Chapter 16: Frozen shocked

In Iceland, James was seated in a company signing some documents when fedrick barged in. Dude! Why did you let Avery stay at your family house knowing fully well that they don't like her. Fedrick said Abit appalled. But James ignored him. Listen, you know how much everyone hates her. Why are you so bent on making her suffer? Fedrick asked.

Mother is there to take care of her. She won't let harm come to her and no one would dare touch a single hair on her head. James said with a dangerous tone. Fedrick sigh.


In an uncompleted building, the mask man was sitting down as he watches the two unconscious women. He kept on staring at them for a long time, after a while, he got bored and went outside to wait for the other women to come. While he was waiting, Avery was beginning to get conscious; she was slowly opening her eyes as everything began to come to pieces. She had left Nina to go get some snacks when someone suffocate her with an intoxicating substance. She had fallen unconscious and ---------

Nina!!! She thought and her mind brought her back to reality and then she realized she was in an uncompleted building. On a dusty floor! Oh no where was she??? Who had kidnapped her? Could it be James? But he was not in the country at the moment. She turned to her right and saw Nina.

Nina!!! She called shaking her slightly and Nina slowly opened her eyes as she saw a blurry vision of someone shaking her. Avery kept shaking her till Nina eyes finally jolted opened. Avery ! Nina ! They both said as they hugged each other.

Am so sorry Avery for putting you through all this. It's all my fault. I shouldn't have forced you to leave the country. Nina apologize as she began to sob lightly. It's ok don't blame yourself. Right now, let's just think of a way to escape from this place. This place is dangerous. Avery said as both of them stood up and walked towards the door but froze the moment they saw Becky. Who would have thought that Becky would have stoop so low to this. Nina became terribly angry as she glared daggers at Becky. How dare you?? James won't spare you. He won't even care if you are his ex fiancee. Nina said bluntly. But Becky was unfazed.

"Stop the bluffed words. "

I am not here for that. Becky smirked. James isn't here to save you. She added again. But Avery wasn't scared of this witch. She will put her in her place.

What the hell do you want? Avery asked with a form of seriousness. Oh that's good, the meek Avery is finally talking. Atleast, James can't save you ; he doesn't even love you. He loves me. Becky said aloud. I am asking you for the last time Becky, what do you want from me? Why are you after my life? Avery asked again frustrated.

"After your life?" I'd rather pursue the demons than pursue your cursed life. You woke up only to find out that you are now someone contract wife. Becky mocked and Avery finally lost it.

Atleast, I am not desperate for a MARRIED MAN love. Avery said coldly. How dare .....

You should stop being a pest. Nina cut her off.

Becky clenched her fist and was about to grab Avery when all of a sudden, something fast like a bullet but blurred pierced Becky wrist. She yelped in pain as she moved back. Everyone presented there were frozen shocked especially Avery. What the hell just happened? She was standing close to her. What's going on. Becky felt a sharp pain and then realize it was a bullet shot at her. She turned her gaze at the bastard that dare to shot her but froze again. That was James most trusted men. His name was Adam. How did he find out ?? She was 100 percent sure Avery doesn't know this man. Wait, has this man been following Avery since.

Becky hissed in pain and angrily left there. Adam rushed to Avery and Nina. Are you guys okay? He asked calmly. Am sorry I came late. He bowed apologetically. It's fine but who are you? Avery asked.

Am sorry miss, I am Adam the boss guard. He asked me to watch over you for the two weeks you 'd be at the smith mansion. He said head bow. Oh. Avery said and Adam took them back to the airport. What country are you going? He asked.

Iceland!Avery said

London! Nina said. .

They both looked at each other and they laughed out loud. After a while, they calmed down. Okay fine, we will go to Iceland first. Nina said and Avery smirked. The girls smiled and continue gisting while Adam went to book another flight tickets for them.

After a while, Adam came back and the two girls boarded the next plane to Iceland. They were soaring on air. Avery felt thrilled. Though this wasn't her first time entering a plane. She had boarded a plane when she was little when her parents were the happy couple but now circumstances have turned the table upside down. As the plane was flying high in the sky, Avery stared out the window. The scene of today played in her head.

Her question is , how did Adam knew they were kidnapped? Has he been monitoring them since morning??? She thought as she kept pondering on today's event. She was so lost in thought that she drifted off to sleep.


The flight to Iceland from New York city took about nine hours and some minutes. After a long flight, the plane landed softly on the terminal. Avery woke up from her long nap as she and Nina entered the chaffeuer that was already provided for them. Once again, they were shocked. No one knew they were leaving NYC. So what's with all this sudden surprises. Nina thought. They arrived at Iceland the next morning around past ten.

As they entered, the driver drove straight to their destination. After a long drive, they finally reached a golden mansion guarded by some dangerous looking men. Nina and Avery mouth hunged opened in total shocked surprises.