Chapter 6

Naruto's mindscape.

Naruto was speechless as he stared at the Sandaime. 'No!', that's what he wanted to yell once again. That's what he wanted to shout as loud as possible until Sarutobi heard his voice. But Naruto knew that was impossible; he was in a dream after all. 'I don't know what this is,' Naruto thought to himself with a pain in his chest at the look of shock on Kushina's face. No matter how much he did not want Kushina to suffer what he had suffered, Naruto knew reaching Hiruzen would be impossible. Just as it would be impossible trying to reach out to Kushina, especially when Naruto saw her stumble back… her face still in shock at the revelation of what was going to happen to her. Naruto didn't know what she was thinking, 'but it would be probably what I'm thinking now. That if I knew that I was coming to Konoha for this, then I would have refused.'

He still reached out towards Kushina as the Sandaime rushed off his chair and then around his table. Naruto recognized the look on the Sandaime's face, just as he rushed past him and held onto the panting Kushina, as one of concern. 'How could you be concerned, Jiji, when you sentenced her to a nightmare?' Naruto still remembered how he was treated, after all it was not an easy thing to forget when people would consciously ignore him or tell their children not to be around him because he was such a 'bad influence'. And that was when he didn't know he was a container for the Kyuubi.

"Jiji, don't do this," Naruto begged as the Sandaime helped Kushina to a chair. The redhead was shaking like a leaf while her eyes were still wide open in shock. Naruto could see that she was staring at the Sandaime's chest as she was gently sat down before Sarutobi walked over to the chair next to Kushina. He then turned it to face her and sat down.

Naruto saw the Sandaime sigh before saying, "I realize this is the last thing you expected to hear."

Naruto scoffed while shaking his head as he walked up to and stood next to a trembling Kushina. All the while, his arms were crossed over his chest with a scowl on his face. At the same time, Kushina – still avoiding looking at the Sandaime – shook her head while tears started to gather in her eyes.

"It is a frightening prospect," Hiruzen said before leaning forward, "however, it is something that needs to be done to keep balance between the villages." Sarutobi reached out and placed a finger under the girl's chin and slowly lifted her head. Once they were eye to eye, Sarutobi continued, "no one will ever know you are the Kyuubi's Jinchuriki." Naruto once again scoffed as the Hokage continued, "you will be the guardian of the village. I know it is a frightening prospect, Kushina. Because of that, Mito-sama has asked to speak with you."

Kushina looked away in sadness after the Hokage pulled his hand away.

"She, more than any of us, knows what it means to hold the Kyuubi," Hiruzen said to Naruto's surprise, "she will tell you all you need to know. And…" The Hokage sighed slightly as he stood up… a sudden weary look on his face before he spoke, "and she does not have much time left. She has been away from the village for some time and only just returned." The Hokage placed a hand gently on Kushina's shoulder, "and…." Kushina looked up at the Hokage as tears fell down her cheeks. Naruto could only imagine what she was thinking at this time as the Hokage continued, "she would like to speak to one of her kin. Would you do that for her? Would you speak with her? Would you give her comfort while she gives you as much comfort as possible in return?"

Kushina looked back down once again. After a few seconds of taking in deep breaths and stifling a sob, Kushina nodded her head.

"Kushina-nee," Naruto whispered as his surroundings turned dark before he found himself in a large bedroom standing at the foot of a bed that was covered with silken sheets. He shifted his eyes from the bed to the walls adorned with pictures of a man and woman before staring at the old woman with faded red hair seated on the edge of the bed. He saw the woman raise her arm in front of her before saying, "come, child." Naruto turned his head to see Kushina standing next to the Sandaime at the entrance to the room. He could see Kushina was putting on a brave face as the Sandaime gently egged her forward before the old woman said, "thank you, Saru. I can take it from here."

"Of course, Mito-sama," the Sandaime said before he stepped back while pulling the door to the room shut. With a click, the old woman – Mito – and Kushina were alone in the room. Naruto watched as Mito patted an empty area of the bed.

"Come child," Mito said before Kushina slowly made her way to the bed and then sat next to the old woman, "I know you are afraid of what is to happen next." Kushina nodded her head while continuing to stare at a spot on the wooden floor, "I was afraid as well." Mito then reached out and placed her hand on Kushina's shoulder. That action made Kushina turn her head towards Mito; the formers eyes wet with unshed tears, "you believe you will be lonely. You believe the hatred of the Kyuubi will overcome you. You fear that being the Kyuubi's Jinchuriki will crush you. Am I right?"

