Purified Souls Ch.1 A New Beginning

Good day. I am Estelle Lumia. In the fictional world of Selenia, there is a somewhat humble sized old-fashioned Japanese-style village called Haruka, where everyone lives their lives.

I live with my parents & I help in our family business of selling books every day. When someone ask for it, we help them when dark spirits, youkai, or poltergeists could cause danger.

I am delighted, waiting for the chance to help with our business even more. Just a week before my 16th birthday, that night changed everything.

I was sleeping when I suddenly heard strange noises coming from downstairs? I went to go take a look.

I saw my parents desperately fighting some strange dark form flying around. I saw my father in his job attire & my mother was in some scary form I didn't recognize.

Father Lumia said, ''What is he? He doesn't seem like a normal shadow? (Gasps) Estelle? What are you doing downstairs?!''

Mother Lumia said, ''Estelle! Get out of here now!!!!''

Estelle thought, Suddenly I felt so scared, that I was shivering & couldn't move from that spot. The shadow stopped, started laughing & looked like he was collecting energy.

In that moment, my parents looked frightened & my father ran toward me yelling.

Nicholas yelled, ''ESTELLE, MOVE!!!!''

Estelle thought, That shadow released it's stored up energy. That flash of amassed energy killed my parents in front of me.

Dark Form thought in that moment, ''Darn! I don't have enough energy left to get rid of her as well!''

Estelle told us, It whispered in my ear, 'Another Daaaayyyy!' With that, It left, and all I could feel was such pure evil in the room.

Estelle's mom said with her last breath, ''Hon....ey.....'' Estelle thought, I saw my parents lifeless bodies on the ground.

Estelle told us, My father and my mother weren't moving. Their bodies had no life left. I felt so helpless. I cried and grieved next to them into that night.

I vowed that day to figure out what-that evil was took that my parents from me & get revenge....

Our village had a funeral and grieved for my parents. I wanted to take over the business, but I never wanted to take over it because my parents died! I had to take account of a lot of things pertaining to Lumia's.

It was hard to have any motivation with my parents now gone. I felt so lifeless.... How could I move on, when I don't have my mother and father anymore?

After a few days, I forced myself to move forward and not think about it, much more than I needed to.

Estelle was thinking, ''Just smile and move on Estelle. What would you parents want for you? What would they say? (Sniff)''

Estelle told us, A week later after my 16th birthday which was a sad one. I was taking inventory of our stock in the backroom.

This lady walked down the street and saw our sign outside saying, 'We cleanse evil energies'. Graveyard Keeper asked, ''Is anyone here?''

Estelle thought, After my parents died, I had to take over everything. I walked out of the backroom to ask her what she wanted.

Estelle asked, ''I assume you are here for our services?'' Graveyard Keeper said frantically, ''Y-Yes! I need your help please!''

Estelle asked, ''Why don't we sit down first?'' Graveyard Keeper explained, ''My graveyard just outside this village has a unwelcome visitor. This strange girl that I-I believe might have horns....''

Estelle asked curiously, ''Horns? Anything else weird?''

Graveyard Keeper continued, ''Yes. She seems to be living in our graveyard, hunting for food & sitting on the gravestones. I wish for you to see if she intends to mess with the graveyard or something else.''

Estelle said, ''Hmmm.....Alright, I will investigate it for you. That will be 12 dollars, payment up front.''

Estelle thought, We decided the payment based on how much trouble it sounds, but we never got too expensive.

Graveyard Keeper asked, ''Who are you talking too?'' Estelle replied, ''No one....!''

Estelle thought, We went to the graveyard just outside the city.

Graveyard Keeper said, ''Alright. See that strange girl sitting on the gravestone in the distance over there?

That's her. I will let you handle it. I'll go back to my small shed over there on the edge of the graveyard. Good luck.''

Estelle said, ''Right, bye!'' Estelle thought, The lady left me now. I slowly walked up to that strange girl, with the mist less & less blocking my view. Who is she? Hmm....

Estelle thought in that moment, (Gasps) Who is this strange girl? I felt like fate was guiding me in that moment, when I first laid my eyes on her. I gathered up my courage and asked....

Estelle asked nervously, ''Um.. Excuse me? Who or..what are you, if you don't mind my asking?''

Strange Girl said depressed, ''Huh? Are you talking to me? . .What am I? Good question...., wish I knew..myself.... My only knowledge..is that I am....apparently a..demon girl.... (Sigh)''

Estelle asked, ''Demon Girl? So that's why you seem to have 2 tiny horns up on your head? Hmm....? I noticed that you also have glowing red eyes as well?''

Demon Girl said, ''Yeah, I have gotten asked about that before....by other humans...like yourself....''

Estelle said confused, ''Okay? If I may ask, so why are you living in a graveyard?''

