Chapter 337 Who's Messing with Me_1

"Husband." Wu Fengxia hurried over to help him up.

"Who's your husband, get the hell away from me!" Du Mingliang pushed Wu Fengxia aside and cursed, "If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be in this mess. Don't let me see you again!"

Wu Fengxia asked, "Husband, are you saying you don't want me anymore?"

"Want you my ass!" Du Mingliang kicked Wu Fengxia down to the ground and scolded, "You jinx, you've ruined me. My family's company is going to go bankrupt soon, and it's all because of you. God damn it, I'd be merciful if I don't kill you!"

After speaking, Du Mingliang got into the BMW and drove off.

Wu Fengxia watched the BMW speeding away, filled with extreme regret.

If it wasn't for her need to cause trouble for Fang Jingwei, none of this would have happened.

The rich second generation she had managed to cling onto was gone just like that.

She no longer had any desire to go after Du Mingliang.

The question she asked just now was purely instinctive.