"Sandaime-sama said that me being a Jinchuriki will be top secret," Kushina whispered while nodding her head at the previous questions, "that no one other than himself and the Elders will know the truth." Kushina then wiped her eyes before continuing, "but I'm still terrified. The… the Kyuubi is a mass of hatred and… and what if…"

"My dear girl," Mito gently said as she placed both hands of either side of Kushina's face, the older woman's thumbs wiping away the tears trailing down her cheeks, "it is true that you were brought to Konoha to be the next Jinchuriki of the Kyuubi. But before you can become the Jinchuriki… the vessel…" Mito smiled, "the vessel must be filled with love."

Kushina and Naruto was surprised at that statement. He and Kushina listened, "if we can do that, then the container of the Kyuubi will be able to live a happy life." Naruto stepped back in stunned silence, Mito's words ringing in his ears as he recalled the glares and looks of disgust from the villagers. In the meantime, Mito chuckled before saying, "I am still spry, Kushina. There is time before you will have to take this burden. In the meantime, be happy, be a child, create bonds with the villagers, find someone you love just as I loved Hashirama. Do all that, and you will be able to weather the Kyuubi's hatred."

"Ye…. Yes, Mito-sama," Kushina whispered.

"And now," Mito chuckled as she leaned in towards Kushina, "tell me about what is new in Uzu, it has been so long since I have visited my homeland."

The Hokage Tower, Jonin office.

Asuma was standing at the front of the small crowd of twenty people waiting for the Jonin Commander, Nara Shikaku. The room was not as crowded as it once used to be thanks to injuries from the Sand-Sound invasion and the fact that those injuries led to nearly all the other Jonin and some Chuunin taking missions. Even shinobi such as Yamanaka Inoichi and Chouza had gone off for B ranked missions while Hyuuga Hiashi had taken another B Rank mission with two other Chuunin and one Genin. However, that was all before the gates had been closed for a battle drill. It was unannounced and thus unusual. And it made Asuma wonder if there wasn't something else at play here.

Sighing, Asuma was about to take out a cigarette, 'it's been nearly forty minutes so…' In fact, his fingers already grabbed the butt of the cigarette when the door to the room swung open and Nara Shikaku walked into the room. Asuma got his fingers out of the pocket on his vest while his expression turned to surprise at the appearance of Jiraiya by the Jonin Commander's side. Everyone in the room listened as Shikaku said that the drill was over and that they could resume their missions.

Asuma saw the Commander look at him before the latter turned his head towards the others and said, "go on. I'm sure all of you have missions for the village." As the others started making their way out of the room, Shikaku then turned towards Asuma and said, "Asuma, I need you to stay back. I'll have another a senior Chuunin lead your team on their mission." Asuma had many questions to ask but before he could, Shikaku raised his hand while Jiraiya leaned against one of the walls and folded his arms over his chest.

Asuma noticed the expressionless look on Jiraiya's face while staring at the floor and wondered what happened since the man would keep a public persona of an excitable bumbling fool. Asuma also knew Jiraiya was also a serious man who was deeply loyal to the village and had the experience and the ability to protect it from danger. But this was the first time he had seen Jiraiya in such quiet rage.

Once the door to the room was closed shut, Shikaku sighed. There was no one else in the room but them now. Shikaku then said, "at first I thought this was a surprise drill too." He then turned towards Jiraiya and then back towards Asuma before saying, "this is more than that. We can't tell you everything… at least not until we hear from the Hokage herself. But what you need to know is that Uchiha Sasuke has left the village."

Now that was something Asuma never thought he would hear.

"What?" Asuma exclaimed in surprise, "when? Was it a kidnapping, or…"

"He went willingly with Orochimaru's people," the Nara stated before there was a sudden surge of anger in the room from Jiraiya. Asuma glanced at the man who was still staring daggers at the carpeted flooring before turning his head back towards a sighing Shikaku, "this can't become public knowledge… at least not yet. We need to get the Uchiha boy back."

'Ino isn't going to like this,' Asuma thought, 'I doubt she'll even believe it.'

"You, Gai, Jiraiya-sama, Kakashi, and Anko will be the retrieval team," Shikaku said, "and the order from the Hokage is to bring Sasuke back dead or alive."

Asuma nodded his head. He was still in disbelief at what he was hearing. Why would Sasuke even want to leave the village?

"Why did he leave?"

