Chapter 97: Impotent Fury_1

Closing time had arrived.

Shen Dong and Chen Yuyan left the company and headed to Chen Yuanxiang's small restaurant.

The restaurant hadn't closed for the day yet; it was still in business.

Today, the two of them were planning to have their last meal here with Chen Yuanxiang.

After that, it would become Shuidilao.

Chen Yuanxiang and Chen Yuyan had deep emotional ties to this little restaurant.

Chen Yuanxiang had raised Chen Yuyan into adulthood with the earnings from this little restaurant.

Chen Yuyan had spent much of her childhood here.

Especially on weekends, when she didn't want to go to her uncle's house and wished to stay with her father, she'd ask him to set up a small table in the corner of the restaurant where she could do her homework.

As Chen Yuyan and Chen Yuanxiang were having their last meal at the restaurant, Shen Dong naturally wanted to accompany them.

When Shen Dong and Chen Yuyan arrived at the restaurant, Chen Yuanxiang hadn't returned yet.