Proselyte - Part 1

The four Archdemons stare in disbelief, their voices stuttering as they address their commander, General Lucifer. It's a surreal sight to witness their leader protect an enemy by catching an arrow before it can strike its intended target. Even the two Archdemons who have been closely following Lucifer are taken aback, landing in the same state of shock.

"Lucifer, what does this mean?" Michael, attempting to conceal their conversation, whispers to Lucifer.

"I gave you my word before that I'm one of you. No hard feelings, though. Just consider it my way of baiting them," Lucifer murmurs back, dropping the arrow, which dissipates upon hitting the ground.

"You're not playing with me, are you?" Michael, trying to confirm Lucifer's statement, protectively asks.

"Is it that hard to trust me? I need to confirm something, and given the way things are going, I need to go to Heaven and meet God," Lucifer snarls.

In other words, Lucifer needs one or both of them alive to guide him in the right direction to Heaven. He doesn't show any concern for Malique's precarious situation, hanging on by a thread.

"Forgive me, General Lucifer!" Mammon abruptly shouts, kneeling in fear. "You must have wanted to kill them yourself, and my actions must have angered you."

Once they comprehend Mammon's gesture, they all follow suit, lowering themselves to one knee and averting their gaze, awaiting the punishment for their reckless behaviour.

"Sorry, all, but I've switched sides," Lucifer states with aloofness, his remarks capturing their attention. "Joined them. Is that so hard to understand?"

Suddenly, one of the female-like Archdemons begins her transformation into an unmitigated Archdemon, fuelled by rage. She possesses the epithet of wrath and fulfils all the requirements for the alteration. Alongside Beelzebub, they become two of the fully transformed Archdemons.

Asmodeus watches in dread as her friend, Sathanas, transforms. Sathanas' light armour changes into a full suit, resembling a lion's skull, complete with a menacing mane. Her eyes bear a mark similar to Beelzebub's transformation, emanating a similar aura.

"You're dead, Lucifer," Sathanas declares without formalities, filled with determination.

Lucifer mocks their enthusiasm, but none of them pays attention to his jest. Sathanas commands Abaddon to join her, and they slowly approach Lucifer, with Sathanas dragging her mace, leaving a trail in the sandy terrain.

"No, Aba... Abaddon, don't..." Michael pleads.

In a flash, Abaddon undergoes the same transformation. The Sin of Sloth awakens, his black waistcoat transforming into a Kevlar body armour capable of withstanding blows and shattering multiple weapons. The symbol of Sloth appears in his light blue eyes as he splits the bladed chain, duplicating it from the original body. The mark of Sloth is displayed on the back of his vest.

Expressing his frustration, Abaddon exclaims, "Ah, stop sending Abaddon around. It's exhausting." Each time they transform, their twisted personalities, unfitting for worshippers of God, become apparent.

"Lucifer, stop attracting trouble to yourself!" Michael warns as he lifts Malique with his hands, inadvertently flapping his wings, causing the pain to return and forcing him to close them. "You're on your own this time. I can't help you."

"Don't worry, I've got this..." Lucifer responds.

"Are you sure?" Beelzebub interjects, wearing a new snake-like headgear that Malique hasn't seen before from their clash in Hell. Their expressions are concealed by the veil.

"You're weak, Lucifer. Too... Fucking... Weak," Beelzebub continues, becoming increasingly agitated. "You lost to two Angels! And one of them isn't even an Archangel! You've lost your fucking fangs! Probably kneeled before them, begging for mercy and joined them out of fear!"

Sathanas and Abaddon laugh along with Beelzebub, their faces filled with scorn.

"Oi, Lucifer!" Michael tries to check on Lucifer, only to see a face twisted with anger and disgust. He notices Lucifer clenching their fist, veins pulsing in their vision.

"No wonder you appointed me as the Team Leader. Somehow, you fucked it up," Beelzebub boasts, raising both arms in a show of power, commanding Sathanas and Abaddon. "Go for it, kill this traitor for me."

"Die, you fucking traitor!" Abaddon, upon command, whips both chains at Lucifer, while Sathanas leaps into the air, mace raised high, ready to slam Lucifer into the ground.

"Weak... Traitor?" Lucifer mutters.

"You two, wait!" Asmodeus attempts to warn them, but it's too late.

In a flash of lightning, it's Lucifer's turn to evolve to their absolute best. Their torn and tattered robe transforms into a grand suit of knightly armour, similar to Belphegor's attire. However, Lucifer's armour exudes even more grandeur, fit for a king on special occasions, albeit lacking gold-like features. The vantablack colour suits them, conveying the imminent death one will face, just like the fallen Angels who opposed this figure.

The attack on Lucifer is swift, but their reflexes are faster than the eye can perceive, even after the time limit for their transformation has expired. With their left hand, clad in a reinforced gauntlet, Lucifer effortlessly intercepts Abaddon's chain, using a single palm to block the strike.

Securing their grip on Abaddon's chain, Lucifer seizes the opportunity to absorb Sathanas' blow with their right hand. The shockwave travels from their palm to their elbow, then along their waist, and knee, and dissipates into the ground, causing a pulse that scatters sand. Despite the mace's sharp edge touching the underside of Lucifer's glove, it doesn't leave a scratch.

Lucifer's left hand, no longer needed for defence, delivers a powerful hook to Sathanas' abdomen, incapacitating her and leaving her weapon intact in Lucifer's palm. With one threat neutralized and another flying toward them, Lucifer swiftly flips the mace, gripping the handle side, and smashes it onto Abaddon. Although his vest reduces the damage inflicted, the resulting impact buries him in the sand.

The events unfold so quickly that none of them have time to react or be awed. By the time they realize it, Lucifer is already standing in front of Beelzebub, raising the mace, which is about to meet Beelzebub's head.