"To gain power," Jiraiya spoke finally before waving his arms towards the door, "come on, we're meeting the others at the main gate. I already have my toads searching for him while Kakashi has his nin-dogs doing the same thing."

"What about Naruto?" Asuma said, "I thought he and the Uchiha boy were friends? Can't he help us in bringing Sasuke back to the village? How about Sakura?"

"Naruto is sick," Jiraiya said before he took a deep breath and pressed his lips together. After a second, Jiraiya said, "as for the girl, she's tied up at the moment." Asuma noticed the look that Shikaku gave the Toad Sage, it was a look that he didn't believe what the latter was saying. In truth, even Asuma didn't believe Jiraiya since he had never heard the blonde boy come down with even a cough. And when he mentioned Sakura's name, Jiraiya seemed to try and hide some murderous intent. But before he could ask anything more about Sakura and Naruto, Jiraiya pushed himself off the wall and said, "lets go."

"I would like to recommend Shikamaru join us," Asuma said to everyone's – other than Shikaku's - surprise. Asuma continued, "he's lazy, but he has a knack for tactics. He is a genius and able to outthink most people. I think... I know he will be an asset."

"Plus he's a Chuunin," Shikaku said after sighing before staring at Asuma, "and Jiraiya-sama asked me to hold the fort here until Tsunade-sama has finished some emergency surgery."

"Jiraiya-sama," Asuma said after nodding at Shikaku while reaching for the door, "is there anything else we need to know?"

"We get Sasuke before he crosses the border into Rice Country," Jiraiya growled as Shikaku opened the door, "that's all that matters now. As for Naruto and his teammate…" Jiraiya sighed as Shikaku and Asuma glanced at each other while wondering why he was being so angry, "Tsunade will probably let you know what's going on."

'So, did something happened?' Asuma thought to himself while Shikaku stared at Jiraiya with a curious expression on his face.

"For now, we concentrate on getting the traitor back to Konoha," Jiraiya said before he walked out of the room. Asuma and Shikaku were alone now as they glanced at each other before the latter shrugged his shoulders.

The Jonin Commander then said, "I suppose Hokage-sama will tell us what's going on later."

"Doesn't sound like it's anything good," Asuma whispered as they walked out of the room.

"No… no it does not," Shikaku replied before making his way to his own office.

Konoha Hospital, fourteen hours later.

It was one thing to use even the most advanced healing techniques on people who were at deaths door, it was completely different when the person was already dead. Tsunade was feeling exhausted as she continued work on Naruto's injury; she was the only one working constantly while the other nurses around her took two hour shifts before rotating out. Everyone was bound to secrecy, and Tsunade made it well known what would happen should anyone blab about Naruto lying dead on the gurney.

She could not use the same technique that was used to heal Neji since the latter was alive – he was on the edge of death but just barely alive for the jutsu to work. However, Naruto did not have that luck. All she could do was provide enough chakra for the chakra signatures of Minato and Kushina which were the only things keeping Naruto's heart and brain alive. The rest of his body was covered in chakra tags and ice packs to keep his body temperature lowered. The packs would be replaced every so often while Tsunade and the nurses around her would assist in operating on Naruto.

The urgency behind wanting to revive Naruto had her wondering how to repair the arteries and the veins along with the nerves at the site of the gash. She had done emergency grafts before when she was travelling around the country – and even then, when she felt like it.

But Naruto's injury was so extensive that she knew taking the vital parts she needed from his legs and arms would scar him even further and it could even halt his Shinobi career. That is if this whole endeavour even succeeded. While they were getting ready to begin the surgery – and after Tsunade moved aside the ways to punish Sakura in her mind – the slug Sannin recalled reading somewhere that organs from certain animals could be theoretically transplanted into humans. She was tipsy the first time she read the book, but even then she thought it was ridiculous. But now, as Naruto lay on the gurney, Tsunade felt it was an option.

'He would still have to take anti-rejection meds for the rest of his life, but it could work,' Tsunade thought, 'I just need to graft parts of the circulatory system into Naruto.' She then mentally sighed before thinking, 'sounds so simple. It's a risk... it may not work... but it's worth a try.' So she decided to take a risk. She looked up and called for Shizune, one of the nurses assisting her and told her what it was she needed, "go to the butcher. Now! Get me a live pig... quickly!"

'If Naruto's heart starts beating, I can immediately start the healing process,' Tsunade thought to herself. After Shizune dashed out of the room with two more nurses and the other three just stared at Tsunade in stunned silence. But they dared not speak up... at least not now.

