Purified Souls Ch.10 Who's Possessive?

Greetings, I'm Estelle. It has been a week since I helped that hot spring inn and the spirit child Haru. Since then, Marisa has seemed different. She's still working like I wanted her to, but she's actually complained less.

She looked like she is silently thinking about something, but that I am not sure off. She's lived with me for a while, but I can't read her yet. I wonder what changed her?

Today, it is a windy day and we have only 2 customers. While the wind outside is creepy, it is also somewhat relaxing.

Marisa is thinking. Hmmm.... Since last week, ..I feel at peace....for some..reason? Why is it, ....when that..spirit boy was..passing on, ....that I felt..so..peaceful myself? What made me smile back then?

Worried Lady barged in asking. ''Excuse me? Is this the place for spirit matters?'' Marisa asked. ''Who..are you?''

Estelle walked over asking. ''Now. What's the problem here?'' Marisa looked confused. Worried Lady said. ''Ohh. (Clears throat) I need help with my daughter....''

Estelle said. ''Alright. If you need our help. Let's go over there and calmly go over everything.'' Worried Lady said. ''Okay.... By the way, who is this girl next to me?''

Estelle said. ''Oh, her? Don't worry. She's a demon I took in a while ago. She won't hurt you though. She's a calm one.'' Worried Lady said. ''Oh...., really? If you say so....''

Estelle asked. ''Now, explain to me why you came here today.'' Worried Lady said. ''Right. First off, my name is Fuyumi Hitori. Right now, my daughter's the reason I'm here, but she's at home right now with her father, Takeshi.''

Estelle said. ''Alright. Noted.'' Fuyumi continued. ''You see, my 11 year old daughter, Ranko has always loved making handmade dolls in her room. I work as a weaver, so I think she picked up my talents.

The last month or so, ever since she finished this one doll, she seems to have..um....changed....'' Estelle asked. '' 'Changed'....you say?'' Fuyumi said. ''Yes. She seems weirdly fixated on the doll, & has gotten quieter around us.

She keeps the doll close to herself at all times since. I had a weird feeling when I looked at the dolls face, so I attempted to try taking it from her, & she got really upset. She seems more fixated on making dolls, then she did before.''

Estelle said. ''She does? Hmm...?'' Fuyumi said. ''Last week, my husband went to go talk to Ranko, but she told him to go away. She looked lost in thought about something.... That's all.''

Marisa said. ''Sounds weird. ....I say....-Burn her dolls.'' Fuyumi replied. ''No! I couldn't! Ranko loves them.'' Estelle said. ''Marisa! Let's not get to extremes. (Clears throat) Me & her will see if we can help you.''

Fuyumi said. ''By the way, when I decided to tell my husband where I was going. He said he heard rumors about your business. He told me to take some money.''

Estelle said. ''Oh, -right. For a job like this, I think 25 dollars is enough. You agree?'' Fuyumi said. ''Sweet! He gave me 38 dollars, so I have some left over. Here....'' Estelle thought in her mind. ''(Giggles) Delightful!''

Estelle tells us. I checked out the last customers in the bookstore, then we closed for the day. Fuyumi took us to their house. It took a while to get there. Why does the way there feel familiar?

Estelle asked. ''This is it, right?'' Fuyumi said. ''Yeah. You'll see my husband & Ranko inside. Shall we go in?'' Marisa looked lost in thought.

Takeshi asked. ''Honey? That you?'' Fuyumi said. ''Yes. I brought over the girls from the business you heard about.'' Takeshi said. ''Ohh! Your those girls? Hi. --I'm her husband. Nice to meet you.''

Estelle said. ''Greetings, I'm Estelle Lumia. This demon girl next to me is Marisa.'' Marisa looked shy. Takeshi said. ''Thanks for coming. I'll let you two see our daughter.

She's up those stairs down the hall. I'll get back to my calligraphy. See you!'' Fuyumi said. ''Just like him.... Well, I need to get back to my weaving. I hope you can clears things up for us. See you in a bit.''

Estelle said. ''Okay. Marisa. Let's go.'' Marisa said. ''Um....okay.'' Estelle tells us. We went up the stairs & went in Ranko's room. When we went in, we saw Ranko's back as she was handmaking a doll.

We saw all around her room, was dozens of dolls she presumably made herself. She even had a few dolls on her bed. Wow....

Marisa was stunned by all the dolls. Estelle said. ''Umm...., hi. I'm Estelle. Me & my friend Marisa over there, are here to help you, by request of your parents.'' Ranko said while quietly singing to herself. ''Oh.., hey.''

