Chapter 36 Mysterious Old Man

The magic ball was in the hands of the beauty instructor, emitting a black light that enveloped the surroundings. At the same time, a dark aura appeared, causing Harry to feel a sense of danger, instinctively taking a step back.

The beauty instructor carefully observed the magic ball in her hand, and after a moment, she looked up at Harry.

"I don't know what it is, but I can sense a terrifying magic power emanating from it. It can transform you into a Dark Summoner," the beauty instructor said, her expression serious and solemn.

"What's the difference between Dark and Light?" Upon hearing the beauty instructor's words, Harry wasn't surprised. He had already known that the magic ball was for a hidden class. However, he was confused about the distinction between Dark and Light.

"Dark and Light are two powerful forces. They are different yet the same because they both involve the use of magic," the beauty instructor said seriously.

"Well, I mean, is there any substantial difference between them?" Harry asked again, feeling a bit exasperated by the beauty instructor's answer, which seemed to be of no help.

"There's no difference." the beauty instructor shook her head.

Since there was no difference, Harry didn't hesitate anymore. He had been concerned that the class change might have certain implications, especially since it was a hidden class. However, upon hearing the beauty instructor's words, all his concerns vanished.

"Sure, please pay 10 gold coins." The beauty instructor smiled and extended her white, delicate hand towards Harry.

"What? 10 gold coins?" Harry's face changed, and he was taken aback. This was outrageous! Did it really cost so much for a simple class change in the early stages? Who could afford that?

"Yes, the normal class change costs 1 gold coin, and the hidden class costs 10 gold coins." the beauty instructor explained seriously.

"Hold on..." Harry felt a chill down his spine, sensing that he was being deceived. He opened his inventory and checked, only to find that he had exactly 10 gold coins.

Harry furrowed his brows, feeling that 10 gold coins were too expensive. He thought about selling the magic ball to other players, maybe even exchanging it for some real-world currency. However, he couldn't bear to miss this opportunity, as a hidden class was unique and not everyone had the chance to obtain it.

After contemplating for a while, Harry gritted his teeth and looked at the beauty instructor.

"Can't you reduce the price a bit?" Harry sighed and weakly made his request, looking pitiful.

"Do you think this is a marketplace where you can haggle?" The beauty instructor's words were interrupted as she suddenly covered her mouth as if she had said something she shouldn't have. Her expression briefly turned panicked but quickly returned to calm.

"No, you can't pay less!" The beauty instructor spoke indifferently.

"Fine." Harry had already noticed the change in the beauty instructor's expression, but he didn't think much of it. Now, he reluctantly took out 10 gold coins as if he were cutting off a piece of his flesh, slowly handing them over to the beauty instructor.

Seeing Harry take out 10 gold coins, the beauty instructor was slightly surprised. Then, she raised her hand and waved it gently at the magic ball. Suddenly, a dark aura appeared and instantly enveloped Harry's entire body.

Under the cover of this aura, Harry's entire body turned cold. He felt his vision go black and his head spin. When he recovered, the scene in front of him changed and he found himself in another world.

The world was completely dark, without a trace of light. The land was pitch black, with countless towering mountains rising endlessly, devoid of any vegetation. Yet, what was shocking was that these mountains were all black, emitting the roars of numerous fierce beasts from within. The sound filled him with fear and a sense of dread.

Harry stood on the peak of one of these mountains, his body transparent, indicating that his consciousness had been transported there while his physical body remained in the Class Change Hall.

"What is this..." Harry looked at this world, his heart racing, his face filled with disbelief.

The dim sky was filled with countless flying creatures and beasts, exuding a terrifying aura. Each one seemed to possess immense power. Just a glance at them made Harry's breathing quicken involuntarily.

He had never seen these flying creatures and beasts before, not even in books in the real world.

For example, not far from Harry, in the sky, a black-scaled winged serpent with nine heads flew towards him. Its mouth emitted a roar that shook the heavens and the earth. With a gentle flap of its wings, it could create countless fierce winds that swept through the surroundings, forming a massive storm full of destructive intent.

Further away, there was a gigantic phoenix engulfed in flames. Wherever it passed, it left behind a sea of fire, reducing any creature it touched to ashes with its scorching touch.

Harry's mind was shaken. This was just the tip of the iceberg. The ground was even more terrifying, with each creature seemingly capable of causing mountains to crumble and the earth to split, possessing unimaginable destructive power.

"They are all lovely creatures, don't you think?" A sinister laughter came from beside Harry.

The voice was hoarse and appeared suddenly, catching Harry off guard. He was startled, his heart filled with fear and surprise. He quickly turned his head to look.

Next to him, an old man had appeared without warning.

The old man wore a black robe, surrounded by a black mist that obscured his entire body. Only his two eyes, glowing with a green light, could be seen in this dark world as he stared at Harry.

"Can you see me?" Harry's pupils contracted, and his body instinctively moved back. As a disembodied entity in this world, he was like air, invisible to anyone. Yet, this old man, who appeared out of nowhere, could see him. It sent a shiver down his spine, filling him with a sense of trepidation.

"This is my domain, and they are all my pets," the old man said, looking towards the countless beasts in the distance, with hoarse laughter.

Harry stood frozen in place, his heart pounding, and quickly used the Insight skill on the old man.

[Name: Unknown]

[Level: Unknown]

[HP: Unknown/Unknown]




Harry's breathing became rapid, and he was shocked. All the information about the old man was marked as unknown, and he couldn't even see his name.

The old man casually glanced at Harry as if sensing his use of Insight skill. He extended his withered hand and lightly grabbed the air. 

In that instant, time seemed to freeze, and the entire world fell silent. Whether it was the flying beasts in the sky or the running creatures on the ground, everything became still, crouched down, and dared not make a sound.

At the same time, black mist emerged from the void, rushing towards the old man's right hand. In the blink of an eye, a staff made of black mist appeared in his hand.

"Hum... How is this possible?!" Witnessing this scene, Harry roared in his mind, as if countless thunderbolts were passing through it, leaving him unable to believe his eyes.

All of this happened in an instant. When the old man reached out his withered hand and casually grabbed the air, a staff appeared out of thin air.

And the staff, formed from the illusory black mist between heaven and earth, was not a tangible weapon. This scene was completely beyond Harry's imagination.