Chapter 16: Promise between Men. The Passing of the Hat

When the darkness faded once again, they were back in the same bedroom where Luffy had fallen asleep in… only this time there was bright light shining through the thin curtains, and the little boy was just waking up. He was sitting up in bed, and rubbing his sleepy eyes.

"He really is cute isn't he?" Robin asked with a smile as she watched the boy tumble from the bed in a mess of blankets before blinking a little and standing up.

"I wish we knew just what was going on here," Nami whispered as she watched him. "How is this possible? How is it that we're able to see into Luffy's memories? Just what is going on?"

"We've all been asking ourselves that same question, Nami-san," Brook whispered as he watched Luffy going to the window and standing on his tiptoes to look outside. "But it seems that it is a mystery inside a problem."

"Yeah, we came here to find the present-day Luffy and go back!" Usopp called out. "Which is what we should be doing! Luffy's spent enough time down here as it is! And I don't know about you, but I don't think that he'd be too happy if he knew that we were watching his…" but before he could finish his train of thought, Luffy let out a little gasp as he turned and went running to the door, calling for Makino.

"What's wrong?" Usopp asked worriedly.

"Don't know," Robin answered as she watched him tug the door open and run downstairs with a big smile on his face. "But it doesn't seem like there's a problem…"

Zoro went to the window to see for himself. At first, he couldn't really see anything that would make Luffy so excited… the village looked the same as it did in the last memory, only now it was early morning instead of twilight. But as he squinted his eye, he could make out something that hadn't been there the night before. At the docks… silhouetted against the bright sun, was a new ship sitting at port. There was a ship with a black flag and skull.

Smiling, now understanding what this was about, he told them all to follow him and they did to find the little boy now bursting into the bar downstairs.

"Makino!" Luffy cried out happily. "Did you see it? There's a pirate ship at port!"

But as they all followed him inside, they could see that it wasn't just Makino who was there. The whole bar was filled with men, all slumped over in their seats, most of them were passed-out drunk.

As for Makino, she was standing at the bar, cleaning some glasses before she looked up at Luffy and smiled brightly at him.

"Are they all pirates?" Chopper asked as he looked over them all.

"Looks like they drunk themselves into some pretty bad hangovers," Sanji smirked as he overlooked them all.

"I hate to be them when they wake up," Zoro muttered to himself.

"Yes, Luffy I know," Makino said, still beaming happily, though her smile seemed to be a little forced as she gave the men a nervous sideways glance. "They got here last night after you went to bed. They've been here all night drinking. I'm surprised that you were able to sleep through all of it." She leaned over and patted his raven hair with an affectionate smile as Luffy looked at them all curiously.

"Oh, I didn't think it would be possible, but she's even more beautiful in the light!" Sanji sighed, hearts back in his eyes as he looked at Makino. "So beautiful…"

"Cool it lover boy," Nami sighed in annoyance. "Something tells me you aren't her type."

"Who's the kid?" asked a slightly slurred voice suddenly, "He your little brother?"

Looking over Makino's shoulder, the Straw Hats saw that the only man at the bar was just raising his head from where he was sleeping a second ago. He had an easy-going smile and his face was bright red from all the sake he drank… the most noticeable features about him though were the three scars across his left eye as well as his bright red hair. And on his head was something very familiar to them all…

"Hey, that's Luffy's hat!" Chopper said, pointing to him in surprise.

"Yes," Zoro said lightly, looking at the man with new interest. "Luffy did say that he got that hat from a pirate."

"Red-hair Shanks," Robin said softly. "This is the first time I've ever seen him."

Makino smiled at him. "Sadly no," she answered. "But I look after him when his grandfather's not here."

"Where'd you come from old man?" Luffy asked him curiously and at that, the men who weren't passed out suddenly started laughing—but they weren't the only ones, for the Straw Hats burst out laughing as well at the look on Shanks face.

"As honest as ever I see," Robin laughed.

"I see that his manners haven't changed a bit since he was a kid," Sanji also laughed as Brook held onto his middle at that.

"It hurts!" Brook laughed. "My gut feels like it's gonna burst from laughing! Not that I have a gut to burst! Yohohoho!"

"Old man?" Shanks snapped at him. "I'm not even in my thirties yet, you brat!"

"Compared to him you are old, captain!" a fat pirate commented, enjoying a slab of met on a dagger before falling over from his seat as he started laughing too.

"Who asked you?" Shanks demanded.

Makino led Luffy to the other side of the bar and set him up on the stool, "Now, now, Luffy don't anger the customers."

Zoro wasn't sure if he was the only one who noticed the slight nervousness in Makino's tone through all the laughing. Apparently, he wasn't…