Estelle said. ''I want to ask you..some questions, if your....alright with that?'' Ranko said. ''Okay....'' Marisa looked nervous. Estelle asked. ''Okay. You obviously like making dolls yourself, right?''

Ranko replied. ''Yeah. I do.'' Estelle asked. ''How long have you been making dolls?'' Ranko replied. ''Since I was young.'' Estelle asked. ''Okay. What do you do with your dolls, exactly?''

Ranko replied. ''Some dolls, my mom will sell at a store. Most dolls, I save & put them on one of those shelves.'' Estelle asked. ''Hmm, delightful. Do you love your mother & father?''

Ranko replied. ''I do. I love them.'' Estelle thought. Hmm. She seems mostly fine. But something feels off about her.... What is it?

Marisa said. ''Wait! The doll she has..in her hand with no mouth. I feel some hatred from inside it. I can see some energy inside it.'' Estelle tells us. With what Marisa told me, I decided to try & take the doll away from her.

Ranko was suddenly really angry & didn't want to let go of it. Ranko yelled. ''GIVE IT BACK!!! GIVE IT....BACK!!!! I NEED IT!!!!'' Estelle said. ''What's with this doll? (Gasps) Wait. Now I feel it's energy!''

Estelle thought. Why does a doll have energy? What's that energy I can see inside it? --Theirs's a tiny sphere of energy inside.

Ranko said. ''You can't take it from me! (Crying)'' Voice from the doll. ''(Growls) How dare you take me away from her!! I----Need her!'' Marisa asked. ''Wait! --How is it talking?!''

Ranko yelled. ''GIVE Kioka! --BACK TO ME!!!! GIVE HER!!!!'' Estelle tells us. The doll began floating between all of us. Then Ranko fainted & the doll began amassing dark energy around it.

Kioka yelled. ''I was feeding off her energy, ----AND I WON'T LET YOU STOP ME!!!! Estelle tell us. She began attacking us with huge masses of dark energy and we had no choice but to defend.

Marisa yelled. ''You insolent spirit! Go Away!!'' Kioka yelled. ''YOU TWO WON'T GET IN MY WAY!!!! SHE'S MINE!!!!'' Ranko's Father & Mother came in. ''What's going on in here?! HUH?!?!''

Fuyumi asked. ''Is that her doll?!'' Estelle tells us. The doll paused & went through the wall outside. Takeshi asked. ''What....just happened?''

Estelle yelled. ''Forgive us. Worry about your daughter, and get out of the way! We need to move!'' Fuyumi said. ''Um--Um, ....right.'' Takeshi yelled. ''Be careful!''

Estelle explains. We went outside to the back and I realized something.... (Gasps!) This house is right next to the graveyard where I met Marisa! Kioka yelled. ''You Two! Stop meddling with my feeding!! Argh!''

Estelle thought. Actually, it might be good that she moved outside. We might be able to get rid of it better out here....

Estelle tells us. I realized that my fan seems to not affect her at all. So I make a desperate move. I try my short sword I always keep with me. It's blessed by my father. It....might work....

I try focusing my energy to my weapon, I wait for the moment, ....Then I STRIKE! . . . . Kioka starts screaming while wounded. Estelle yells with a realization. ''Marisa! Let's try your previous idea! Do you have any fire magic?!''

Marisa said. ''Um! I....have a dark fire spell!'' Estelle yells. ''Try IT!!'' Marisa yelled. ''Um....Alright! (Yelling)''

Kioka yells. ''NO! NOOO!!!! (SCREAMS)'' Estelle tells us. After everything calmed down. We looked around, and the doll was completely gone.

The house was mostly unharmed expect for some things in Ranko's room destroyed. The graveyard was far enough from out fight, that it was fine as well. We weren't sure what we were fighting, but left it up to her family.

We explained the situation to her parents.... After we went back up to Ranko's room, she was waking up. Ranko said confused. ''..Mom? ..Dad? Where....am..I? Did....I...make all these dolls? ....I....don't remember it....''

Takeshi asked. ''Your....Your alright? Is that really you?'' Fuyumi asked. ''Ranko? Do you....feel....weird?'' Ranko said. ''....I feel fine....But, ....I feel...like I am...missing time.....?''

Estelle tells us. After we made sure everything was alright, all three of them thanked us a lot. Especially her husband, while crying. I was relived as well. Not sure about Marisa though, as I can't read her yet....

Narrator said. ''See you next time! My daughter's getting so smart!!''