Purified Souls Ch.5 Communication!

Hello Again! It's me, Hina Serina! It's been a few days since my friend's last job. Today, I think my father had the day off. Apparently his job hadn't given him enough time off, so they adjusted his schedule for more relaxation.

I hope I could get him to read me a children's book, I bought from miss Estelle's bookstore awhile ago. My parents were downstairs having morning breakfast.

I walked downstairs from my room holding the book behind my back with my hopes held high.

Mister Serina said with a fresh drink of tea, ''Nothing like the morning newspaper & this lovely coffee tea I am trying today!''

Hina said holding in her excitement, ''Um....Father? You do have the day off today right?'' Miss Serina asks, ''Yeah, ..that's right. Your off today, right?''

Mister Serina replied, ''Yes, I work the night before 2 days from now.'' Hina said with glee, ''Great!--Because I----!''

Miss Serina said with irritation, ''What the--?! Who answers a question like that? So are you off today or not?''

Mister Serina said confused, ''I don't. That's what I just said. I already said I don't work today.... What's the problem?''

Hina thought in that moment, ''I didn't know what to say....''

Miss Serina asked with irritation, ''Why did you say it like that then?'' Mister Serina replied befuddled, ''I-I answered your question didn't I?''

Miss Serina said with a more frustrated tone, ''Well, who words a question that way?!?'' Hina asked while worried, ''Mother? Father? Uhhhh....''

Hina told us, They continued like that for days. Neither of them would let it go after minutes of arguing. For the next few days, they were both late for their early morning jobs.

Hina was thinking, ''This is so frustrating.... I wish they would....just stop already....''

Hina told us, Every time they saw each other again, they kept harping on it. My father was too distracted....to read my book with me....

Days later, father had another day off, but they wasted over half of it being angry over a miss-wording. I was hiding in my room on my bed, under my bed covers.

I was wishing for them to stop and get along again. Somehow their arguments got even worse, insulting each-other now. I could hear them downstairs....

Miss Serina asked in a irritated manner, ''Are you a idiot? . .You should be smart enough to know how to phrase a simple question! Do I need to clean out your brain!? Maybe a good brain scrubbing will help you out!''

Mister Serina said confused and angry, ''Verryy funny. I'm sorry alright. Can-you not be so angry with me, --because of a simple mistake honey? Let's just forget about this, alright....''

Hina thought frightened under her sheets, ''I'm so sick of this! (Sniffle) Enough please! Enough of this. Please, I don't want you two to fight anymore....''

Hina told us, I decided to walk past them with some rice balls in hand. I went outside, with it being now after 6:00 P.M. I went to the nearby park once again to relax.... Meanwhile....

Estelle said feeling satisfied, ''Marisa. (Deep breath) It's time to close for the day. Can you turn the sign on our door over please?'' Marisa said while reserved, ''Uh....okay.''

Estelle said to Marisa, ''We seem to be having more customers lately. Hopefully a good omen.'' Marisa asked, ''Excuse me? These books....go in the backroom....right?''

Estelle confirmed, ''Yeah. Put them in the back.''

Estelle thought to herself feeling somber, ''It was even more busier, back when my father ran this place.... Father? Can I live up to what you did for our business? Is it possible?''

Hina told us, Meanwhile, I went and sat on my favorite bench while attempting to calm down. I was eating some rice balls, while thinking about things.

Hina thought to herself, ''I wish they would calm down & make up already. I just want them to be like they always were....and I want my father to spend his day off with me....

I just wanted him to read my book to me....''

Narrator said, ''Meanwhile. Somewhere close by.''

Dark Form said while smiling, ''Mhm.... I still need more nourishment for my goals. Hm-hm-hmm! Who's ripe for me to influence?

Who's just perfect? Who's negative emotions are just right?

Wait a second! Ah! Ahh! That girl on that bench over there! She's got fresh emotions ripe for my feeding! My power! Go to that girl, over there!!!!''

Hina thought, Out of nowhere, I felt sick for a second. I felt like a brief hint of all the world's hatred went in me. Suddenly, I started hearing voices pushing my actions and thoughts.

