[3rd person pov]

"The fuck!" He cursed noticing something off about these mutants. So, he activated the scanner, revealing their real identity. Deadshot frowned and mumbled, "Half mutant and half machine? Interesting..."

While Deadshot is analyzing the situation, Harley is doing what she does best, create a bigger problem than it needs to be. She took her mini-machine gun and was about to shoot at the mutant guards when June stopped her, "Please, don't do that!"

"Why? Sittin' on my arse for two whole days in this bug-infestin' forest ain't fun! I'm bored." Harley complained like a kid. "I'm just gonna kill'em all and we can all go back home, yeah?"

"As much as I would like to disagree with her, I think it's about time to make our move," Deathstroke said while sharpening his katana.

"Wait, guys!" Deadshot warned them again, "This isn't your regular enemy we are dealing with. If you wanna survive in there, listen to me. They are a fusion of machine and mutants and you want to rush in just like that without knowing if your weapons can hurt'em?"

Harley rolled her eyes and mocked him, "Boring... You're no fun, Floyd!"

"Well, the fun is about to begin," He turned toward June, "Since they are machines, you should be able to use your electrokinesis to disable them one by one without alerting anyone, right?"

June nodded and Deadshot continued, "Good. We will disable them without causing a ruckus, alright?" He glanced toward Harley, "Harl?"

Harley sighed in disappointment, "Fine... Fine... Whatever you say, boss man."

June closed her eyes, letting Enchantress take control over her body. Her hair grew longer and turned into a dark red color, her iris was glowing with a green hue, while green magical flames started dancing around her. Harley is fascinated by June's transformation and mumbles, "How's it hangin' girl?" While waving at Enchantress.

Enchantress ignored Harley and raised her hands toward the mutants. She first used her power to control weather and covered the entire area with thick mist, to avoid surveillance. Then she shifted her focus toward the guards. The electrical current from her fingers traveled through the air and entered the body of the first mutant guard. His body began convulsing until smoke came out from his robotic parts and he fell down dead.

Harley chuckled while pointing her finger at the dead mutant. She was wearing the new goggles made by Stark Industries to look through the dense fog. "Zap! Zap! Zap!" She then made explosion gestures with both of her hands and laughed out loud, "Ahahahaha!"

Deadshot facepalmed and mumbled, "Idiots..."

Enchantress killed 4 mutants before they moved closer to the base of the mountain. Then she zapped the remaining mutants one by one silently. After making sure no more guards were around, they decided to infiltrate the place.

Deadshot scanned the mountain and found an entrance leading underground, guarded by 2 more cyborg mutants. "There!" He pointed at the entrance. Enchantress didn't wait and killed them instantly with her electric bolts. Deadshot walked toward the entrance and opened it with his hacking skill. "Alright, let's see what Mr. Sinister is hiding under this mountain..."

[Booom!] As soon as he opened the door, a massive explosion occurred. Enchantress raised her arcane shield instinctively and blocked most of the explosion. Harley and Deadshot were pushed back by the explosion but managed to avoid any serious injury. Deathstroke, on the other hand, was hit directly by the explosion as he grabbed the two cyborgs that were about to self-destruct and threw them out of the shield. He received severe burns on his armor.

Harley jumped toward him immediately and asked worriedly, "Sladey! You okay?"

"I am fine. There goes my new armor though..." Deathstroke replied calmly and stood up while ripping off his damaged armor piece by piece.

"Fuck! That was close," Deadshot cursed while checking his equipment.

Enchantress lowered her arcane shield and looked inside the entrance with Harley. "Huh! Nothing but ashes left behind... Looks like he expected us to come here," She commented while looking around the scene. "But, be careful, I sense something big coming this way!" Enchantress warned everyone and activated her arcane barrier again.

A giant fireball flew toward them at supersonic speed and collided with the arcane barrier. The impact of the collision caused a massive shockwave, blowing away everything nearby except the ones inside the shield. The dust settled. Smoke rising from the burning trees around the mountain. The dense forest was reduced to ashes within seconds.

"Freeze!" Enchantress used her Cryomancy spell to freeze the ground around them before another attack came flying their way. But she froze the giant fireball with a flicker of her fingers and crushed it with ease.

"Wow! What was that?" Harley mumbled while looking at Enchantress in awe.

Deadshot scanned the entire area using the satellite system, searching for enemies. But, nothing showed up on the radar. He frowned and mumbled, "Where are they?"

"Looks like someone doesn't wanna play nice. Let's give'em a taste of our own medicine. Shall we?" Enchantress used her power to control the weather and summoned a massive thunderstorm above the mountain. Lightning bolts descended from the sky continuously, hitting anything that moves.

"Watcha got in mind?" Harley asked Enchantress curiously.

"You'll see..." Enchantress smirked and created an arcane circle under her feet. "Arcane prison!" A magical sphere surrounded the entire mountain and trapped everything inside. "Now, we wait..."

Deadshot frowned and asked her, "What are you trying to do?"

"You'll see..." Enchantress repeated herself while smirking mysteriously.

