[Mr. Sinister's lair]

Sabretooth attacked Deathstroke again. He could feel the weight of his heavy blows. Deathstroke raised his sword to block his incoming claw strike, but his laser sword shattered into pieces, failing to endure the impact of their clash. He was sent flying like a ragdoll and crashed on the metal door, creating a dent in it.

"Motherfucker!" Deathstroke took off his mask and spit out blood. He wiped his mouth with his arm and glared at Sabretooth, "Listen up, Harley. I will break this door and you will take June and run, got it?" He took out a small circular device and slammed it on the metal door. He stood up with a grunt as his accelerated healing kicked it.

"What about you?" Harley asked worriedly. She knew that Deathstroke was strong, but this freak in front of him was different from the rest. He regenerates faster than Wolverine, and even after killing him once, he is still standing and he has a freaking head in his stomach now.

"Don't worry about me. Just keep June safe," Deathstroke took out his staff, "Run as far as you can and call Batman. Don't look back, don't stop or we will all die."

Harley, although a bit lunatic, understood the severity of this situation. She nodded firmly as she carried June in her arms, "Don't you go dyin' on me now, Slade."

Deathstroke smirked, "Trust me, dying is the last thing on my mind..." He rushed toward Sabretooth, using his staff to defend himself against his deadly claws. The frequency of his attacks increased rapidly. Deathstroke ducked and evaded every attack. His movements were sharp and unpredictable. Sabretooth scratched the floor, missing his target entirely.

The device that he slammed on the wall activated. A shrill sound reverberated through the laboratory. Sabretooth covered his ears in pain and roared angrily. Deathstroke took this chance and swung his staff at his head, smashing his skull open. Blue brains splattered everywhere. But it regenerated again. Behind him, the device began to drill through the thick metal door, going straight up the stairs, creating a path for Harley to escape.

"GO!" He yelled at Harley.

Harley ran upstairs with June in her arms. Sabretooth wanted to chase after them, but Deathstroke twisted the staff, a small blade emerged from the other end and he jammed it into his chest, targeting his heart, "Tsk." It didn't work, instead, Sabretooth grabbed his staff and tossed him across the room. Deathstroke landed on the broken glass tubes. Sabretooth rushed at him, but Deathstroke kicked the broken machine, sliding across the floor, avoiding the oncoming attack.

Sabretooth crashed into the broken machinery.

"Damn it!" Deathstroke cursed. Even with his enhanced body, he could feel the limits that he hadn't felt in a long time. He gritted his teeth and stood up.

"Grrrr!" Sabretooth growled as his nails began to grow longer with a metallic glint. Deathstroke narrowed his eyes at the sight of those nails. "GAAAAAARRRR!" Like a wild beast, Sabretooth leaped at Deathstroke with his deadly claws. Deathstroke avoided it as usual. His claws scratched the metal wall, leaving deep marks on it. Deathstroke used this chance and jumped up on the giant's back. he quickly took out a hand grenade and jammed it deep into his severed neck. He then jumped away. Sabretooth turned around and reached for his neck, but before he could take it out, it exploded.

[Booom!] His upper body exploded as blue blood and flesh scattered everywhere. Yet, that fucker stood there, growling slowly as his exposed skeleton came into sight. It was covered by metallic fibers.

Deathstroke frowned. 'This guy...' He thought to himself. 'Just how many mutations did Mr. Sinister fuse into his body? Is he immortal?' He wondered as Sabretooth regenerated once more. He couldn't fight him forever. If this continues any longer, he won't be able to stay here and defend. He would be forced to escape, leaving behind Floyd alone in this lair. 'His regeneration slowed down!' He took out two bombs and rushed toward Sabretooth, who was slowly regenerating. He jammed the two bombs into his mouth and jumped back. Before Sabretooth could react, the bomb exploded, blasting the lower half into bits and sending Deathstroke flying into the wall.

He coughed as he stood up with a grunt. His vision blurred. He touched the wall and looked at Sabretooth, who was lying on the ground, struggling to regenerate. He was nothing more but a skeleton, yet he was struggling to regenerate. Then his eyes fell on the glowing crystal-like object in Sabretooth's chest, the source of his regeneration. Deathstroke grinned. He aimed his wrist-mounted gun at the crystal.

Bang! Bang! bang!

Sabretooth struggled to regenerate as the bullet damaged his core. Deathstroke reloaded his gun and fired more shots until the crystal cracked. Sabretooth twitched and stopped moving altogether. He lay there motionlessly. Deathstroke sighed in relief as he sat down on the ground. The glow of the crystal dimmed down as it shattered to pieces.

"Fuck! Hungg!" Deathstroke groaned as he sat on the ground, taking a small breather and waiting for his body to heal.

[Underground floor 2]

Deadshot activated the cloaking mode of his suit and snuck inside the underground floor. He hid behind the corner of the wall and peeked into the hallway. There were guards patrolling around the place. He looked ahead, searching for the control room. If he were to take down this place, he would need to activate the self-destruct sequence first. Fortunately, he found what he was looking for.

Deadshot sneaked past the patrolling guards and entered the control room. Inside the control room, there were two guards sitting in front of the computer. Their movements were robotic, just like the ones he avoided on his way here. 'Fucking, cyborgs.' He thought to himself. He loaded the disrupter bullets specially made to break machines or things that run on electricity into his rifle. He aimed at one of the guard's heads and pulled the trigger. The disruptor bullet hit the guard's head, causing it to malfunction. Smoke rose from its head as sparks of electricity appeared. He followed it with a second shot on the second guard's head instantly killing both of them.

He walked over to the computer and began to hack into the system. He tapped on the keyboard continuously as codes appeared on the screen. Deadshot frowned. 'This firewall is too tight.' He thought to himself. After five minutes of hacking, he managed to bypass the security protocol and gain access to the mainframe. He smirked as he accessed the self-destruction protocol and smashed the computer.

The announcement echoed throughout the lair, "Self Destruction Sequence Activated... All personnel, evacuate the premise immediately. This is not a drill."

Deadshot grinned and left the control room. He ran toward the glass pod and went to the upper layer.

"What did you do?" Mr. Sinister's voice echoed throughout the comms. "You really think you can escape. ARGGG! In your dreams." Six more pods emerged from the floor, revealing six mutants. One of them was a giant green humanoid monster. Deadshot recognized one of them, "Abomination!"

"What are you waiting for Floyd? Run!" Deathstroke yelled from the drilled entrance. Floyd nodded and ran toward the exit. Abomination and the others ran behind them like mindless puppets, controlled by someone else.

They ran as fast as they could and finally got out of the trap door. But they didn't stop and continued running.


Behind them, the entire underground lair exploded. Fire spread everywhere. Deadshot grinned as he looked back at the burning building, "Hell yeah! Ha Ha! Take that motherfucker!"

Deathstroke chuckled as he leaned on Harley, "Nice job Floyd."

"What about that giant guy you were fighting?" Deadshot asked curiously.

"Didn't I tell you, I would take his head," He replied while running.

Behind them were Abomination and five other mutated lab-made monsters chasing after them. Deadshot took out his guns and opened fire at the incoming monsters, "Shit! I ain't paid enough for this shit!"

"You are thinking about money, now?" Deathstroke took out the remaining two grenades and threw them behind while running. The explosion didn't even slow them down a bit.

"Money makes the world go round, baby," Deadshot replied smugly as he reloaded his gun and continued firing at the incoming monsters. "And I have a family to feed!"

"Make it out alive first..."

[Baaamm!] Abomination jumped high in the air and landed before them.