Chapter 263 This is Artificial Intelligence_1

Just now, Lin Yan had received a few people.

They were from Wansheng Investment.

Among those people, only one young man was interested in his company; the others were not.

Although that young man was the president of Wansheng Venture Capital, it was unlikely that he would actually invest.

Anyway, Lin Yan didn't hold much hope.

For a company like this, it wasn't just the president who had a say, they also needed to consult the opinions of other shareholders.

It was unlikely that the young man would make a decision all on his own.

To be honest, Lin Yan was feeling somewhat disheartened.

Even though he firmly believed that artificial intelligence had a great future.

However, he really couldn't see any hope at the moment.

Perhaps, he had entered the industry at the wrong time. Maybe in a few years, when the timing was better and it was easier to attract investment, there would be a better chance of receiving capital investment.

"Yes," Shen Dong nodded.