Clash In Hell – Part 2

Malique is no longer receptive to their conversations, so they part ways. As usual, every time he walks by a Demon, they sneer at him with disgust. At least they did not start a fight. He usually flies around for convenience, but escorting Heaven's resident requires him to walk beside him, to show some respect.

As they continue to Hell's gate, they finally come across a large structure made of limestone that separates Hell from the rest of the afterlife by a nearly invisible wall. A glimpse of electrical sparks from the wall's surface can sometimes be visible.

At the gate stands two white figures, wearing medieval-style armour, awaiting their arrival. Unlike Malique, other Angels cannot enter into Hell due to the barrier, leaving him as the only exception probably set by God Himself. Seeing them, Malique is unable to suppress his happiness.

Both of them wear armour to represent their positions as Archangels. One has bluish-green eyes and brown hair and is known throughout heaven as Gabriel. 'God's right hand', 'guardian' and 'HERO', despite these nicknames given to him, is well deserved for his status. His hard work and trust are not inferior to the best.

The other Archangel has golden-red eyes and blonde hair hanging loose over his nape and is known as Michael. His calm, composed stature attracts most of anyone who lives in heaven, given that he always sees anyone because the tasks he has to work on revolve around them. There is no clear winner when it comes to popularity for 'the most famous Angel' if these two are fighting for it.

"Gabriel? Michael!? What are the two of you doing here... Surely it wasn't just to see me!?" Malique greets them with a smile lining from ear to ear.

"Yo! It's been a while, Malique," Gabriel says, the first to speak.

"Aren't we welcome here?" Michael jokes.

"I don't mean that... Both of you are Archangels. So, you shouldn't waste your time on a mere Angel like me because of the job you have to do..." Malique humbly expresses his opinion.

"Don't act like that! What's wrong with a teacher meeting his student?" Gabriel says.

"What Gabriel meant was a friendly meeting with another friend. If you reword what he just said," Michael interrupts.

As a result of the lessons Gabriel has taught him, Malique is now at such a high level of strength. After the war ends, Gabriel saves Malique from overcoming his trauma and helps him to recover from his injuries, making him mature this far.

"Teach me! Teach me how to get stronger!"

Gabriel remembers those words. Outside the infirmary, Malique began to chase after him while he was still in no such condition. Band-aids covering his body, he reached for guidance.

"Even so, aren't you the Gatekeeper of Hell? Stop looking down on yourself all the time," Michael lectures.

"You shouldn't lavish such praise on me. It's embarrassing to me," Malique averts his eyes from their gaze. He can even feel his face reddening.

"'Caught in a fight again?" Malique's robe bears a mark from the time he kicked Arnokan's body not so long ago. Gabriel guesses that he was possibly brawling again when he sees a dirt stain on it.

"Don't worry, it always ends this way," Malique says. Being victorious is what he wanted to say, but there is nothing to be proud of, knowing that his opponent is so weakened.

"You must have had it rough. Being you, I mean," Michael sympathizes with Malique.

"Not at all! You guys have it much tougher than me. Being an Archangel is not easy, ensuring fairness, justice, and equality. From leading armies of Angels in the battle against Lucifer in the Great War to be one of the seven Princes of Heaven," Malique says, acknowledging the struggles of his friends.

"In any case, did you bring the human with you?" Gabriel goes straight to the point. That was the main reason they were both present in the first place.

"I do. Tamara, follow them." The human, huffing and puffing, hurries to Michael, who had just been crying and prostrating himself when Malique passed the gate. Tamara follows them, wailing and kicking his little feet.

"This person has had his sins revoked, so you don't need to worry about this place any longer," Michael says. God has decided that Malique should be allowed to come with them. Gabriel can confirm that God has instructed Malique to be released from his work.

"There should be no cause for concern," Gabriel supports. "The Demons cannot escape from here. You don't need to worry."

"There is something we must be careful of," Malique recalls what the Demon Arnokan said before. "As soon as the barrier holding us in place is gone, the Great War will begin again."

