Chapter 14: Make him fall for you

Avery reached the smiths mansion and was welcomed in by the butler and maids. Oh my love. James already informed me that you will be staying with us for two weeks. Mrs Smith smiled as she hugged Avery. Yeah mum. Atleast I will be free from emotional trauma. She thought. Good, now this two weeks, we will use it to prepare you. Mrs Smith said happily. Nina ran downstairs and saw Avery. She hugged her. Welcome sweetie. Avery smiled and hugged her back. They pulled out as Nina took Avery upstairs to her room for their girls talk. So how was it? Nina asked with a whine. Don't forget you have to make him fall for you and fight for your marriage. Nina reminded and Avery looked down. She was playing with her fingers. He kissed Becky on her forehead this morning. Avery said but in a whisper. Huh? I can smell jealousy. Nina smirked. Am not jealous. Avery said and Nina just nodded. So by the way which country do you want to visit for fun. Nina asked and Avery gaped at her. Yeah? Mother already permit us to tour but she said only within the city of NYC. But I want us to leave America. Nina said calmly. But----------- there is no but please. We will just spend five days there. Pls Avery. James won't find out. Nina begged. I..... Avery paused and okay then but we got to be careful. Meanwhile,in a fancy restaurants where people were dining and having fun seated two women sipping juice.

It's been a long while since we last sat down like this to converse. Olive said smiling as she slipped her juice. Yeah I know right. Becky said. So straight to business, what is latest update at home. Becky asked calmly. Olive gave her a questioning lookwhile Becky looked confused. Don't tell me ------------ olive paused while Becky strained her ears to grab the gist. Tell me. Becky urged. Impatient evident on her face.

Olive surveyed her face before finally telling her. James and Avery are getting married. They are going to have a real white wedding. Olive said and Becky froze. Shock was evident on her face. Whatttttt?!! How??when? Who ------ Becky was in shock as she couldn't believe her ears. Yes. Mother wants them to get married so the whole world will know Avery as the legal wife of James Smith. And the funniest part is James is in support of everything. Olive said angered. Becky wiped her tears away as she decided to do the needful. Olive, I want you to get close to Avery and find out her every movements. Becky said coldly. Olive smirked. She could tell behind those order, Becky is up to her games. She is planning something dangerous dangerously. And the dangerous plan will definitely have a strong impact. Olive smiled. Sure my love. Anything to make you happy. Olive winked. Thanks dear. Becky said as the two talked about something else.Back in his mansion, James was in his room. The same room as Avery. He was seated on the sofa looking blankly at the bed. After a long while of staring, he stood up and left the mansion. He entered his car and drove off in max speed. Back in the smith mansion, Nina was packing some of her clothes in her box while Avery sat and watch her. So , I have found a country. It's a unique country. Nina said as she zipped her box. Do you have an idea where James would be for two weeks. Avery asked calmly. Awnn, someone's is missing their lover. Nina teased. No, it's not that. It's just that he didn't allow me to stay home alone. I don't know why he thinks I am someone that needs protection. Avery said. Oh yeah , you need a protection from Becky. Nina said and two girls laughed.


He was seated in dark room as he waited for the next soul to be slaughtered. But no one came. How many of them still remain? A deep cold but menacing voice spoke as he realeses his aura dangerously. His eyes were bloody cold and ice. He wasn't merciful. It remains forty of them but --------- but what. ? His menacing voice cut him off. Twenty are in the outer world. They are living among the humans. He said bowing deeply. He was scared that the man might kill him in an instant but nothing came or happened. find them all and kill them. His menacing voice ordered dangerously. The man bowed and left leaving the blood clotted man in the dark. After a while, he snapped his fingers and there was light in the dark room. It was an empty room with just a chair. He was wearing a black cloak and a black mask so his face couldn't been seen. He was hiding his face for some unknown reasons. He is one feared by many. A man who can never be defiled. He was seated calmly as his gaze turned dangerously in the room. After a while, he left the room. No one heard of him again. Becky was in her room lost in thought. She couldn't believe that James didn't tell her about his wedding with that nobody. She won't let that happen. She will eliminate Avery on the day of the engagement or even before then. She thought as she stared at the necklace James bought for her. She has to do something on time before it's too late. She thought as she made a phone call . James went to Iceland for some business meeting. He will be staying there for two weeks.

Nina helped Avery packed her bags too and the girls left the room to the lounge to where the family were sitting. Oh you girls are ready. Mrs smith smiled. Yes mom. Nina said and the maids took the girls bags inside the car. May no evil eye cast on you. Mrs Smith said as she hugged the two girls. She kissed them goodbye. And they waved before the girls left the mansion and went to the car. As they were about to enter, olive ran after them. Wait Nina. She shouted as she reached in front of them. What happened? Nina asked coldly. Since the day. Olive started hating on Avery , she has become wary and suspicious of her. Though, she may not show sign of any hidden agenda but the fact still remain she hates Avery for no reasons. Nina thought. Uhm, are you two going out!? She asked with a smile. And if we are going, you won't come with us because Avery is with us right? Nina snared. Stop it Nina. Olive said angrily. I know I said I hated Avery but I have realized it's not her fault that she was forced to be James wife. She was used as a collateral. Olive said calmly but behind those words were full of mockery. Avery rolled her eyes at olive. She knew she was there to mock her but she had to stand strong. Not for anyone but for the sake of her mental health and her dying father. James had refused to give her money to pay for father's bill. She thought calmly. There is no need for you to pretend. Nina said coldly and entered the car while Avery followed suit the car drove off leaving olive rooted on the ground.