Chapter 12 Borrowing Money_1

If Chen Yuting really had something going on, it would be one thing.

But Chen Yuting didn't have anything particular happening. She rarely spoke with Chen Yuanxiang. It was mostly Chen Yuanxiang asking questions and Chen Yuting answering, and her answers were very brief.

I really don't know what Chen Yuting meant by going back to celebrate Chen Yuanxiang's birthday.

"Honey, let's go to sleep," Chen Yuyan said as she hugged Shen Dong, her head resting on his chest, feeling extremely happy.

It could be said that these two days were the happiest of her life.

Being with the one you love truly means being enveloped in the ocean of happiness at every moment.

"Are you sure you just want to sleep and not do anything else?" Shen Dong asked with a smile.

"What else is there to do?" Chen Yuyan asked, somewhat puzzled.

"What do you think?" Shen Dong said with a mischievous grin.

His body was quite fit and could handle a good romp.

"Husband, you're terrible!" Chen Yuyan finally understood what Shen Dong meant, her cheeks flushing red as she playfully punched Shen Dong's chest.



Shen Dong and Chen Yuyan had breakfast together at Fatty Noodle House before taking the subway to work.

Shen Dong worked for a trust company, while Chen Yuyan worked at a commercial bank.

Both were ordinary employees, and their workplaces were both in the CBD.

They went their separate ways after getting off the subway.

After work, once Shen Dong finished his tasks, he notified his manager that he was stepping out for a bit and would be back soon.

The leader didn't inquire about what he was going to do.

Leaving the company, Shen Dong went to a nearby futures brokerage firm and opened a futures account.

Though one could open an account online, Shen Dong found the video verification process to be a hassle.

Since there was a futures company near his office, he decided just go there to open the account.

In half an hour, he had opened a futures account, linked his bank card, and downloaded the brokerage firm's mobile trading app.

Back at the office, Shen Dong immediately transferred three million from his bank card to his futures trading account and went all in buying gold futures.

Now, all that was left was to wait for gold futures to rise.

The volatility of gold futures during the daytime wasn't significant.

It was only during the European and American markets that one could see more noticeable fluctuations.

Unfortunately, the commodity markets, including gold, were dominated by Europe and America.

Because of the time difference between Dragon Country and Lighthouse Country,

According to the system's information, tonight, the Lighthouse Country Federal Reserve was going to announce an interest rate cut, and gold prices were expected to surge.


On Chen Yuting's end,

She called Chen Yuanxiang.

Chen Yuanxiang was busy at the shop when he heard his phone ringing. Discovering it was his younger daughter who was calling, he felt a bit puzzled.

To be honest, he couldn't recall the last time he received a call from his younger daughter.

He answered, "Yuting, what's up?"

Chen Yuting asked, "Dad, do you have a moment?"

Chen Yuanxiang replied, somewhat puzzled, "I do. What's the matter?"

Chen Yuting hesitated, then said, "Dad, could you perhaps lend me some money?"

Upon hearing this, Chen Yuanxiang immediately understood.

No wonder Chen Yuting had come to celebrate his birthday yesterday.

He had thought his second daughter had grown up and knew to care a little about her biological father.

Now it seems I was overthinking it.

My younger daughter's return for my birthday was a prelude to borrowing money.

"How much do you need?" Chen Yuanxiang didn't refuse outright and pondered before asking.

"As much as you can give, I'll borrow," Chen Yuting couldn't contain her joy when she didn't hear her dad refuse.

"What do you need the money for?" Chen Yuanxiang asked.

"A friend told me about a project that's guaranteed to make money, and a lot of it. They want me to invest," Chen Yuting didn't mention that she planned to use the money for stock trading, fearing that Chen Yuanxiang wouldn't lend her the money.

After all, in Chen Yuanxiang's eyes, stock trading was a very risky investment.

"I've got fifty thousand on hand. Send me your bank account details, and I'll transfer it to you," Chen Yuanxiang ultimately couldn't refuse Chen Yuting.

This was the first time Chen Yuting had asked to borrow money from him.

Regardless of whether Chen Yuting cared about him or not, she was still his daughter.

"Fifty thousand? Dad, didn't you hear what I said? I said I'll borrow however much you have. Is fifty thousand all you have saved? If you don't want to lend to me, just say so. I won't blame you," Chen Yuting was somewhat dissatisfied.

You should know that dad's restaurant business, not to mention more, could save at least a hundred to two hundred thousand a year.

So many years have passed; there should be at least one or two million by now.

Now he's only talking about lending me fifty thousand; what's that supposed to mean?

"Yuting, I really can only muster fifty thousand," Chen Yuanxiang said, frowning.

"That's impossible." Chen Yuting naturally didn't believe it.

"I have no reason to deceive you. Just the other day, I gave your sister all two hundred thousand that I'd saved up. She's already acquired a marriage certificate with Shen Dong and needs to buy a house," Chen Yuanxiang explained.

"So that's what happened," Chen Yuting suddenly realized.

"There's something else I need to make clear to you," Chen Yuanxiang said, thinking it over.

"What is it?" Chen Yuting asked.

"Even if I didn't give the money to your sister, I wouldn't lend it to you. I have to consider your sister. That money all belongs to her," Chen Yuanxiang spoke very plainly.

The elder daughter lived with him, sensible and filial.

The second daughter couldn't compare to the elder.

Small amounts, he could lend; large sums, he definitely would not.

"I understand," said Chen Yuting, feeling a bit choked up and hanging up the phone.

Then she called Chen Yuyan.

"Sis, Dad said he gave you the two hundred thousand in savings to buy a house, is that true?" Chen Yuting asked.

"Yes, what about it?" Chen Yuyan didn't deny it.

"You haven't bought a house yet, have you?" Chen Yuting asked again.

"Not yet," Chen Yuyan replied.

"Sis, I've got a great project that could make a lot of money. I need the funds urgently. If you lend me that two hundred thousand for a while, I'll pay you back soon, with an extra one million in interest. What do you think?" Chen Yuting asked.

According to Liu Chao, this stock trade was absolutely going to earn more than ten times the amount.

Paying Chen Yuyan one million in interest was nothing.

"I've already transferred the money to Shen Dong, so I cannot lend it to you," Chen Yuyan said.

"Why would you transfer it to him? Wouldn't it be better to keep it yourself?" Chen Yuting was somewhat speechless with urgency on behalf of Chen Yuyan.

If it were her, she would never give it to her man.

To have money oneself is the true feeling of security.

"Shen Dong said he wanted to invest in futures, so I gave it to him," Chen Yuyan didn't hide this fact.

"What! Investing in futures!" Chen Yuting exclaimed, "Sis, you know as well as I do how risky futures are. Shen Dong can count himself lucky to make a bit of money in the stock market, yet he's investing in futures, and with the money for your house no less! If you lose it all, you'll have nowhere to even cry!"

Chen Yuyan spoke indifferently, "I trust him. He won't lose it."

Chen Yuting was exasperated, "You're so love-struck. Can't you think for yourself? We both graduated with finance degrees. You're well aware of the enormous risks in the futures market. This sort of blind trust could destroy your future life!"