"What's the point in waiting around wondering?" Zoro said with a rather evil grin. "I say we go in and see for ourselves!"
"Treasure!" Luffy said in excitement, ready for the next adventure as he took hold of the door and pushed.
"Hey! WAIT!" Usopp yelled, but too late, Luffy had pushed the door open and walked in. They were all standing in the middle of a stone room, the ceiling wasn't there, and instead there was a bright sky right above them. But in front of them there wasn't anything but a small, stone platform.
"You mean there's really no treasure here?" Nami asked, sounding disappointed and depressed. "I knew it. I knew that it was too good to be true."
"Aw man," Luffy said angrily.
"You see?" Usopp called to the others as Robin approached the platform and examine it. "Someone must've been here a long time ago and took whatever treasure was here! Now that we're done here, let's just go!"
"Hold on," Robin said.
"What is it, Robin?" Zoro asked. "You find something?"
She merely held up the stone that had been sitting at the altar and stared at it.
"A rock?" Nami asked in frustration. "What? That's it? Am I missing something? What's so special about it?"
"But look at it," she said, holding it out for them to see. It was in the same shape as the half moon on the door, and it was glowing slightly in her hands as if there was light inside. Luffy leaned forward, a frown on his face as his brain started to hurt from trying to remember where he'd seen it before.
"Ah! I don't know!" he finally called out.
"Don't know what?" Zoro asked him in annoyance. But at that moment, there was a feeble light shining from Luffy's pocket.
"Hey, Luffy, what's that?" Usopp asked and Luffy looked to see what he was talking about before he pulled out the stone.
"Oh, cool!" he cried out. "The Mystery Rock!"
The stone in his hands was glowing brightly. "Where did you get that, Luffy?" Robin asked at once, staring at it.
"It's what I found fishing!" Luffy laughed, holding it up, glowing like a hot coal in his hands, but still cool to the touch. "It's a Mystery Rock!"
"That's strange," Usopp said, staring at the two glowing rocks in their hands. "They look like they're…"
But then Luffy's hand shot out and took the other half of the stone in Robin's hands and grinned as he held the two pieces up. "Check it out!" he said happily. "A perfect…"
"Luffy wait!" Usopp called in panic.
"Fit!" and he clashed the two stones together. For a moment, nothing happened, but then the two halves melted together until you couldn't tell that they had ever been broken. That was when the light from the stone began to glow so brightly that he had to shut his eyes against them. When he opened them again, he was suddenly drifting in a sea of darkness with a single ball of light shining in front of him.
"Whoa!" he called out. "Hey guys! Look at this!"
But as he looked around him, he realized that he was alone.
"Ah? Guys?" he called. "Where'd you all go?"
"Do you wish to find your treasure?" the light said.
"Huh?" he asked in surprise, "Oh! You're the Mystery Rock! How are you talking?" he then realized what the rock said and asked eagerly, "Wait, Treasure? Did you say treasure?"
"To discover your treasure you must face your biggest regrets," the rock's light said.
The grin faded from his face. "Regrets? What regrets? What're you talking about? Hey, how's a rock know how to talk anyway?"
But instead of answering, it began to shine brightly again.
"Again?" Luffy cried in frustration, shielding his eyes. "Can you stop glowing like that?"
But no sooner were the words out of his mouth did the light die down little by little… but when it did, he was no longer alone… though the bright light Luffy ended up seeing a familiar face. A face that he had wished he could see again for two years…
Messy black hair, childish freckles across his cheeks, a wide mischievous grin…
Luffy's face paled as he stared at him… "Ace…?" he croaked out. "Is that you?"
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