Confrontation – Part 2

"Who's there?" The voice echoes through the dark room.

"A visitor?" Responds in a different voice, uncertain.

"An Angel, huh?" Another voice chimes in, sounding surprised.

The voices are a mix of soft and raucous, with no discernible location. Malique is on full guard, unable to determine where the voices are coming from.

Suddenly, six figures materialize from the shadows, positioning themselves around a sacred throne and fixing their gaze on Malique. Three stand on his left and three on his right, leaving the seat unattended because none is worth touching.

As the figures arrive, torches ignite, illuminating the entire court. Malique shields his eyes from the glare, using his right arm to block the light. Through the small gap between his elbow and arm, he recalls memories from his youth when he saw the icon from afar.

"What business does an Angel have here?" Asks Mammon, the Sin of Greed, from the furthest left.

"Do we even know him?" Questions Belphegor, the Sin of Gluttony. He is well-built, resembling a warrior, and his armour is decorated with a battle scar.

"Can we not ask him multiple questions at a time?" Suggests Asmodeus, the Sin of Lust, with her alluring voice.

"Malique, I presume?" Asks Beelzebub, the Sin of Envy. He looks similar to Mammon but wears what appears to be a formal shirt, and his green eyes give Malique chills.

"Why is an Angel here?" Spits Sathanas, another female figure among them who harbours a deep hatred for Angels. She wears light armour, and her red eyes blaze with the passion to kill Malique.

"When was the last time Abaddon met an Angel again?" inquires Abaddon with curiosity. He is unique with a childlike demeanour, wearing a black waistcoat over a black shirt. His eyes shine like Asmodeus' but with a lighter tone.

"The Demons of Sins, I've come today with some questions in mind that need answering," declares Malique without any bows or humbleness. He believes that such respect is not notable for them. His gesture manages to pull a string on them, however.

"Hahaha... The first Angel we've met after all these years has the nerve to come and answer us," chuckles Belphegor, shaking his head in amusement. "You're funny. I like this guy. I can't wait to eat him."

"Eat him? Serious!?" Abaddon is brimming with excitement. The last time he saw Belphegor eat one was during the war.

"Do you think that we'll just tell answers like that? Who do you think you are!?" Sathanas raises her voice at the end of her sentence. Dealing with the Angel was never her forte.

"Calm down, Sathanas. We may or may not be answering, depending on the questions," Beelzebub raises his hand to her, hoping she complies with the order.

"Are you sure this is wise?" Belphegor whispers to Mammon as he is the closest to him. Embarrassingly, he is the slowest of them all.

"Mammon had always been the decipherer for Belphegor," Mammon responds. "Our relationship never advances from this since the day we were created. Didn't you hear what Beelzebub said? We can refuse to answer if we want to."

"Go on, Malique. Ask while we're all ears presently," Asmodeus directs to Malique and looks at the others significantly.

"Then, I'll be straight with you," Malique says. "How do you plan on revitalising the Great War?" The Demons of Sins are taken aback by the statement. Malique can see the shock on each of their faces as they try to hide it.

They can't be serious?

Asmodeus curiously asks Malique, "Where did you hear this from?" Her eyes enticingly sizing or perhaps examining him.

"Oi, don't tell me that what we have planned to do are exposed…" Belphegor accidentally blurts out and Malique's body tenses up.

"Listen here, you idiot!" Mammon scolds Belphegor, pulling him by his gorget.

"Leave it be, Mammon," Beelzebub intervenes, looking at Malique, grievous. "So how does your mind comprehend this disclosure?"

"What do you mean?" Malique asks, perplexed by Beelzebub's statement. "I don't quite understand the meaning of your words."

Beelzebub then leaves his spot and strides up to Malique. All eyes are set on him the moment he moves from his spot. He gets closer and closer to him and softly murmurs in the ear.

"For instance, I believe that such information is already being relayed to that beloved God of yours."

"Huh!?" Malique is shocked. "How!?"

As expected of the acting leader for The Demons of Sins, Beelzebub carried the interrogation splendidly.

"Haha, you guys are just messing with me. All of the stories were made up to deceive me."

"Why would we create such a hilarious story to play with you?" Sathanas responds. "You think that you're an important guest that we have to entertain you with bullshit?"

"Then explain to me, how is this logical?" Malique glares at Beelzebub, demanding a justification.

"How much veracity do you know about the Great War?" Beelzebub smirks and snickers. "Did all of those made-up fabrications defile that pious mind of yours from reality?"

Malique is confused. The things he grew up with, the facts he learned, and his own experience of the real event make his beliefs undeniably accurate.

"Unlike you, we know both sides of the story," Beelzebub adds. "If God thinks that he locked all of us up, for sure He is blind and unobservant."

"Don't you dare insult your Creator like that!" Malique expresses his irritation toward them. "There is just no way, it's not like you had an outsider to help you with this…"


As if it was planned, Malique feels as if something is amiss in his body after the click. He believes that half of his power has drained while his fears double. The confidence in his body also mysteriously disappears, making him nothing more than a scared little boy in a wolf's den.

On top of that, The Demons of Sins also thrive formidably, judging by their expressions of mixed delight and liberation. The spiritual pressure Malique senses from before now overflows in a rampage. He can barely stand on his feet with them close by.

"Finally! It's starting! Hey, hey, Abaddon can meet General Lucifer again, right!? Right!?" Abaddon cannot contain his happiness anymore.

"That's right. We'll be able to meet again." Asmodeus calms Abaddon down with a smile.

"General Lucifer did it!?" Belphegor is unable to accept their reality.

"Of course, he did! It was a simple task to do for him." Even Mammon cannot believe it himself either.

"Then, what's holding you guys up? Let's go!" Sathanas is fully hyped now. "We got a new era to create."


A circle of blaze sets around Beelzebub as he transforms. A dagger-looking short sword manifests from the palm of his left hand, and he draws it out. The fire also reveals a cloak around him, and his wings spread wide through the cloak.

His horn that was pointing forward seems to grow in length to boot. A black marking, the symbol for the Demons of Sins, is carved on the gauntlet he designates. Furthermore, in his emerald green eyes, a unique initial bolden in his pupils that acknowledge Beelzebub being the Sin of Envy.

Is this the Sinner's Transformation!? How is Lucifer still alive!? Has their power returned to them!? What is in God's name that happens!?

Malique watches in terror as thousands of questions run inside his mind. He cannot even stand on his own against any of them. His only solution for survival is to run away.

Having only Beelzebub transformed into an Archdemon might have been a sign of good luck for Malique as he only needs to be aware of one single guy. Or perhaps not as the odds are against him; they say numerical beat strength.

"Shall we test our strength here?" Beelzebub teases while pointing the sharp edge towards Malique. He knows well that provocation means harm. The other members also arm themselves with their exclusive ordnance.

"W-wait!" But Malique's pleading gets ignored as Beelzebub darts towards him, coming to a standstill as the dagger reaches his throat.

This can't be the end.