Chapter 3 Female Protagonist_1

"Let's eat," Chen Yuyan pulled Shen Dong's hand and sat down at a dining table.

"Yuyan, you two..." Chen Yuanxiang saw his daughter holding Shen Dong's hand and couldn't help frowning.

Although he hoped his elder daughter would be with Shen Dong, it was only a wishful thought.

After all, Shen Dong was already the boyfriend of his younger daughter, and if the elder one were to vie for the younger one's boyfriend, it would be too melodramatic; he couldn't accept that.

Now, seeing his elder daughter holding Shen Dong's hand, what was he to think?

"Dad, Yuting has already broken up with Shen Dong. She said that Shen Dong couldn't give her the life she wanted. I have always liked Shen Dong, so now we are together."

"Not only that, we just went to get our marriage certificate. We came today to let you know," Chen Yuyan said, not waiting for Shen Dong to talk.

She didn't want to pressure Shen Dong, so she took all responsibility upon herself.

And she took out the marriage certificate, put it on the table, and gestured for Chen Yuanxiang to take a look.


Chen Yuanxiang's eyes widened in surprise.

His elder daughter's words were a lot to take in.

Shen Dong had broken up with his younger daughter, out of the blue.

Yuting's breakup with Shen Dong was surprising to him.

Like her mother, Yuting had a character that valued material life, so her decision wasn't strange.

But the issue was that Shen Dong was now with his elder daughter and had even obtained the marriage certificate, leaving him struggling to grasp the situation.

"Uncle... Dad, rest assured, our being together and getting the certificate was a well-considered decision. I will treat Yuyan well, and we will discuss and set a date for the wedding so she won't be aggrieved," Shen Dong attempted to address Chen Yuanxiang as "Uncle" as usual but switched to "Dad" considering the new relationship and gave his assurance.

"You two..." Chen Yuanxiang picked up the marriage certificate, looked at it, and then smiled bitterly, "You're already married, what can I say other than to wish you both well."

Chen Yuyan smiled, "Dad, we've received your blessings. Now, please serve us the kung pao fish slice hotpot I love so much."

"You girl." Chen Yuanxiang laughed and shook his head, then went busy himself.

The meal was finished.

Shen Dong and Chen Yuyan said goodbye to Chen Yuanxiang.

"Girl, take this card. Since you're married now, you should have your own house. There's two million in it, enough for a down payment."

Chen Yuanxiang handed a bank card to Chen Yuyan, which contained his life savings.

As parents, at this age, it's all about being able to help the children and hoping they have a good life.

"Dad." Chen Yuyan's eyes reddened.

She and Shen Dong had registered their marriage and indeed should have their own home.

In Hai City, a first-tier city, buying a house with their salaries was virtually impossible in the short term, let alone saving enough for a down payment.

She wanted to refuse, but now that she and Shen Dong were married, they really did need to buy a house.

With her father's money, Shen Dong wouldn't be under too much pressure.

"Girl, everything I do is for you. Live well with Shen Dong," he said, trusting Shen Dong to take care of his elder daughter.

Shen Dong didn't say much; he now had a system.

With the investment master skill and a million in cash.

But he knew that earning money would still take some time.

Claiming he could quickly earn enough to buy a house would surely not be believed by Chen Yuyan or himself, and might even lead them to suspect he was up to something illegal.

Since he would soon have money and wouldn't need to use this, there was no harm in Chen Yuyan accepting it.

"Thank you, Dad." Chen Yuyan wiped away tears, "Dad, I want to move to Shen Dong's place. May I borrow your car?"

"Of course, you can," Chen Yuanxiang had anticipated this; after all, it was only natural for Chen Yuyan to move in with Shen Dong since they were married.

He took the car keys from the cash register drawer and handed them to his daughter.

"Thank you, Dad. We'll bring the car back tonight," Chen Yuyan said, holding Shen Dong's hand as they left the restaurant.

Chen Yuanxiang's car was a new model of the Wuling Hongguang, freshly purchased. The previous one had been driven to scrap and disposed of a few months ago.

This model was a perfect fit for small business owners like Chen Yuanxiang, very practical and durable.

"Here, you drive," Chen Yuyan said, handing the keys to Shen Dong.

Chen Yuyan knew Shen Dong could drive; he had driven this very Wuling Hongguang before when the two sisters visited the shop with him.

"Okay," Shen Dong took the keys, climbed into the driver's seat, while Chen Yuyan got into the passenger seat.

Shen Dong's parents ran a small building materials business in the county, with a Wuling Hongguang of their own.

He was as familiar as could be with this type of car.

After his college entrance exams, he had spent the summer holiday getting his driver's license.

Each holiday, he would often help his parents by making deliveries.

Half an hour later, they arrived at the Chen family home.

Chen Yuyan quickly packed her luggage, then moved into the house rented by Shen Dong.

Initially, Shen Dong wanted to live with Chen Yuting, which is why he rented a two bedroom apartment.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have wasted money on a two bedroom place for himself alone.

But instead of living together, Chen Yuting broke up with him.

"From today onwards, I'm the lady of this house," she declared.

Entering the house, Chen Yuyan familiarly brought her belongings into the bedroom and started to busily settle in.

She had been here before and knew which room to take.

In the bedroom, some of Chen Yuting's clothes and stuff were still there, all of which Chen Yuyan organized and set aside.

"Yuting can take these things away when she comes over," she said.

"Alright, I'll follow your lead," Shen Dong leaned against the door frame, smiling and nodding.

Chen Yuting occasionally stayed over but never tidied up the room; it had always been him, the man, who cleaned up.

Now, Chen Yuyan had the room neat and tidy in no time, giving him a different feeling.

At the same time, he couldn't help but think to himself that Chen Yuyan was truly a woman made for a domestic life.

Reflecting on the times he spent with Chen Yuting and then looking at Chen Yuyan now, Shen Dong suddenly felt incredibly fortunate to have ended up with Chen Yuyan.

"How about we go shopping?" Chen Yuyan proposed, after she had tidied up the house inside and out.

"Sure, I'm up for whatever you want," Shen Dong had no objections.

They arrived at the bustling pedestrian street.

Chen Yuyan chose two sets of clothes for Shen Dong.

Shen Dong didn't really want to buy them, but Chen Yuyan insisted, so he had no choice but to agree.

Chen Yuyan herself picked out a dress and a pair of shoes.

"Does it look good?" Chen Yuyan, wearing the new dress and shoes, twirled in front of the mirror and asked Shen Dong.

"It looks good," Shen Dong smiled and nodded, "The dress and shoes seem tailor-made for you."

"Hehe, as long as you think it looks good," Chen Yuyan's face beamed with a sweet smile, flattered by Shen Dong's compliment.

With Shen Dong by her side, she felt wrapped in happiness every moment.

"Sis, Shen Dong, what are you guys doing here?"

At that moment, a familiar voice rang out.

Looking toward the entrance, they saw a young girl who bore a striking resemblance to Chen Yuyan, accompanied by a luxuriously dressed young man.

The girl was Shen Dong's ex-girlfriend, Chen Yuyan's sister, Chen Yuting.

The richly dressed young man was Chen Yuting's suitor, Liu Chao, the son of a wealthy family.