Internal Chaos


Asmodeus closes her portal right after she goes through it. She opens one somewhere in the high ground of the sandy terrain, where the Demon army can be seen marching in the background.

Dejected, the Demons of Sins kneel, sit, or crawl on the tiny pebble. One can easily guess who is doing what by their state. Asmodeus remains the only one standing after receiving the depressing news.

"So, what are we doing now?" Belphegor plucks out a specific question that goes against the mood of their time. "It was supposed to be General Lucifer's reign to overthrow Heaven."

"What, are you afraid of his warning that he will kill us?" Beelzebub snarls, not accepting Belphegor's statement as the actual truth. "That we don't all share the same ambition as he does?"

"Calm down, Beelzebub," Mammon interferes, trying to diffuse their heated conversation. "If we don't share the same views, we should already be on our way. You fucking dumbass."

"Don't you dare call me that!" Beelzebub quickly stands and launches at Mammon.

"Stop!" Asmodeus shouts, blocking Beelzebub's attempt. "Behave yourself!"

"Out of the way, Asmodeus," Beelzebub warns her. "You don't want to get entangled in this mess."

"Behave yourself!" Asmodeus commands, and Beelzebub freezes in place. "Stop trying to force us to fight against each other. We've already severed ties. It wasn't supposed to be like this."

They all fall silent and contemplate. The oath they once swore, the memories start to flood their minds. The promise to always stick together, to always be there for one another. Reality, it seems, had different plans for them.

"Then, what are the plans?" Sathanas breaks the silence as she chimes in.

"We stick to it," Beelzebub proposes.

"Is this fine, Asmodeus?" Abaddon tugs her cloth lightly.

"Do we look like we have any other options?" Beelzebub cuts in with the reply. It is hard to admit because what he said is nothing but the truth. "Those who agree with me, raise your hand."

As he looks around, everyone raises their hand, including Asmodeus and Abaddon. It is the only purpose left for them, to keep on living. A reason to be oneself. A justification to be a Demon.

"Let's go. We better not waste more time on useless chit-chat," Beelzebub orders and unveils his wings. He then flies down towards the marching Demons.

Following his lead, they begin to flash their wings and join him one by one. On the initial platform, Asmodeus sits alone as she recalls her reunion with Lucifer back when she was still trapped in Hell.

Wandering around the cursed place, Asmodeus lets her hand brush the invisible wall that closed them off for torture. Facing down to carefully watch her step, she passes by a figure that is very dear to her unnoticed.

"Lucifer!?" She immediately turns around to greet her superior after sensing his presence a second later. She runs as fast as she can to embrace his warmth, but the wall reprimands her action. "Ouch!"

"I'm sorry, Asmodeus," Lucifer, who is outside the barrier with his signature mask covering his face, asks for forgiveness. "To put you guys in such a state... What a bad leader I am."

"You don't have to apologize." Asmodeus hastily responds as she stands back on her two feet, tears dripping from her eyes. "Just knowing that you're alive is enough for us."

"How can I accept your statement if you're making such faces?"

"No! No." Asmodeus wipes away the tears upon hearing what Lucifer had said. "I'm just happy to see you again."

"Really?" Lucifer places both of his hands on the wall.

"Yes. Really." Asmodeus trails his action and sets her hands in the same position. It might be unrealistic to say that she feels a sensation even with the barrier blocking them, but she wants to believe it. "Wait up, Lucifer. Let me summon the others."

"No need." Lucifer answers, shocking Asmodeus.

"What do you mean...?"


Behind Asmodeus, the remaining members of the Demons of Sins arrive at the scene. With Beelzebub and Sathanas landing first, Mammon and Belphegor follow, and Abaddon comes last.

"General Lucifer." Beelzebub salutes his commander by kneeling, and the others follow suit, including Asmodeus.

Even though you cannot see this, Abaddon tears up while Belphegor's eyes start to get soaked. Meanwhile, Sathanas and Mammon have relieved expressions on their faces.

"General Lucifer, do you mind telling us why they all turned on us?" While the others don't have much to say to their commander, Beelzebub takes the chance to ask this specific question.

"I don't think I need to answer that, do I?" Lucifer commands. They all seem to accept this response, given their experience of horrible treatment and their ability to figure it out from their enemies' conversations.

"Then, are we going to be stuck here forever?" Beelzebub asks again.

"I've got a trick up my sleeve, but it's going to take a while to happen," Lucifer replies, and their faces brighten up with anticipation.


"Soon." Though the answer this time is not that reassuring, it still manages to capture their attention.

"What are we supposed to do until then?"

"Gather everyone. Spread the word and be wary of your Gatekeeper. Whisper the words and let them fuel each and every one of us with desire as we raid and occupy our bed. Our own house. Our own Heaven!"

"Yes, Sir!" In unison, the Demons of Sins hold to their promise, assuring it with their own lives to see it happen.

"In the end, every single place that exists in this world will feel like hellaven." Lucifer closes his speech and manifests his majestic wings, taking to the sky.

Seeing how he leaves in a hurry, the others make use of the free time and act right away. To reach every corner of Hell, they split up as soon as possible. However, just like in the present day, Asmodeus is the one left behind.

It is not because she wants to skip her duties or anything quite like it; she just needs some extra time to straighten herself from this devious feeling that keeps raging in her heart. Before the whole war begins, she never felt this sensation before, and it tries to control her.

Right now, the feelings kind of dissipate away. After crossing her portal and cutting ties with Lucifer, the agitation calms down. It almost sways her to join Lucifer's side and leave the whole team behind.

Was the Lucifer I met there not the Lucifer I know dearly? She thinks to herself, peeking at the army of Demons trooping the trail. To mistake Lucifer for someone else is a huge no for her.

She hates this, every part of it. From the essence of their life that mitigates the conflict to her uneasiness and care for a traitor that they have to acknowledge. She wants to pray to God, but will it ever be answered?

After banishing them, after exiling them. Leaving them hopeless and afraid. Deprived and anxious. Not knowing whether they have the chance to see tomorrow or their limbs will be decapitated. I guess we all know the result of her prayers, which she has done countless times even as a Demon.

But now is not the time for her to be sad and depressed. As second only to Lucifer, she needs to set an example for her kin to follow and observe. Therefore, she slaps herself as hard and painfully as she can.


The redness on her cheek confirms the amount of dedication she chooses to show. She chooses not to rub the hurting, stirring back up her resolve. Now, with her wings wide open, she sails to the front of the crowd and prepares herself to open up a new gate to shorten their journey.

It doesn't take her long to conjure one as she remembers the layout of the place where they had the eventful encounter. As of now, they find themselves right behind the only lead they have: Lucifer with the two Angels who know the direction to Heaven.

Even if they have lost sight of him, scouting can be done, and this lead is enough to be deemed useful. Knowing that they are exactly on the right path saves them a whole lot of trouble, rather than misleading the way and wasting their effort.

To believe that they can reach Heaven before the warning from the runners arrives first is impossible. So, now they have to tell everyone to be prepared for full combat the moment they spot the Gate of Heaven.

Forgive me, Lucifer. I don't know what's right or wrong anymore. Please, help me. I need you. I don't want to be alone anymore. On my own with no one to rely on.