Marriage Certificate

As soon she opened the door she was pushed aside by one of bodyguard. The five of them entered in the apartment without take opinion of the lady whether she want to them in the house or not. She can not stop them.

'What a rude people'

She can not speak those words on their face.

"Old man, You should ask me whether i want to you in my house. And you, You can not push a lady." She said at pointing her hand at bodyguard who pushed her.

But bodyguard took no interest in her he even did not look at her.

" Little girl, I am owner of this house in case you forgot You just live here. I don't need your permission to enter in the house." said old man with deep voice without looking her.

Old man is wearing gray colour coat and black colour high neck T-shirt underneath. He also wearing expensive and branded accessories. He is also wearing limited edition shoes.

The old man has square face and gray hair. His brown eyes are not so tiny. His eyebrows frowned while she talking. His expression clearly stating that he was disgusted to talking to her. His aura spread in the room while he was sit comfortable y on the couch.

The four bodyguard has black suit and has black sunglasses. The bodyguards has muscular body and strong straight face.

"That does not mean you can enter without my permission. You gave me house to live. You-"she was interrupted by old man

"Look Girl, i am not here for chit-chat. You better listen to me . Because i will not repeat myself. " Said old man while he was standing up from couch.

"I understand. What do you want to me to do?" said to the old man with clenching her jaws.

"I must say you are smart. " said old man

' Yes, Not like you. Rude Old man.' she thought.

She understood that he has work for her. That old man would not come here except for work or to do something

' What type of work he has now. Probably some small work. but what if he asked me to do that i will not want to? what is he asked me to do some lowly work/ What will i do ? If he asked me to do some thing that difficult i will refuse.' She thought as her expression changes worried to expressionless.

"I guess you have not small things to do from me. You want me to do serious things. That's why you came here personally to ask me to do."

"I must say you are not dumb" said old man with most disgusted smile.

' Yes, Not Like you. Rude Old man' thought

' Ah, i thought that before but whatever he is not either.' She thought.

" I will go straight to the point. You have to do small things for me. You have to signed some papers for me. Easy isn't it?" He said as he is looking at her without blinking.

" What kind of papers ? Don't tell me you want me to sign in to some illegal matters. I also have no property to sign with." sad while thinking what papers is he talking about.

" Marriage certificate." said old man while glaring at her waiting for her reaction..