Dark Thoughts inside Hina said, ''Take....care of.... Take..care...of-them! Sick of....Your parents....arguing? Just....silence them....'' Hina said resisting, ''Ugh! What is this?? I feel sick....''

Dark Thoughts Inside Hina continue, ''You can....do-it! Go on! Do it!'' Hina said with no more resistance, ''That's it. I....I'll take care of my parents. Then I won't...have..to deal with...their fighting...anymore.''

Hina told us, I started making my way back to our house, not in control of myself.

Estelle thought, I was still counting money from our register. Marisa now was upstairs. While just thinking, out of nowhere my head felt strange.

Estelle asked in pain, ''Ugh! What....is this strange....feeling? It feels like pure anger.... Uh! Am I....hearing someone's thoughts?!''

Thoughts echoing inside Estelle's mind, ''Take!....care....f....parents! I...won't....deal.....with....their..arguring.....anymore.... I've....had...enough....''

Estelle thought to herself, ''Wait! Is....that...Hina's voice?! Ugh! Am I hearing her mind?! Why does....she sound so upset? Something isn't right here! Why do I feel....such intense anger?!

I..have a bad feeling about this! I think....I need to investigate this. How do I explain this to Marisa though? She won't understand this!''

Estelle shouted, ''Marisa!! I'll be back momentarily! There's something I have to take care of!'' Marisa asked from upstairs, ''Uh, what?!''

Estelle shouted while putting on her gear, ''Don't worry! I'll be back in a bit!'' Marisa ''What's the issue?! Where are you going?!''

Estelle thought, I ran out the doors with my talismans, fan, & short sword. I attempted to focus on this weird sense of danger in my heart. I could sense it moving a few blocks away.

Narrator asked, ''Hm? Estelle? . .Do you have a new ability? Wait a second.... This ability seems familiar for some reason. What is happening to my daughter? (Thinking) Meanwhile....''

Estelle told us, Hina made it to the street of her parents house. For some reason, they were arguing outside the house.

Miss and Mister Serina said while pausing their arguing. ''Huh? Hina?

Hina said while seething with anger. ''Your....still arguing? Your....not....done....arguing yet? . . . .I....I have----had enough!!''

Estelle told us, While Hina was half the size of her parents, she ran towards them jumping on both of them, knocking them down to the ground. She started punching & slamming them with her fists like a spoiled brat.

Hina yelled furious and crying, ''I..I have had enough!! (Sniffle)-of your fighting!!''

Miss Serina said with concern, ''Honey! What's-Ugh! What's-with you!?'' Mister Serina said conflicted, ''It's....not my daughter! Hina....doesn't act like this!!''

Estelle told us, She began kicking & attacking them more ferociously. Hina shouted, ''I'm-sick..of it!! Mother! Father! No....more arguing!!''

Dark Thoughts inside Hina begin once again, ''Shut....them up!! Do it!! Rid yourself....of them!!'' Hina said with more anger, ''I will..silence....them!!!!''

Estelle told us, Still on top of them, they pushed Hina off and had such frightened expressions. Just then....

Estelle yelled from down the street, ''HINA!!!!'' Estelle thought in that moment, ''My instincts were right! I was apparently not too late.''

Estelle shouted with worry, ''Hina!! . .What is going on with you!?''

Hina turned to her friend, ''Estelle? How....did..you know....what I was doing? Don't get....in my way!!''

Dark Thoughts inside Hina pushed her, ''Get rid...of all of them!! That Lumia Girl....Is a threat..to you!!''

Hina shouted with anger, ''Mother!!! Father!!! Estelle!!!!''

Estelle told us, She seemed conflicted. She began floating off the ground and I could see some kinda dark miasma surrounding her....

She began trying to attack her parents again, this time with some strange dark force enhancing her physical abilities.

Estelle thought to herself, ''This was so shocking.... I had never seen her....like this before.... She never got angry....like this before....''

Estelle told us, I ran over to her parents. I attempted to block their daughter's attacks. My fan was barely blocking her punches and kicks. Her parents were scared out of their minds, Trembling with such fear....

Estelle shouted with concern, ''You two! Ugh! Please-Ugh! Please run away-Argh!, while I deal-uh!, With this! Run!!