"What is it?" Gabriel and Michael ask him simultaneously. The atmosphere grows heavier and heavier.

"Remember the fight I told you about earlier? One of the Demons that I fought, Arnokan I believe, whispered something announcing the potential of reviving the Great War," Malique explains as simply as he could.

"But that's impossible." Well, Michael had the same opinion as Malique.

"Yeah, I agree with you," Gabriel agrees as well.

As Malique recalls, the Demons don't deny the possibility of the revolution's existence. He has noticed a decrease in the number of Demons he encounters each day over the past few months. "I've been seeing fewer Demons each day," he says.

"Don't tell me..." Gabriel interrupts.

"Sorry, Malique. I need you to keep a lookout here. Even though you were just dismissed from here a moment ago," Gabriel instructs, taking the lead like a natural-born leader.

"Don't worry about it. I'm used to it, after all," Malique responds cheerfully, hoping to contribute his expertise.

"Let's go, Michael," Gabriel says, casting a spell-like magic on Tamara and carrying him away with his angelic wings. Before they take off, Gabriel promises, "We'll be back as soon as possible."

"Don't make any rash decisions on your own," Michael tells Malique, also wringing his wings. They shoot away as soon as their feet lift off the ground, leaving only feathers in their wake.

Back to being the only Angel stationed in Hell, Malique turns around, thinking hard about what he can contribute to the team.

"What should I do now?" he wonders as he steps back into the sickening Hell. Like the first time he crossed inside, the image of raging flames burns everywhere till the heart. Passing through the barrier, he suddenly gets an idea. "That's it! Sorry, Michael. You can scold me later."

This time, it's Malique's turn to flap his wings. Coordinating his destination, he hastily streams towards the point. Deep in the centre of Hell, there is a certain place named Houska Castle where a stronghold stands, overrun by the remaining Demons of Sins.

If his intel is accurate, Beelzebub has been securing orders ever since Lucifer died. Together with the remaining five, they maintain a hierarchy in the depths of Hell. They do nothing unless something big or in need of attention is required, in which case they will be the ones to control it.

I hope the discussion goes well. If it comes to a stalemate, they would not be able to beat me. For the time being, of course.

With confidence, Malique sets his heart at ease and accelerates his pace.

Malique recalls the time before the Great War when he used to idolize them alongside Lucifer as they are the equivalent group of the Archangels for Demons. With their spirit unmatchable, only God knows why such an outrageous war happens in the first place.

The Demons of Sins, Lucifer. If Gabriel is God's right hand, that makes him God's left hand. In the same way that Gabriel is the leader of Angels, Lucifer is the leader of Demons. He is capable of doing everything Gabriel is capable of. Some even claim that Lucifer has the title of 'Right Hand of God' until the War changes the possessor.

Next to the King rests a Queen, Asmodeus. As Lucifer's most trusted assistant, she is compared to Michael in the same way that they compare Lucifer and Gabriel. The Demons' second-best matchup versus the Angels' second-best matchup. If these two Demons are given a mission, consider it completed the moment you ask them.

Whenever these two are away, Beelzebub takes authority as if you want the best replica of Lucifer, he is the one. Having almost the same intellect and charisma, you cannot even differentiate the time when he is the one arranging orders.

Mammon and Belphegor are also worth mentioning; they are a bit of an unusual couple in that Mammon acts as the mind and Belphegor acts as the body. Belphegor is the person you are seeking if anything requires sheer strength, and Mammon will operate as his coordinator, suited to their traits.

There is also another female demon in the team, Sathanas. With her rowdy demeanour, she comes across as a bit of an oddball, but on the inside, she is kind and jolly. Plus Abaddon, the upcoming new Demon manages to capture their attention to join them.

The seven Archdemons, now known as the Demons of Sins, are hated by all. Will Malique get a warm welcome from them? He cannot determine, so he wonders. Are they still worthy used to being an Archdemon? When they support Lucifer's decision to start a war, perhaps not.