Matthew arrived at a place,
every fifteen meters or so there was either a standing, or embedded, or floating incandescent lamp.
The light spread throughout the Space City Citadel and the satellites of Hume Three.
This made this satellite belt, which hangs isolated outside the Storluk planet, look like an artificially lit moon.
Even though Matthew had no love for Storluk Industries,
he had to admit the space undead had crafted the planet Storluk quite impressively.
And in terms of order,
the public security in Space City was at least as good as in Rolling Stone City.
Matthew wandered between the bustling main roads and almost deserted alleys, encountering various astral creatures but never witnessing a crime.
Regarding the frequency of patrols by the law enforcers,
it wasn't very rigorous.
Within half a day,
he had only encountered a couple of space undead encased in their tin cans and a squid alchemist with a large tube of liquid metal.