Demon Girl explained, ''Hmm? I will explain to you, I suppose.... Sometime ago, I was just born into existence from nothing in the middle of a forest. I was confused about my existence....

I wandered & explored nearby. I found some other villages but was mostly afraid to go near them. After wandering around for-who knows, maybe years, days, weeks, or months, ....I realized that I had no purpose & gave up....

I felt empty & just kept wandering till I eventually found this place. I was surviving, wondering what I am....''

Estelle said emotional, ''That sounds miserable.... No place to go? No shelter or food?''

Estelle thought, After having a few tears, I began thinking how to deal with her situation.

Estelle asked, ''If you have no place, if you leave, I might be able to find you a place to live in our village? How about it?''

Estelle thought, Suddenly the strange girl puts out her hand. She summoned a grimoire out of nowhere & began floating off the ground?!

Demon Girl said upset, ''I..don't need your help. Are you..taking pity on me?'' Estelle asked surprised, ''Wait! What's going on?! Where did that grimoire come from?!''

Demon Girl said upset, ''Fine....! If you want me to leave here, you will have to make me....!''

Estelle yelled with conviction, ''Alright!''

Estelle thought, I pulled out my sacred fan given to me by father. The demon girl began pulling strange dark magic out of her grimoire & using it to attack me!

I keep dodging it gracefully like my mother taught me. I then used my sacred fan to attack her as well. She kept somehow dodging in the air?!

Demon Girl said upset, ''Alright.... So you do....have skill.... Hmm?'' Demon Girl thought, I hate that look of strong will she has on her face.

Estelle asked frantically, ''What's that?! Doesn't look good!''

Estelle thought, She began putting both her arms up towards the sky chanting something while a huge sphere of dark energy is forming. I use a talisman to input my energy and my will in it to make a barrier.

The sphere is thrown down at me & my barrier.... There was a huge explosion of energy blocking my sight. I barely blocked it. With the energy dissipating, I looked around & saw that nothing was harmed, neither any trees or bushes.

Demon Girl asked, ''Your....still alive? How....?''

Estelle thought, We continued for a while until we were both evenly matched and we ended up right next to each both exhausted with minor scratches. Don't worry, the graveyard was relatively unharmed.

Demon Girl said exhausted, ''So....you are....a match....to my...power? That..that was much more....of a challenge..then....I expected.....''

Estelle said exhausted, ''You..as well.... That was harder then when my father....trained me as..a child....''

Estelle thought, We both sat up still exhausted. Then, I had a idea struck me. Estelle asked, ''I have a idea, Why don't you just stay with me?''

Demon Girl asked, ''Huh? With you? Really....?''

Estelle said, ''Yeah, I recently took over my family's business called, Lumia's Bookstore. Our main thing is purifying & helping people with our spiritual knowledge.

I have no one else living with me since....father and mother....died.''

Estelle thought looking down, ''Father.... Mother....''

Demon Girl asked withdrawn, ''I can....live with....you? You sure you want me? A demon? I..just....tried to...kill..you?''

Estelle said with a sad smile, ''Yeah, I will help anybody that deserves it.'' Demon Girl said withdrawn, ''Hmmm.... I....will...I....guess....''

Estelle asked, ''I just realized, I must introduce myself. I am Estelle Lumia. Do you have a name?''

Demon Girl said, ''Umm, ....no..actually....''

Estelle thought, She started looking around. She seemed to like the name on the gravestone behind me.

Demon girl said realizing, ''Umm.... That name there.... Can my name..be Marisa? Is it..good?'' Estelle replied, ''Ye--!''

Graveyard Keeper asked irritated, ''I could hear all of that fighting....! Are you done with all the fighting now? What's going on out here?''

Estelle replied, ''Oh! yeah, we're finished Madam. I talked it over with her. She was a demon. I got her to agree to leave with me, and she agreed to stay with me.''

Graveyard Keeper asked, ''Oh. Was that all it was?''

Estelle said cheerfully, ''May I introduce, Marisa The demon girl. (Chuckle) She just needed somewhere to stay was all.''

Graveyard Keeper said pleased, ''Alright! Thanks so much!! I'll go back to my scrapbooking of my sweet grandson then!''

Estelle said, ''I am glad I could help & I hope you will come to our place again if you ever need our help!'' Graveyard Keeper said thankful, ''Bye! Thanks again!''

Estelle said to us, ''Thanks for reading!!''

The Narrator said introducing himself, ''Hello, I was Nicholas Lumia, Estelle's Father. You can call me Nicholas. My little girl is amazing!

I hope you continue to move forward without me, as I can't be there for you anymore, like I used to be. Sadly, I don't know where my wife is, but I will continue to watch over you in spirit from above.

I see you already are making new friends without me around. (Sniffle) It makes me tear up so much! Everyone!, my daughter's story is only beginning. (Waving at us) See you later!''