Chapter 5 Earth-shattering News_1

The shopping was done, and Chen Yuyan knew that men didn't like shopping, so she considerately didn't linger and got ready to head back.

Suddenly, she slapped her forehead, "I forgot to ask Chen Yuting about it. Tomorrow is my dad's birthday. I don't know if she'll come back for dinner."

Shen Dong laughed, "Just call her or send a message to ask."

"Yeah." Chen Yuyan nodded, took out her cell phone, and sent Chen Yuting a WeChat message.

At this moment, Chen Yuting was sitting in Liu Chao's BMW. Seeing the WeChat message from Chen Yuyan, she had originally planned to reply that she wouldn't be back.

Then she thought of what Liu Chao had just said and replied, "I'll be back."

Over at the pedestrian street.

As Chen Yuyan walked toward the parking lot, she ran into a university classmate.

This classmate's name was Zhou Wenbin, and he was also out shopping with his girlfriend.

Zhou Wenbin's girlfriend was someone he had started dating after graduation. Shen Dong and Chen Yuyan didn't know her.

"Dongzi, Yuting, you guys are out shopping too?"

"Your college love is still so affectionate in society, it's really enviable."

"By the way, Dongzi, last time you said you were preparing to propose to Yuting. Have you done it yet? When's the wedding?"

Zhou Wenbin was quite close to Shen Dong, as well as Chen Yuting and Chen Yuyan's relationship, so he spoke quite casually.

Because Chen Yuyan and Chen Yuting looked very alike, he didn't recognize at first that the woman with Shen Dong wasn't Chen Yuting, but Chen Yuyan.

"I've broken up with Chen Yuting," Shen Dong frankly confessed, feeling no need to hide anything.

It would be unfair to Chen Yuyan to hide anything.

He and Chen Yuyan were already husband and wife, and he had to stand up for her.

"What! Broke up?!" Zhou Wenbin's eyes widened in shock, his gaze landing on Chen Yuyan who was arm-in-arm with Shen Dong, "Then you two are... no way, holy shit! You're Yuyan?!"

Now, Zhou Wenbin felt completely overwhelmed.

What's going on?

Broke up with Chen Yuting and now he's appearing as a couple with Chen Yuting's sister Chen Yuyan?

"Yes, this is Yuyan, my wife. We've already registered our marriage," Shen Dong clarified without hesitation.

"Holy shit!" Zhou Wenbin couldn't help but curse again.

Damn, Chen Yuyan and Chen Yuting were the school beauties. Shen Dong dating Chen Yuting had already been enough to incite envy and jealousy.

And now, after breaking up with Chen Yuting, he's with her sister Chen Yuyan, and they've even registered their marriage.

One man, enjoying both sisters.

This was beyond simple envy and jealousy.

Zhou Wenbin's girlfriend stood there with her mouth wide open in shock.

Although she had never met Chen Yuting, she could tell from Chen Yuyan's looks that Chen Yuting must also be a great beauty.

What was so special about this guy to win over both sisters?

"Zhou Wenbin, stop freaking out!" Chen Yuyan glared at Zhou Wenbin.

"Yuyan, how could I not freak out?" Zhou Wenbin came back to his senses and gave a wry smile.

This news, if it got out, would probably cause an even bigger stir among their classmates.

"We're heading back now. We'll notify you when we hold our wedding. You must come," Chen Yuyan said generously.

"Of course, I must attend your wedding with Dongzi!" Zhou Wenbin said.

"Great, we're off, bye." Chen Yuyan pulled Shen Dong away and they left.

Watching the two depart.

Zhou Wenbin's girlfriend asked curiously, "What's so charming about your male classmate that both sisters fell for him?"

"Maybe just because he's handsome," Zhou Wenbin chuckled bitterly, then said, "No, I have to share this news right away!"

He took out his phone, opened WeChat, clicked on the university class group, and immediately sent out a message: "Guys, I've got some earth-shattering news to share today!"

