

The girl nodded, "Roger that. Should I send Enchantress and El Diablo too?"

"No, Diablo has another mission to take care of. Send Enchantress, Harley Quinn, and Deathstroke, he has a debt to pay. Deadshot will lead the team. Make sure they don't mess up."

"Alrighty! They are on their way," She opened her laptop and typed something on it. "By the way, Director, what do you think of the Paradise Island? Sooner or later that guy will realize what we are doing under his nose."

"Do the job you are paid for and let me worry about the chef," Waller snapped, closing the laptop on her desk, "Dismissed."

[Back at the Paradise Island] [1 week later]

Brian took Madelyn to the beach. He wanted her to create new memories after the revelation of her being Jean's clone. They sat on the sand, staring at the sea.

Madelyn sighed, "It's beautiful. I never thought I could see the ocean so close like this. I sensed it earlier, but seeing it with my own eyes..."

Brian smiled, "I am glad you like it. It brings me peace whenever I come here. Want to walk near the waves?"

She nodded, standing up. Brian followed her and they reached the water. The waves crashed on their feet, making them chuckle.

"It tickles," She laughed, walking further. He was happy to see her smiling instead of being depressed and unstable like earlier. They spent the whole afternoon talking about random things. They had a nice lunch and spent the rest of the noon just walking around and talking to their hearts' content. By the way, she really liked the ice cream made by a self-proclaimed dangerous mutant, Eye-Scream, who was giving the kids free ice cream with a large smile on his face. Well, he is very famous among the kids on Paradise Island.

"That's a nice ability to have," She commented, licking the vanilla ice cream. Brian agreed, savoring the taste of the chocolate ice cream. Eye-Scream waved at them and returned to his business.

"So, what do you think? Still think you don't have friends or family?" He asked, finishing his ice cream.

"No, not anymore. It's really a good place, Brian. Everyone is friendly and helpful," She replied, wiping her lips with a napkin, "Even though I blew up things on arrival, the thing is none is afraid of me..." She smiled a bit, looking at the people passing by.

"Do they have a reason to be afraid of you?" He stopped and looked at her eyes, waiting for an answer.

"No. This place..." She paused for a moment as she walked over to the sidewalks and looked at the evening sky, "This place makes me feel accepted, even if I am someone else's creation. It feels good... I mean, this is home... Yes, this is home. Thank you, Brian. Thank you for everything..." She looked back and smiled.

Her sweet, innocent smile made his heart skip a beat. He blushed and rubbed the back of his head, "You're welcome. Glad you are enjoying your stay here. Come, let's go to the theatre. I heard a new movie is playing tonight."

"I would like that," Madelyn walked next to Brian, feeling lighter than before. Maybe this life isn't bad after all.


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