Galan stood tall and stepped forward, extending a hand in greeting. "I am Galan Woodland, son of the Worldtree and leader of the woodland village," he introduced himself with a warm smile.

In response, Shield, the leader of the orc group, showed respect and replied, "I am Shield Rockhead, a member of the Orc Nation 'Raffgaurd' and Orc Champion. I offer my respect to the son of the Worldtree."

The tense atmosphere eased slightly as the formal greetings were exchanged. Galan, now more at ease, listened attentively as Shield began to explain their urgent situation.

"I sincerely apologize for coming here without notice," Shield said "but we are in dire need of your help."

Galan, impressed by Shield's respectful approach, nodded. He understood that there was more to this encounter than met the eye. Intrigued, he gestured for the orcs to follow him to a more private and comfortable place for further discussion and then went inside the guard post near the portal as Kazuma and Elina were standing at the side.

Shield spoke with a mix of desperation and sincerity in his voice, "As you might know, orcs have always been self-sufficient in protecting and growing our food. But in recent years, we have been at war with human country 'Grayland' and the drought we suffered has made it hard to grow our crops. On top of that, the humans have resorted to wicked means, burning our crops and using curse magic on the land in trying to defeat us."

Galan's mind was torn between compassion and pragmatism. He understood the desperation in Shield's plea, but he also knew that involving his people in the orc-human conflict could have severe consequences. The memories of past wars and the sacrifices made by his people to protect the Worldtree weighed heavily on him.

As the leader of the elf village, Galan had to prioritize the safety and well-being of his people above all else. He couldn't risk jeopardizing the peace and security they had worked so hard to maintain. The human nation was formidable, and any actions taken in favour of the orcs could potentially provoke them into aggression.

Galan understood the complexities of the situation, but he didn't want to put his people in danger by getting involved in the orc-human conflict. "I am aware of the war between orcs and humans, but that has nothing to do with us," he said firmly, trying to maintain a neutral stance.

Shield spoke with a sense of urgency and sincerity, trying to make Galan understand the direness of their situation. "I understand that you don't wish to put your people in danger, and I'm not asking for that," he said with a nod of respect towards Galan's concerns. "Some of our orc travelers were passing by your village and saw your large magical farms near the riverside. We were struck by the abundance of crops you have cultivated."

Galan listened intently, intrigued by Shield's words. The elf village's magical farms were indeed a marvel, capable of producing bountiful harvests unlike any other in the realm. The crops they grew were infused with magical energy, making them not only nutritious but also extraordinarily flavorful.

"Our Nation has a large population, and we've been facing hardships on multiple fronts," Shield continued, his expression revealing the weight of his responsibilities as an orc champion. "The ongoing war with the humans has led to scorched lands and destroyed crops. On top of that, a severe drought has plagued our homeland, making it nearly impossible to grow enough food to sustain our people."

Galan's heart went out to Shield and his fellow orcs, knowing all too well the struggle for survival amidst adversity. Yet, he couldn't help but feel torn between compassion and the need to protect his own people.

"Our food storage will only last us another two weeks, and the situation is growing dire," Shield said, his voice tinged with concern. "We do not seek charity, but we are willing to pay a fair price for your magical crops. Your generosity could mean the difference between life and death for many orc families."

As Galan stood there, the memories of past hardships weighed heavily on his mind. He vividly recalled the harsh winters when food was scarce, and his people struggled to survive. The desperation in their eyes, the cries of hungry children, and the sleepless nights haunted him. He knew the anguish of being a leader responsible for the lives and well-being of his community.

But he also understood the delicate balance they had achieved in maintaining their village's safety and neutrality. The elf village had worked tirelessly to avoid entangling themselves in the conflicts of other races. They sought to live harmoniously with nature, nurturing their magical farms and protecting the world tree seed.

Galan's compassion for the orcs was genuine, and he couldn't deny the urgency in Shield's plea. He respected the orc champion's determination to protect his people and provide for them during this challenging time. Galan wanted to help, but he feared that any involvement with the orcs' struggle could endanger his own people.

As the conflicting emotions swirled within him, Galan knew he had to make a difficult decision. He took a deep breath, his eyes searching the horizon as if seeking guidance from the world tree itself. He understood that leadership often meant facing tough choices, and this was one of those moments.

Deep in thought, Galan finally spoke, "I understand the hardships you're facing, Shield, and my heart goes out to your people. I've known the suffering of my own village and the burden of leadership. But involving my village in the orc-human conflict could have severe consequences for us. We have chosen the path of peace and neutrality, and I cannot risk compromising the safety and well-being of my people."

Shield nodded with respect, acknowledging the gravity of Galan's words. "I appreciate your honesty and your concern for your people," he said. "We will find a way to endure, as we always have. And if the day comes when you can help without putting your village at risk, know that the orcs will forever be grateful for the kindness you've shown."

Just then Kazuma enters