Chapter 1:Make a deal

She was in her room folding her clothes in her box. While she was folding her clothes, she heard the door bell rang and quickly went downstairs to open the door only to be surprised by who came to visit her. Mom? You are back? She asked tears lurked in her eyes. No. She said coldly like never before. I am here to make a deal. You know how much your FATHER owe the oil company. He can't even afford to pay them after even becoming wretched. The woman spat out. He did it because he loves you and you betrayed him all for the sake of money. How heartless can you be mum? She said. Avery! Don't you dare talk back at me. I am your mum. Her mum retorted. No you lost the right to being my mum the day you left dad. Alright then, let me tell you. The owner of the company is The will family. And I am now his wife , so you have one week to vacate this house with your so called dad. Her mum said coldly and walked away. Avery Was in a daze.

Tears were rolling down her cheeks like raindrops. She fell to the ground crying and after a while, she wiped her tears away and sat on the floor spacing out. Her dad came in holding a paper. Avery my child, he called and Avery jumped up and hugged him tightly. Dad! Mum came here. She was hurling insults at us. She gave us one week to vacate the house dad, where are we going to go. I am so stressed and tired. Why is mum doing this to us. Avery asked with teary eyes. Everything will be fine. Her dad assured

Dad, can I ask how much you are owing the oil company. Avery asked. It's a lot of money worth billions. Avery became even more shocked. Worth billions? Dad why did you borrow it. Why dad?? Avery asked crying again. When the right time comes dear, you will know. But take this and go through it. He said giving her the paper. Avery took the paper but didn't open it. She went to her room and locked the door putting the paper on her bed. She opened her box and brought out her clothes and return it back to her wardrobe. Before her mum came to threaten her, she had made up her mind to leave this house for good. But what her mum and dad said today had ignite a fire of determination within her to save this house. Avery's mum went back to Mr will and told him that she has informed her so called ex husband to vacate the house in one week. Good. Mr Will smirked as he kissed her. Meanwhile Avery was about to sleep when she saw the paper her dad gave her. She was about to open it when her friend Lily called. Hello girl it's been long, how are you? Lily asked. I am good you? Avery replied. I am fine tho. I am calling you to ask if you'd be free tomorrow??

Yeah, I will. Avery replied and with that they ended The call and Avery went to bed.