Chapter 8: Disdain and jealousy

Becky slowly walked inside the huge mansion as her eyes surveyed everywhere. She gulped nervously as she made her way through the stairs and kept running as fast as she could so she can meet up with James. After climbing a flight of stairs case, she was breathing hard and she tried to calm her breathing before she walked straight to the study room. She was so nervous as her heart raced faster and faster in her chest. She took in multiple breathes before she twisted the door knob and opened the door. As she opened the floor,and behold there he was standing in front of a book shelf with his black suit fitting perfectly on him. He look like a dangerous business tycoon as if plotting something. He was so closed to her reach that she fought the urge not to pounce on him. After a long while, welcome was what welcomed her. His deep voice resonated in the quiet room. James! Becky said as her mind finally relaxed. Thank you. She said softly. She was still standing at the entrance of the door but for some reason she didn't know, he felt off. Like he is trying to cool off. Was he angry? Or is he trying to surpress his anger. She thought. But she shrugged off that feeling and walked towards him. James stopped staring at the shelf and turned his gaze at her. I said thank you James. Becky said Abit louder.

"For ?"

He asked still gazing at her. For accepting me and letting me stay in your house. Becky said with a smile. James just nodded and began to walk closer to her. Do you know that I have missed you so much. He finally said as his gaze focus on her. I really did miss you. He said. Then Becky remembered what her mother said," make all his attention focuses on you. ". She remembered vividly.

If you truly missed me, why didn't you call me after I rejected your proposal? She asked a glint of tears in her eyes. Why did you make her your contracted wife? She added as the tears finally flowed down her cheeks. James cupped her cheeks wiping the tears away. You are the one I love Becky. Don't ever forget that. He said calmer. But why is she your contracted wife. ? Becky asked.

Because her father is owing a billion dollars. He said coldly. Becky sigh. She knew James from the beginning that he was a ruthless billionaire and a CEO. He doesn't tolerate nonsense. Once he makes a deal with you , he fulfil his part of his deal and so he expects you to do the same. Failure to do yours results to dire consequences.

Alright James. Can I ask for another favour? Becky said looking at him hopefully. What is it? He said as he let go of her cheeks. The middle floor, I want that place to be only for me. I knew you have warned everyone not near the middle floor. I know you did it cause of me. Becky said. Am glad you know. Uhm, can I say something else? She demanded.

What? He asked. Can we go back to when we used to be romantic and all .... She was cut with a kiss. James captured her lips as they both kissed softly and passionately. He was sucking and licking every corner of her mouth hard while Becky moaned softly her fingers grabbing his hair. They kept kissing hard for so long and after a while they pulled out looking breathless. Becky eyes were smoldered with desires as she stared at his lips. She wanted more. And more she will get. With that thought, She kissed him back this time around harder. She kissed him hard as he returned the hot kiss. They were kissing hungrily as James hands pulled her deeper to his body. They kept kissing intensely as Becky moaned louder and louder. Their tongues playing tags. After a while, James pulled out once again they were breathing hard and they calmed down after a few seconds.

I love you so much. Becky said as she hugged him tightly. I love you too. James replied. Hugging her tightly. They were hugging for a long time until a maid came to disrupt them. Sorry boss, sorry miss. Lunch is ready. She said bowing down not daring to look up. Take Becky to the middle floor. He ordered as he let go of her. Becky blushed hard her cheeks burning red as she followed the maid to the middle floor. James swept his hair with his finger as he sigh. He picked up his phone and saw a message. He smirked as he read it. He picked up his car keys and left the mansion. Avery finally reached Lily house and told the driver to go home. On getting to her house, she knocked on the door but itwas an old lady that opened the door. Good day ma. I am asking for lily. Oh dear, she didn't inform you? The old lady said worriedly. About what ma? Avery asked. She left New York City early this morning for an urgent meeting. The old lady explained and Avery froze in total shock. W-w-w hat ? But we spoke not to long ago. Avery stammered as she held the door handle for support. Once again, her only source of happiness is gone. She thought. Ma, pls when will she be back? She asked with a cracked voice. I don't know dear but I promise to let you know when she is back. The old woman said and Avery nodded before leaving. As Avery left, the old woman smile turned to one of disdain and jealousy.

Avery entered the car and the driver drove off to James mansion. After driving for so long , they finally reached home.Avery got down and went inside the Mansion. On getting inside, she was about to use the elevator when she heard some maids gossiping about her.

" The boss does not even love her, "

Exactly. That's was why the boss brought in his fiancee. They murmur ed and Avery sigh and went upstairs. She couldn't bear hearing it again. She took in another deep breath before slamming the door hard. She clutch her chest hard as she began to gasp. She really wished she could just end this pain. Now her father is dying and they need one million for his surgery. Where will she get it from? And who will give her? She thought as tears began to roll down her cheeks non stop. She was crying hysterically non stop. The pain was too much for her to bear she was in so much pain. What should she do? Should she just run away and never come back? Even if she runs away, what about her her father? James will obviously locate her. He is a famous hot billionaire all over the world. He will make sure to search heaven and hell for her. And he will punish her terribly bad. She thought but a spirit in her keep pushing her to escape. Avery took in a deep breaths.

Later that evening , Avery had her bath, she wore a new pair of clothes and dried her damp hair before going downstairs to have dinner. Reaching downstairs, Avery saw Becky and James there having a conversation. While James kept feeding Becky. Avery looked away and sat farthest from them. Becky paused and looked at Avery. Oh Avery, how are you? She asked with a smile but behind those smile were mockery. But Avery ignored her and started eating. Becky smirked and continue eating too. The dinner was eeriely, only the sound of spoon hitting the plate. As they were eating, James spoke. And what he said next made Avery paused eating. And made Becky also paused shocked. Avery, my family wants to see you tomorrow evening. He said and Avery stopped eating as she stared at him. Why? Becky asked coldly. I don't know. Once she gets there, she will find out. He said sharply and left the dinning hall. Becky glared at Avery. I hate you! She said heartlessly. With that left too. Avery gulped nervously. Why does the smiths wants to see her. ? She thought calmly her heart skipping a beat.

Meanwhile in the smith mansion,

The smiths family were gathered in the lounge. Grandma smith and Mrs Smith were filled with happiness. They couldn't wait for the next day to break the news to Avery about her real wedding with James. They wanted the whole world to know who James Smith real wife is. They were so elated that their son was married to A decent girl. The joy was evident on their face except of course, olive the eldest sister of James. She wasn't really pleased at all. Anger was evident on her face. She just folded her arms as she watches the family converse. Nina came with a tray of five glasses of juices. She served everyone as she she took hers and sat next to grandma.

But mother, why should James remarry. Don't forget this is a contract marriage. And the real wife of James is Becky. Avery is just a pay back of the one billion dollars her father is owing. Olive spatted angrily.

You won't understand my love. Just you wait and see how everything unfolds. Her mum smiled before leaving. Big sis, brother loves his new wife. Didn't you see the way he stood by her on the gala that day. Nina nudged her sister but olive ignored her and left the mansion. Huh! What a boring sis. Nina pouted. It's okay dear. Her grandma cheered her up and Nina smiled.