It would be nearly a day later, with bloodied gloves and spattered red streaks on Tsunade's surgical gown, that the surgery was completed. The underside of Naruto's face was like a torn up jigsaw puzzle stitched together and Tsunade knew that if Naruto could be revived, he would have to live with the scars for the rest of his life. Tsunade stepped back before gulping at the next step she needed to take in the operation. She stared at the stitched-up skin before turning her head towards the bags of blood and the various machines that were due to be attached to his chest and head.

"Remove the ice packs," Tsunade ordered. She was so unsure about this; after all, Naruto was dead. 'Could it be done? Or is this all just a fools errand?' Tsunade wanted to slap herself then and there before thinking to herself, 'no… this is something. I am trying something. Let his body warm up, then attach the leads before starting the heart. Hopefully it would work and then, if it does work, we have to monitor his heart beat, blood pressure, oxygen, and brain activity.' Tsunade looked up to see her nurses moving about the room as they got the machines ready, 'then… then if… if this works we have to monitor his heart, brain, renal functions… oh God help me… help me save him!'

The leads were attached and the machines were then switched on. Blood started to be pumped into his body.


There was no heartbeat. There was no brain activity as Tsunade started CPR while Shizune attached two tags onto his chest – the tags would give off short bursts of lightning nature chakra to start his heart. The cuff around his arm was inflating automatically after being attached to the blood pressure machine – eventually it would show there was no blood pressure. 'He's dead, another sick reminder that he's dead.'

Tsunade continued CPR before stepping back when the tag released a surge of electricity.

Still nothing.

"Come on!" Tsunade exclaimed before she and the other nurses stepped back before the tags released another electrical surge. Naruto's body twitched before Tsunade and the others worked tirelessly 'WAKE UP!' Tsunade could see that some of her nurses were trembling. She didn't know if it was out of anxiety or just that they were as mentally exhausted as she was. The Hokage closed her eyes and mentally told herself that whatever happened next, she tried.

At least she tried.

Naruto's mindscape.

After many, many flashes of images, Naruto finally realized the identity of the blonde boy as he grew up. It was the Fourth Hokage. Naruto discovered he was watching the lives of this boy and girl – Minato and Kushina respectively – but he had no idea why. Between flashes of bright light, Naruto watched Minato grow up to adulthood and looked on at his struggles. He watched a slightly older Kushina lie on an alter alongside Mito who congratulated her young successor on finding her love.

"Hold on to him," Mito struggled to whisper while Kushina's head was turned towards her as tears ran down her cheeks, "I sense you love him almost as much as I love Hashirama. That love would hold back the hate of the Kyuubi."

"I will, Mito-sama," Kushina whispered with a cracked voice just as Mito's eyes slowly closed, "and thank you."

Naruto looked away with tears flowing down his cheeks when the Kyuubi was transferred to Kushina just before Mito breathed her last. When Naruto turned his head back towards the two women, he swore that there was a small smile on Mito's lifeless face. Then there were a series of images followed by bright flashes of light.

He watched as Kushina lived a pretty stable life where she built connections with others and her love, Minato. The boy and girl continued growing up while getting closer and closer and before long they would marry each other. Naruto felt both strange and proud to see Minato and Kushina marrying in a very private ceremony with the Sandaime presiding. At the wedding, Naruto thought he recognized a man who looked like Shikamaru, 'that must be Shika's father'. There was also a light blonde haired man with blue eyes, a man who was large sized in the same way as Choji. Naruto watched as Minato and Kushina's love grew more and more over the years. Naruto saw Minato become a jonin and take on his own team. He saw young Kakashi, Obito, and Rin take on the Bell Challenge before watching them on their missions.

Naruto would also see Kushina going on missions with her Genin… two of whom he swore looked awfully like Yuhi Kurenai and Sarutobi Asuma. The images, between flashes of light, would switch between both Kushina and Minato's teams. Naruto had seen the happy times both Minato and Kushina shared; and he had seen their lowest points. He saw the aftermath of Obito's death… he then saw the aftermath of Rin's death. His eyes were on both Minato and on Kakashi during those funerals, and his heart went out to them.

And then, after another flash of light, Naruto saw Kushina sitting in front of a doctor.

"You're pregnant." Naruto listened intently as the doctor told Kushina that her due date was October 10th.

