Chapter 176 The Eternal Pain in My Heart_1

"Director Xu, are you saying that you're going to use those actors?" Shen Dong asked with a smile.

"Use them, of course, use them. Such good actors must be used, not one less. Even if I were to look for them myself, I couldn't find actors like these," Xu Zheng replied hastily.

"That's good," Shen Dong said smiling.

After a few more exchanges, they ended the call.


Dongyan Guild.

In the live streaming room of brothers Yang Xiaoming and Yang Xiaobai, a first-tier male celebrity appeared.

Originally, the brothers' live streaming room already had tens of millions of fans, and their sales during live stream selling were the highest in the guild.

With the addition of the celebrity effect, their sales broke records in one fell swoop.

After just one live stream, sales exceeded two billion.

Stars from Jiahua Film and Television appeared one after another in other hosts' live streaming rooms as well.

The sales from their stream selling all broke their historical records.