Secret Reveal - Part 3

Gabriel lifts his hand from Lucifer's face, unlocking the lost memory that had been hidden to conceal his secret. He teleports in front of Lucifer, leaving Malique and Michael froze in disbelief as they witness the revelation. The impact on Lucifer's brain causes him to lose his balance.

"Lucifer!" both Malique and Michael cry out, quickly moving to catch their stumbling comrade before he hits the floor.

With no one pursuing him or bombarding him with questions, Gabriel resumes his walk back to the throne in the centre of the room. The corpses strewn around them bear splatters of blood everywhere except for a crooked line leading to the royal seat.

"After your death... I kicked your body down the Parthenon disguised as an Angel," Gabriel reveals, his words laced with amusement. "The same power I allowed you guys to witness before can be altered according to my liking. And I must say, I quite enjoyed using this form."


Gabriel assumes a different appearance, shocking both Michael and Malique. Before them stands a replica of their nightmare—a horrifying helmet and armour that instilled fear in every Angel who laid eyes upon it. It is Lucifer's berserk reincarnation.

"You've got to be kidding me," Michael mutters, disturbed by the sight before him.

"Pretty neat, right?" Gabriel mocks them, considering all the events that transpired as nothing more than a joke.

"So, that's how the war broke out," Lucifer mutters to himself, his voice carrying to his companions. "Using my form to slaughter your kin while pulverizing mine. You're one sick bastard."

"Hahaha. Somehow, I feel honoured to be called by that title," Gabriel jests, removing his helmet to expose his face. "It suits me, especially after what happened to my wings."


The view of a nauseating pinion causes further disturbance. With the slightest movement, the grey feathers begin to fall off one by one, revealing patches of bone clinging to the skin.

"A 'Fallen Angel,' how about that?" Gabriel proudly gives himself a name to be recognized. "So beautiful."

"I can't agree with that taste," Michael counters, his expression stern.

"Well, I never asked for an opinion," Gabriel shrugs dismissively.

"I suppose you used God's physical form to deceive us as well, didn't you?" Lucifer questions.

"Nah," Gabriel responds. "My power still has its limitations."

"Then how did you manage to deceive us and even God Himself?" Michael inquires, puzzled by Gabriel's previous report.

"That's where hard work paid off," Gabriel grins wickedly. "You see, I oversaw every single engagement and event, regardless of when they occurred. All under God's orders. After all, He's too weak to do anything."

"Don't you dare disrespect God like that!" Lucifer's anger flares, and he faces Gabriel fully.

"Shut up! I'm in the middle of talking here," Gabriel snaps, tossing the helmet toward Lucifer. It misses its target, clattering on the floor. "He forced me to run errands and trusted me so easily that even the simplest lie was enough to deceive him."

"Lie?" Michael's curiosity is piqued by Gabriel's confession. "But Angels can't lie."

"Yes, we can. Try it out," Gabriel challenges them, but they offer no response. "Why? Cat got your tongue? Hahahaha."

Their tongues remain tied as they ponder the unfolding reality before them. They must accept and believe, as the past cannot be changed.

"Where's God? What did you do to him!?" Lucifer demands, directing his entire body toward Gabriel.

"He's dead," Gabriel states once again, relishing the reaction he elicits. "I killed Him."

"Impossible," the incredulous words escape both Lucifer's and Michael's mouths.

"He brought it upon Himself, you know," Gabriel scoffs, shaking his head in disbelief. "He created 'The Holy Lance' himself. So, I took the thing and got closer to him, demonstrating the outcome of my storytelling."


Gabriel responds effortlessly, blocking the punch launched by Lucifer as he dashes towards him.

"Square up. I'm going to kill you right now," Lucifer threatens, attempting another strike with his left hand, only to have it halted by Gabriel's firm grip.

"Don't bother, Lucifer. You're weak," Gabriel retorts, delivering a kick to Lucifer's chest that sends him tumbling backwards, creating some distance between them. "What can a mere armoured fist do? Give me a massage?"

[Crackle and Zoom!]

As Lucifer's patience wanes, he transcends into his absolute state—Pride, one of the Seven Sins. His newfound armour exudes confidence, with the mark of a Sinner branded on both his pupils. His horns elongate, signifying his elevated status.

"Yes. Yes! That's more like it," Gabriel exclaims, excited that Lucifer is no longer holding back. He retrieves a pair of khopesh blades he had concealed.

"Chuckle Cute," Lucifer can't help but find amusement in Gabriel's choice of weapon, revealing his own as well.


Ten sharp finger claws sprout from each of Lucifer's fingers, crafted from his nails. They grow long enough to scrape the floor as he approaches Gabriel. With his finger claws, he possesses an advantage over Gabriel's khopesh.

While Gabriel's blade can parry swords and other weapons, the claws can penetrate the gaps in the armour where there is little protection, primarily at the limb joints. Gabriel realizes that his opponent's unique choice of weapon gives him the upper hand.

"I won't allow you to repent, because you'll be dead," Lucifer threatens, positioning both hands above his hips.

"How can you be so sure of victory?" Gabriel arrogantly raises his nose and challenges Lucifer.

"Forgot about me?" Michael reminds them of his presence, standing next to Lucifer with his spear aimed.

Michael, too, has transformed into his "Holy" form—an embodiment that all Archangels can assume. The reason the other Archangels didn't transform during their battles with Gabriel, who took on their various forms, is that assuming a different form makes them vulnerable.

Gabriel had been waiting for them to change, while Malique, in his first encounter with a Sinner Transformation, remained unaware of what was about to unfold, leaving him standing still. With Gabriel hunting them down, making themselves easy targets would be a foolish move.

"Step aside, Michael. You'll only slow me down," Lucifer's arrogance doesn't bother Michael, as he understands it doesn't align with his usual demeanour.

"Wouldn't it be better for this guy to die as soon as possible?" Michael questions, checking if Lucifer is still rational.

"As I said, if you stay out of my way, it'll be over in a second," Lucifer's haughtiness gets the better of him.

"Alright, fine," Michael devises a way to work around Lucifer's mindset. "I'll watch, but if he tries to attack me, I won't be out of the question, got it?"

"Stop chatting and fight me already!"


Ashes fill the air as Gabriel launches the first attack, growing impatient with their conversation. He craves the spotlight, and when someone else diverts attention away from him, how can he not become infuriated?