Chapter 32 Happiness Is Right Beside us

Time flew by quickly, perhaps due to the rankings, Harry became increasingly suppressed, as if there was a stone weighing on his heart, causing him to continuously kill spider monsters, increasing from two at the beginning to three at a time.

Under this frenzy, Harry's experience rapidly soared, and soon, after half an hour had passed, with a flash of white light, he finally reached Level 10.


[System Prompt: You have reached level 10. Please head to the village to find the village chief.]


As the system prompt sounded, Harry let out a heavy sigh, stopping killing the spider monsters. Although he was just in a game and physical fitness was related to attributes, the mental exhaustion made him feel dizzy.

Harry opened the Level Ranking again. After half an hour of killing monsters, his ranking had risen by one place and reached 10th place.

"Don't pay too much attention to these things. Actually, having fun is the most important," Moonshadow stood by, looking at Harry, sensing his nervousness, and couldn't help but console him.

"Yeah." Harry nodded.

In fact, Moonshadow was right. He wasn't a professional gamer to begin with, he just entered with the attitude of playing around and making some money. Achieving this level of success already made him proud.

Thinking carefully, Harry realized that his frantic spider grinding was only because he had finally made it onto the rankings and achieved a certain level of success, fearing being surpassed by others, which caused him to feel nervous, and want to level up like crazy.

After hearing Moonshadow's words, Harry pondered for a moment. He also felt that it didn't matter. The main goal was to play the game happily. Besides, sometimes putting in effort to do something and striving to ensure something didn't necessarily guarantee corresponding rewards. In fact, things could even backfire.

"I already have three million dollars. At the very least, I don't have to worry about anything for now. The priority is to have fun, so why should I care about the Level Ranking?" Harry mocked himself internally. He thought of his crazy attempt to level up and felt that it was ridiculous. That was not what he was pursuing.

"You're right. Having fun is the most important." Harry said with a smile.

"Yeah." Seeing Harry happy, Moonshadow also revealed a smile.

"My brother told me that games can bring joy and happiness to people, and we can also make a lot of new friends here."

"That's the reason I started playing this game, but do you know? When I first entered the game, the feeling it gave me was like being in a strange world. I didn't like it at all, and I even felt that sitting at home daydreaming was better than being here."

"But after I met you, I realized that joy and happiness are actually right beside me. I suddenly discovered that I like this game, it can really bring me happiness," Moonshadow looked at Harry, sincerity shining in her eyes, and happily said.

"Maybe... you're right," hearing Moonshadow's words, Harry felt a sense of emotion. Since starting work, it seemed like he had never truly experienced happiness. The pressure suffocated him. And even entering the game, he was driven insane by a ranking list. The word 'happiness', seemingly simple, felt increasingly distant to him.

Of course, everyone was different, so the standard of happiness was naturally different. Perhaps to Moonshadow, happiness was simply making friends.

As for Harry, perhaps he would be happy if his salary increased by 50 dollars…

After releasing the tension in his heart, Harry smiled and stopped thinking about the Level Ranking. At this moment, he was talking and joking with Moonshadow while killing the spider monsters, becoming leisurely.

Not long after Harry reached Level 10, Moonshadow also reached level 9. However, Harry knew that the distance between level 9 and Level 10 required 8000 experience points.

After Harry reached Level 10, the experience he gained from killing spiders decreased significantly. He had originally planned to go to other monster areas, but upon careful consideration, he decided against it. After all, it wouldn't be worth it to spend a short amount of time searching for other monsters when both he and Moonshadow would soon reach level 10 and have to go to the main city to change their classes. Instead, he chose to continue leveling up here.

As such, the two of them chatted as they killed spider monsters. They did not feel bored at all. Instead, they were very happy. At the same time, their experience slowly increased.

However, as time passed, more players started to appear in the spider area. They were all in groups. When they saw Harry and Moonshadow, everyone was stunned at first, then surprised.

They needed to form a party of three to four people before they dared to come and kill the spider monsters. Even then, they had to be cautious because any unexpected accident could result in being killed and sent back to the city.

In the eyes of these players, Harry and Moonshadow were not just a team of two. They saw Moonshadow sitting on the ground, chatting and laughing, without even fighting the monsters. It was as if only Harry was killing the spiders alone.

Everyone gasped and looked at Harry's equipment. They thought his progress was terrifying. The game had just started, yet he already had so many items. It was truly unbelievable.

Especially when they witnessed how effortlessly Harry killed the spiders, they were even more astonished that they couldn't speak.

Isn't he the 10th-ranked player on the Level Ranking?" one of the players exclaimed after using an Insight skill on Harry. When they discovered Harry's identity, they were immediately shocked, attracting the attention of other players.

"Oh my god, he really is the 10th-ranked player on the Level Ranking!"

"He's called Savion, the 10th-ranked player on the Level Ranking. Oh my god, he's a pro! I actually met a pro!"

"He hasn't even changed his class in the main city yet and is still leveling up here!"

"Are you blind? Can't you see that the pro is helping a girl level up?"

"Pro, please give me a friend slot. I want to be your underling. I want to follow you!"

"Pro, please take me..."


The surrounding players immediately opened the Level Ranking and confirmed that the player in front of them was indeed the 10th-ranked pro. They were all in an uproar.

Everyone cast worshipping gazes at him, and they kept coming forward to greet Harry, wanting to get closer to him.

Especially some girls who considered themselves attractive completely ignored Moonshadow by his side and continuously flirted with Harry, hoping to catch his attention.

Harry initially wanted to be a bit more cheerful and greet the players around him. However, he realized that doing so would likely encourage further advances from them. So he remained calm, putting on the demeanor of an expert, and ignored the players around him.

He even revealed a cold and ruthless expression, looking very much like an expert.

However, Harry's appearance made the surrounding players even more eager to admire him. It was as if all experts were like this in their hearts.

Although Harry looked calm, he couldn't help but feel nervous when faced with so many players.

This was the first time he had received so many people's admiration. The adoration in the eyes of the players made his head heat up and his breathing quickened.

It was the same for Moonshadow. It was her first time being stared at by so many people. She couldn't help but blush and quickly lowered her head.