Deathstroke stood ready with his katana while Harley opened a packet of lollipops and started eating one. "You want one?" She offered Deathstroke a lollipop. "Really now?" He raised his eyebrow in disbelief and shook his head. "You look cheerful for someone who got nearly killed by an explosion..." Harley shrugged her shoulder and mumbled while sucking her lollipop, "Live fast, die young, leave a handsome corpse!"

"Focus, guys," Deadshot warned Harley and Deathstroke.

They waited for almost an hour before Enchantress finally saw the result of her plan. "There! Finally, they are showing up..." She pointed toward the top of the mountain. A group of mutated creatures flew all over the sky, raining down fire bombs, and were unaffected by the thunderstorm. It was like a swarm of locusts descending upon the earth, devouring everything in its path.

Enchantress created multiple arcane circles on top of the arcane prison, "If you are immune to thunder, how about some ice?" She conjured hundreds of icicles and shot them toward the mutated locusts simultaneously. But, the locusts burned the icicle with their fire breath. She clicked her tongue in annoyance and mumbled, "Cheeky bastards!" She conjured a massive arcane circle over the entire area, "If you like fire so much... Allow me to introduce you lots to someone who lives in fire."

The green arcane magic rained down on the Earth like a meteor shower. The surrounding fire, earth, and even the ashes began to converge in a single area above the shield. She is using her molecular reconstruction spell.

"Come forth, Fire Dragon!" A gigantic dragon made from fire manifested itself in the sky. Its size is comparable to Godzilla, its tail could easily wipe out entire cities with a single swing, while its fiery breath could melt steel within seconds. "Destroy the foes that threaten my June!" Enchantress ordered the dragon and it roared loudly, shaking the entire mountain.

"..." Harley was stunned for a moment before she turned toward Deadshot, "Yo, Floyd... Are you seein' what I am seein'?"

Deadshot nodded slowly, still shocked by what's happening in front of him. Even Deathstroke had never seen such powerful magic before in his life. This must be one of those legendary spells only heard in fairy tales.

"You knew she could do that?" Deathstroke asked Deadshot curiously.

Deadshot shook his head, "Never seen her do that before. Must be new..."

The giant fire dragon threw a fire breath with a deafening roar toward the swarm. The sky seemed to burn as the breath pierced through the sky, vaporizing every single one of those creatures that came into contact with it. "Roar!" The dragon unleashed another fiery breath, obliterating the remaining swarms completely.

Enchantress canceled the arcane prison after killing the entire army of Mr. Sinister. The dragon vanished into thin air leaving behind scorched land everywhere. Harley clapped enthusiastically, "Woohoo! Enchie rocks!"

Deadshot scratched his head awkwardly while complimenting Enchantress, "Damn! That was impressive... Nice work, June!"

Enchantress smiled proudly hearing their praises and mumbled to herself, "Tsk! These insects dared to challenge my June! How dare they!" She clenched her fists angrily but she has used too much of her energy controlling weather and summoning such a powerful spell. Thus, June fainted immediately afterward, falling into Harley's arms.

"Whoa! Careful," She caught June and mumbled while patting her cheeks gently, "Wakey wakey sleepy head!"

"Let her rest," Deadshot carried June piggyback style and looked toward the place where that mountain was supposed to be. Now there's nothing but a crater remains. "Let's go, there seems to be a metal door down there. Must be something important since Mr. Sinister tried so hard to protect it."

They walked over the crater carefully and found a secret passage hidden underneath the dirt. He used his hacking skill to open the door, "To think this survived all that shit, damn! Just what's this made of?"

"Probably, Vibranium," Deathstroke guessed based on previous experiences.

"Vigra?! what now?" Harley asked confusedly.

"Vibranium, it's a rare metal with special properties," Deathstroke explained briefly while entering the secret passage first with his katana drawn. "I had a run-in with a smuggler a few months ago who was dealing with some rare metals. It turns out that guy stole Vibranium from Atlantis. Anyway, it was a messy situation. Let's focus on the mission at hand, shall we?" They walked down the gloomy stairs lighted with a dark blue hue.

After going down for almost twenty minutes, they reached a large circular hall with countless tubes filled with green liquid. Each tube contains a mutated human or animal floating inside the green liquid. Harley cringed in disgust and mumbled, "Ugh! Gross!"

Deadshot scanned each tube with his visor.

"Human experiments," Deathstroke spoke as he touched a tube. Inside floated a woman whose lower part transformed into a snake-like creature.

"That fucker is trying to fuse humans, mutants and machines together," Deadshot concluded after scanning all the tubes. Harley suddenly noticed something weird near one of the walls, "Hey! Guys! Come look at this!"

She pointed at a strange painting on the wall depicting a humanoid figure standing atop a pile of corpses surrounded by darkness. Deadshot analyzed the painting and mumbled, "Is that him? Mr. Sinister?"

"Looks like someone has an ego complex," Deathstroke commented sarcastically while looking at the painting. "This guy sounds like a psychopath."

Harley shuddered involuntarily upon seeing the painting and mumbled, "He gives me the creeps!"

---[No chapter tomorrow]---

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