Miss Serina said with care, ''Please, help my daughter if you can! Please!'' Mister Serina said, ''We'll leave!''

Estelle told us, They ran away to the next street behind me. Unfortunately, people were walking out of their houses to see what was happening out here.

Estelle shouted, ''Everybody! Get away!! This is quite dangerous!! Go back in your houses right now!!!!'' Estelle told us, Everybody half listened and watched from their doors and their windows.

We started fighting while I was attempting to calm her down.

Hina yelled with frustration, ''Don't....get in my way! I....I must....take care of them!!''

Estelle asked with tears, ''What did they do? Why are you so angry at them? Why are you trying to hurt your own parents?!?!''

Hina said upset, ''I....just..wanted...to..spend time..with them, but....they, ....they started....arguing instead of paying attention to how I feel!!!!''

Estelle yelled to her, ''Whatever it is!, let's solve it peacfully alright! I don't want to hurt my friend!!!! Hina Yelled, ''Let me through!''

Estelle yelled with tears, ''Hina!!!! Ugh! . . . .Once you brutally hurt your parents, . .there is no going back! Do you want to be like me?! I have no more parents!! Their gone forever!! (Sniff)''

Hina paused, ''Estelle? ....Why am I....trying to hurt-Ugh!....Estelle? (Conflicted screaming)''

Estelle said to herself, ''This is my chance! Hina!''

Estelle thought, I took out a talisman and began focusing my energy with past peaceful memoires of being her friend.

In that moment, I got her purified of all malevolence and hatred she possessed. After everything, she was unconscious on the ground.

Estelle said with a relaxed tone, ''She's....She finally stopped....''

Hina said waking up, ''....Es..telle? Where..am I? . . . .I feel....terrible.... Why am I....outside?'' Estelle said with a smile, ''Let's discuss everything later after you get some rest, okay.''

Narrator said with a sigh, ''Thanks goddess, my daughter and her friend weren't seriously injured. The next day, Estelle talked it over with her and her parents at Lumia's.

They realized that while they weren't completely sure what happened to their daughter, they finally made up and stopped arguing about it.''

Estelle said with clarity, ''Mister Serina. (Clears throat) Next time your family asks a question, make sure you word it better, alright. Make sure this doesn't happen again....''

Mister Serina said with a nervous smile, ''Alright.... I'll work on it.''

Miss Serina said satisfied, ''Thanks for helping our daughter. If I may ask, how did you know we were in trouble anyway?'' Estelle said not knowing what to say, ''Uhhh, ....girl's....Intuition....?''

Miss Serina said confused, ''Alright....? (Clears throat) Estelle? You deserve some compensation for what you did. Take this money I prepared before as a humble thanks from us.''

Estelle said, ''Really? I must graciously accept. Thank you for your kindness.'' Hina asked realizing, ''Ohh, yeah. Mother? Father? Why were you outside last night?''

Miss Serina replied, ''Hmm? Ohh! I remember. It was because we were going to find you, but the our arguing started again, because we couldn't decide on how to find you.''

Hina asked, ''Really? You were?'' Mister Serina said with a smile, ''Yeah. We were originally.'' Hina said, ''I....didn't....realize....''

Hina told us, Later that night....

I was currently having another scary nightmare. Similar to my previous nightmares but different that time. I was talking to another me.

I was seeing a slightly matured version of myself with angel wings, with the moon behind her. We were in space standing outside a ancient Greek-like palace.

Angel Hina yelled, ''Hina! Hina!? You have to stop lying to yourself! Soon!, the day of prophecy will be coming! You must know!

Hina asked in confusion, ''Know what?'' What is this prophecy?''

Angel Hina said with desperation, ''You must know, that your not a ordinary human! You are!-(Chokes)''

Hina told us in fear, Suddenly, some kind of pure black sword went through the heart of angel me. There appeared a cloud of black mist behind her. I heard a voice from somewhere distant.

Evil Voice said with contempt, ''(Clicks Tongue) Uh-uh-uhh! (Evil Laugh)''

Hina told us, My sight was filled with pure black darkness and red eyes of pure evil. I was feeling pure fear. I ended up deep in a river, drowning and struggling. (Wakes up, frightened).

Narrator said, ''The end?''