Debate - Part 2

As Lucifer walks through the corridor, he occasionally steals glances at the aperture, observing the forest that shrouds Heaven's gate. Any moment now, an army of Demons could emerge from there, leading to the resurrection of the Great War.

"Wait, Lucifer," a hand appears from behind him and grabs him by the shoulder.

"I thought we finished our conversation?" Lucifer rhetorically asks, recognizing the voice as Hadraniel's.

"Well, I just wanted to make sure that..." Hadraniel fidgets and trails off, seeming hesitant to ask his question. "Are we certain that the Demon's army is still going to raid this place?"

"Hundred per cent sure," Lucifer responds curtly.

"But based on the events, won't they be hesitant to come here after their defeat?" Hadraniel points out the logical inconsistency.

"Come on, Hadraniel. I know you're not that daft," Lucifer replies, resuming his walk to the end of the corridor.

"Is that an invitation for another round, I hear?" Hadraniel challenges.

"What can six Demons do against thousands? Even if they had a civil war, what would change? This is the only desire left for them to keep on living, trying to seek an answer that was never written. Do you think they cower just because of my little warning?" Lucifer expresses his thoughts, standing close enough for Hadraniel to hear.

"Are you certain?" Hadraniel remains in disbelief.

"Then, tell me the truth. Did you anticipate that I would come here?" Lucifer questions Hadraniel's understanding, turning to face him. Unbeknownst to him, Hadraniel moves closer when he's not looking. "Not just me in particular. How were you able to foresee the Demons' arrival exactly?"

Through Hadraniel's introspective eyes, Lucifer can see how deeply he delves into his thoughts. Trust is not easily obtained; to gain someone's trust, one must be willing to give their own first. It's a difficult task, especially after experiencing the bittersweet aftermath that left its mark on history.

"Gabriel kind of warned me about it right after he came back to Heaven," Hadraniel confesses hesitantly, attempting to rely on his friendship with an Archangel.

"Gabriel?" Lucifer's brain aches with discontent. That name holds a vague impression in his mind, simultaneously present and absent. His recognition of the person seems partially missing.

"To be fair, his premonitions are almost accurate in every situation," Hadraniel adds. "Good luck trying to find him in the Parthenon, though. Or I should say, good luck finding anyone there."

"What do you mean?" Lucifer inquires, setting aside his worries.

"Ever since this whole mess started, I've travelled back and forth to the Parthenon many times, and all I received was nothingness," Hadraniel explains. "I told Gabriel the same thing, and honestly, I made a few more trips afterwards, but it was all fruitless."

"Presumably, you don't know anything more about this, do you?" Lucifer implies.

"You'll have to see for yourself to better understand," Hadraniel answers.

"Alright, thanks for the advice," Lucifer expresses his gratitude and prepares to finally leave the garrison.

"I could say the same to you," Hadraniel replies, saluting Lucifer.

With that, they conclude their conversation and return to their respective tasks. While they may not see each other as friends, they do consider each other allies. Their fate remains unknown, even to God.

"That was quite a stroll, wasn't it?" Michael jokes as he and Lucifer find themselves together again.

"Cut him some slack, Michael. He hasn't been here for a long time," Malique defends.

"Alright, my bad," Lucifer apologizes, even though neither of them was waiting for it. Flashing his wings, he invites them to join him. "Now, what are we waiting for?"

Although Lucifer is the one extending the invitation, he positions himself at the back as they take flight. Michael leads the way, as he possesses the most knowledge of the Parthenon. This tactic also grants Lucifer some time to relive his memories. While most of the sights are new to him, he does remember the layout of the roads and paths, though the exteriors have changed.

One question lingers in his mind—the whereabouts of Heaven's citizens. The humans who were meant to reside here, just as humans populate Hell due to their sins. The only explanation Lucifer can conceive is that Hadraniel may have done something to conceal or protect them.

Hadraniel's decision to act in advance, despite dampening the atmosphere, proves his competence in carrying out his duties. The strategy may have been implemented earlier than expected, but it showcases his efficiency.

Another detail catches Lucifer's attention—the elevated terrain near the Parthenon. The ground's heights deviate significantly from his recollection. While a single spot might not raise concern, the entire area raises questions.

The uneven terrain stands out, despite its beauty, with its adorned plants and buildings. Lucifer struggles to imagine what it looked like before. Upon closer inspection, he deduces that such changes result from an intense battle.

The asymmetrical pavements and structures serve as a cover-up. However, as much as Lucifer longs to understand or recall what transpired, nothing comforts him in his quest for answers.

This leads Lucifer to question the credibility behind Hadraniel's words. While sincerity is enough to inspire trust, the underlying logic appears flawed. The way he was shunned adds another layer of confusion to this mystery.

"When was the last time I set foot in this place again?" Malique's self-questioning brings Lucifer back to his senses. After landing at the Parthenon's north entrance, the three of them decide to walk to the main door.

Lucifer still holds the outline of this sacred place in the depths of his memory—the chiselled pillars, the details he oversaw during its construction. He was the one responsible for monitoring the progress, etching every detail into his mind.

"Do you think Gabriel and the others will greet us personally once we enter?" Malique eagerly asks Michael, looking forward to reuniting with his teacher.

"I'm sorry to say this, Malique, but we better not get our hopes up after everything we've been through," Michael dampens the mood.

"I have to agree with Michael. Something feels completely off about this place," Lucifer supports Michael's observation.

"What do you mean?" Malique questions.

"This place seems lifeless," Lucifer explains based on his experience.

"True," Michael affirms. "Other than the three of us, everything appears eerily quiet. If they were busy preparing for what's to come, there should be more activity."

"We should have encountered some familiar faces the moment we landed here, so..."


The main door opens on its own as soon as they stand in front of it. This occurrence contradicts the rumours of the place being deserted, adding to the mounting unease.

The gloomy scene shocks them as they step inside, confronted by corpses and wreckage scattered everywhere. The sight of the Archangels, the formidable figures who once seemed invincible, lying lifeless on the bloodstained floor, surprises them the most.

"What is the meaning of this!?" Malique exclaims with traumatized concern.

"You took long enough to arrive," a shadowy figure suddenly appears among the scattered bodies, grabbing their attention.

"Who's there?" Lucifer calls out.

"Don't you recognize me? How cruel," the figure moves closer, hoping the light from outside will reveal his face. "How about now?"

"Zadkiel!? How could you!?" Michael expresses disbelief, his eyes fixed on the blood smearing Zadkiel's face.

"Oh, forgive me. I was in the wrong form," Zadkiel confesses.


In an instant, the snap of his fingers unveils the true identity of the sinner, Archangel Gabriel, leaving the three of them in awe.

"Surprise?" Gabriel smirks.