As soon as Zhou Wenbin's message went out, the group became lively.

"Zhou Wenbin, with that bear-like appearance of yours, what earth-shattering news could you possibly have?"

"Seriously, you're not about to reveal that some rich lady is keeping you, are you?"

"Hahaha, if that's really the case, it would indeed be earth-shattering news."

"Zhou Wenbin, I don't want to struggle anymore. If you are being kept, introduce a rich lady to me, I'm also seeking patronage."

Seeing these messages, Zhou Wenbin had a forehead full of black lines, "Stop talking nonsense, my girlfriend is right here."

"So what if she is, having a girlfriend doesn't prevent you from being kept by a rich lady."

"Exactly, you're still young, you can hang in there."

"Crap, Zhou Wenbin, you're not kidney deficient, are you?"

Seeing this information, Zhou Wenbin's face turned black, and he hurriedly sent out a message, "The earth-shattering news I wanted to reveal is that Shen Dong and Chen Yuyan got their marriage certificate!"

"Cut it out, what kind of earth-shattering news is that."

"Exactly, they were so affectionate during school, getting a marriage certificate is only normal."

"Zhou Wenbin, do you not have anything to do, just taking us for a laugh? If you've got free time, I have to work overtime tonight, come help me out at my company!"

Clearly, the classmates hadn't paid close attention to the message.

Zhou Wenbin said speechlessly, "Fellow students, please read the information I sent clearly."

"We already read it clearly, isn't it just Shen Dong and Chen Yuting getting their marriage certificate?"

"Yeah, what's unclear about that?"

"Damn, it's not Shen Dong and Chen Yuting who got the certificate, it's Shen Dong and Chen Yuyan."

"Holy moly, I'm not seeing things, am I?"

"For real, Zhou Wenbin, you didn't get it wrong, did you?"

"If this is true, it really is earth-shattering news."

"How is that possible, this is too melodramatic."

"@Shen Dong @Chen Yuyan @Chen Yuting, come out and explain, what exactly is going on!"

Now the class group exploded.

Inside a Wuling Hongguang van.

Shen Dong and Chen Yuyan's WeChat notification sounds kept ringing.

Shen Dong was driving and couldn't look at his phone.

Chen Yuyan, sitting in the passenger seat, took out her phone to look at WeChat, saw the messages, and smiled, "Zhou Wenbin has already posted about our situation in the class group."

Shen Dong shook his head and laughed, "That was expected. It would've been weird if he hadn't."

Chen Yuyan said with a smile, "They're questioning his news, let me help confirm it for him."

As she spoke, she began to type.

Shen Dong quickly said, "Let me handle this. It's not convenient for me to do it while driving. Take my phone and say it in my name."

"Okay," Chen Yuyan, knowing Shen Dong was concerned for her and it was also an expression of a man's responsibility, didn't refuse. She took Shen Dong's phone, opened the class WeChat group, and asked, "What should I say?"

Shen Dong thought for a moment and said, "Just tell them Zhou Wenbin's news is real, I've broken up with Yuting, and after the breakup, I got together with you. We feel we are suitable for each other and are the ones we've committed to for life, so we went to get our marriage certificate. We'll find time for a wedding later and will invite everyone to attend. That's the general idea; you compose the message."

Chen Yuyan nodded with a smile, "Alright."

Then, she sent out a WeChat message.

"Classmates, Zhou Wenbin's news is true. I've broken up with Chen Yuting, and after the breakup, I realized Yuyan is the person I love."

"Yuyan loves me too, so we got together. We both believe that the other is the person we were meant to find in this lifetime."

"Today we went to the Civil Affairs Bureau and got our marriage certificate, establishing our marriage. We will plan a wedding later and invite you all to attend. Thank you."

This message sent out, there was a moment of silence in the WeChat group, and then it exploded.

"Holy crap, it really is true!"

"Shen Dong, you lucky bastard!"

"Where do I, a forever alone dog, even begin to complain?"

"Comparing people really does kill you with envy."