Chapter 8 Exercise_1

Shen Dong held Chen Yuyan in his arms and essentially heard the conversation between mother and daughter.

Feng Lijuan's attitude was something Shen Dong could have anticipated.

"Yuyan, don't worry, I will work hard to make money to give you a happy life, to prove that your choice was right, and that you didn't marry the wrong person," Shen Dong assured Chen Yuyan.

He already had one million in investment capital and the skills of an investment master.

With the news from the future, he could make three million by next week.

The system was his biggest confidence.

He was absolutely able to make Chen Yuyan happy.

"Hehe, I feel very happy already,"

"I believe that as long as we work hard, we can live the life we want."

"We don't need to compare ourselves with those rich people; that's unrealistic."

"As long as we are not vain and don't vie with others, we can make our days rich and full of flavor."

"Moreover, the money my dad makes will all be mine in the future. Don't look down on his small restaurant, if we sell it, it would be at least ten million."

"In the future, the small restaurant will be ours; even if we don't work, we can go back and be the boss and the lady boss," Chen Yuyan giggled.

At her words, Shen Dong laughed and couldn't help but tug at Chen Yuyan's pretty face, "They say girls are outgoing; we've just registered our marriage and you're already thinking of taking over your dad's restaurant with me."

Chen Yuyan giggled again, "I'm telling the truth, if we want to, we can immediately take over my dad's small restaurant and become the boss and lady boss."

Chen Yuyan felt very happy; her eyes curved into crescent moons.

Suddenly, she remembered something and asked, "Husband, when shall we go look at houses? My dad put two million in the bank card, and with it, we can buy a house of about a hundred square meters in the suburbs. Two million is enough for a down payment, and after buying the house, we can save some money for our wedding."

Chen Yuyan's face was full of longing for her future marital life.

"Yuyan, can we not buy a house first?" Shen Dong thought for a moment and said.

"What's wrong?" Chen Yuyan was a bit puzzled.

"Here's what I'm thinking, use the money your dad gave to make some investments and earn some money first, then buy a house, by that time we can pay in full," Shen Dong said.

"Investment? Are you talking about trading stocks?" Chen Yuyan asked.

She knew that Shen Dong had traded stocks with his family's money while he was in school, although he had invested only a small amount.

According to Shen Dong, it was just tens of thousands for fun.

This was indeed true; Shen Dong had opened a stock account in university.

With the tens of thousands his family had given him, he had dabbled in the stock market.

Over the years, he did manage to make a few thousand.

"No, I'm thinking of trading futures," Shen Dong explained, "The economy hasn't been great recently, and I see a very good chance that Lighthouse Country will cut interest rates, and gold futures might surge. If we catch that wave, we could make a lot."

According to the future news provided by the system, gold futures would surge thirty percent in the coming week.

Initially, he only planned to enter the market with the one million given by the system.

Now that Chen Yuyan had mentioned buying a house, he thought it over and decided to seek Chen Yuyan's opinion to see if he could invest the two million her father had given her.

If it weren't for the message from the system, he certainly wouldn't dare to do this.

But with such information from the system, there would surely be no problem.

He would make money as soon as he entered the market.

Based on the current leverage ratio for gold futures, it was about ten times.

A thirty percent increase would be like a three hundred percent gain.

One million earning three million, and three million would amount to earning nine million.

Just one trade, and they could buy a house with full payment.

Moreover, he didn't plan to stop after just one trade but aimed to continue operating in the futures market after earning from this one.

With his investment master skills, he was almost certain to make money.

"Earn a bit more, and once we have the capital, we can buy a house. It won't take too long."

Of course, if Chen Yuyan didn't agree, he naturally wouldn't insist.

After all, the money for buying the house was given by her father, and futures trading is a very risky investment.

As a finance graduate, Chen Yuyan knew this.

"Okay," Chen Yuyan said with a smile.

"You agreed so readily? Aren't you afraid I'll misjudge the market and lose the money?"

Chen Yuyan didn't ask anything, didn't say anything, just agreed.

Such a response caught Shen Dong by surprise.

"Of course, I'm a little afraid, but you're my husband, I trust you, and I'm willing to support you in whatever you do," she said.

Chen Yuyan's words were completely those of a love-struck person.

"Don't worry, this time the gold futures market, whether it's fundamentals or technical aspects, is all good," Shen Dong was moved.

"Mm-hm, hubby, I trust you," Chen Yuyan said, as she caressed Shen Dong's face, "Don't feel pressured. Even if you lose the money, I won't blame you, and I won't divorce you. I am sticking with you for life anyway."

Shen Dong laughed, "I know, don't worry, I won't lose it. You just wait to pay for the house in full."

The next day.

When Shen Dong woke up, he found Chen Yuyan in his arms, sleeping soundly, with a sweet smile on her lips.

Perhaps sensing that Shen Dong was awake, Chen Yuyan's eyelashes trembled a few times, and she slowly opened her eyes.

"Hubby, you're awake," Chen Yuyan turned over, clinging to Shen Dong like an octopus.

"Honey, in this position, I find it very hard to control myself," Shen Dong said.

"Who asked you to control yourself? Come on," Chen Yuyan raised her eyebrows with a twist of her body.

"Let's not, maybe tonight," Shen Dong jumped in fright.

It wasn't that he wasn't capable; it's just that last night had been too wild.

Yesterday was their first night since getting their marriage license.

Chen Yuyan wanted to have a memorable night, and things got pretty crazy.

She even put on a nurse outfit she had bought specially for a little role-playing game.

Chen Yuyan, with her passionate nature, was very unrestrained in that regard.

Even though Shen Dong was physically strong, having been up half the night, he was a bit worn out too.

"Pfft, I won't torture you anymore," Chen Yuyan giggled, stroking Shen Dong's face.

"I'll go for a run and get some exercise. You sleep some more," Shen Dong felt the need to work out more to keep up in the future.

With a lovely wife like hers, he definitely couldn't fall short.

"No, don't go. This is our first morning sleeping in at home, and we don't have to work. Stay and cuddle with me a bit more," Chen Yuyan twisted her body again.

"If I don't exercise, I'm worried I won't be up to it tonight," Shen Dong said with a wry smile.

"Oh? Then you better go, get that body of yours worked out," Chen Yuyan was taken aback and then hurriedly spurred him on after catching on.

"I'm speechless with you," Shen Dong said somewhat speechlessly, getting up to wash up.

After freshening up, he returned to the bedroom.

"There's a noodle shop at the entrance of the neighborhood that's pretty good. Do you want me to bring you a takeout?" Shen Dong asked.

"Sure, I'll have the beef brisket rice noodles, with an egg, and add some chili," Chen Yuyan said with a smile.

"Alright, I'll be back soon." Shen Dong turned to leave.

"Hmph, stinky husband, leaving without giving me a kiss," Chen Yuyan pouted and hummed softly.

Upon hearing this, Shen Dong quickly came back, kissed Chen Yuyan's forehead, then turned to leave.

"Hubby, remember from now on, every morning, whoever gets up first, has to kiss the other," Chen Yuyan's face was full of blissful happiness.

"Okay." Shen Dong nodded and left.