Chapter 251 Tragedy for Sale_1

"Madam, it seems you've been scammed, I am the actual owner of the restaurant."

"Indeed, we've had fewer customers dining in lately because our head chef has fallen ill and been hospitalized, and as a result, many of our signature dishes can't be made."

"When the chef returns in a few days, business will surely pick up again."

"I have no intention of renovating, and certainly not of borrowing money for renovations—least of all at such high interest rates."

"I have mortgaged this shop to the bank; I could get a loan of tens of millions in minutes. Why would I pay such high interest to borrow from someone else?" the owner said, shaking his head.

He was sure, this woman had been deceived.

Upon hearing this, Feng Lijuan's face turned extremely ugly.

She hurriedly took out her phone and dialed Hong Maoyang's number, only to find out that the number was out of service.

At that moment, Feng Lijuan was thoroughly convinced that she had been swindled.