It was then that Naruto whispered to himself, "that's my birthday." Following another flash of bright white light, Naruto watched as Kushina and Minato celebrated that night after the latter learned he was going to be a father. Naruto could feel their happiness in his chest. There was a part of him that wanted to cry, but he wasn't sure why; all he knew was that Minato and Kushina would have made wonderful parents to their child.

Another flash of light and Naruto found himself staring at in a dining room with Minato seated on a chair, and across from him was Jiraiya. Naruto had already seen the images of Jiraiya training Minato and his team. Naruto was already told by Jiraiya that the latter trained the Yondaime but still… to see them together seated across from one another was an awesome sight.

Naruto saw Jiraiya standing up before Minato put a book down onto the table between them. Naruto stepped towards the table so that he could catch a glimpse of the title on the cover. It was a faded green in colour and not the bright coloured covers of Kiraiya's perverted books. As he stepped closer, Naruto saw the smile on Minato's face as he looked up at Jiraiya who leaned over the table and took a quick look at the cover.

Just as Naruto reached the table and looked down at the cover, a smile formed on Jiraiya's face as the both of them then said, "Tales of a Gutsy Ninja?"

"Never head of that book," Naruto said as he stepped back from the table just as Jiraiya walked around it proudly and slapped Minato on his back before saying, "my first published work!" The toad sage then chuckled as he rubbed the back of his head while Naruto stood there stunned at the interaction between the man who was already the Yondaime and his perverted sensei.

"The sentences are childish, and I didn't really do a good job," Jiraiya chuckled as he looked away while rubbing the back of his head.

Naruto listened while walking towards the table again as the Yondaime waved his hand before saying, "I think it was pretty great actually." He then turned his head towards the book and opened it before saying, "the main character is great. I thought his determination to never give up was very cool." He then looked up at Jiraiya and said, "he's a lot like you, Sensei."

Naruto swore he saw the pervert blush before laughing out loud. A laughter which suddenly stopped when Minato said, "I would like your permission to name my son after the character in your book." Naruto and Jiraiya were both stunned… the former thinking that the Hokage's child was lucky to have a name from Jiraiya's book.

'Maybe I know this boy?' Naruto thought to himself.

"I really hope that my child can become a ninja like the main character in the book," the Hokage joyfully said. Right now, Naruto was racking his brain trying to find out who the Hokage's child could be.

'Wait a minute, he would be popular!' Naruto thought, 'I mean the whole village would be fawning over him so… so where is he? Did he die during the Kyuubi attack? Or… wait…' Naruto scratched his cheek, 'if Kushina-nee is the Kyuubi's container, then how did it escape?' So many thoughts were going through his mind before Jiraiya asked Minato if he was certain of what he was saying.

"I thought of that name when I was eating ramen," Jiraiya said and it made Naruto focus on the white haired Sannin.

"Naruto." Naruto froze at the female voice as Minato grinned at Jiraiya. Naruto focused his eyes over the blonde man's shoulder and towards the kitchen area. His heart was racing as Kushina – a very pregnant Kushina – walked out of the kitchen with one hand on her abdomen and said, "it's a wonderful name." As Kushina gave Jiraiya a small bow, Naruto stumbled back in shock as he mumbled "my name is Naruto… I.. I am Naruto and…' Tears gathered in his eyes as he looked at Kushina and then at Minato, and then at Kushina again before turning his head to Jiraiya.

"So I guess that makes me Naruto's godfather, huh?"

"I…." Naruto was crying rivers now as he looked at all three as Minato spoke kindly, "you are my Sensei. And you are a man who possesses the true talent of a Shinobi. There's no other like you." Jiraiya was stunned, as was Naruto who was trying to catch his breath while panting.

"Mom…. Dad…?" Naruto mumbled between pants, "the… the… Yondaime is… is… my father? And Mom…. Mom?" Naruto recalled all the times when the Sandaime would come to his apartment to give him his allowance and all the times he would ask the leader of the village for the identities of his parents. The Sandaime would always say "they were Shinobi of this village, and they died at during the Kyuubi attack. Knowing their identity would not bring them back, Naruto." Naruto was crying now as a flash of white light enveloped him just before he screamed in anger, "I DESERVED TO KNOW!"

Naruto stumbled backwards again as he stifled a sob before he whispered, "I deserved to know, 'ttebayo." He was the son of the Yondaime and Uzumaki Kushina… and Naruto knew he deserved to know. He loved the Sandaime… he respected him even… but this… all these revelations were too much to bear as Naruto placed his hands over his eyes and cried. Hiruzen and Jiraiya had known the truth, and they didn't tell him anything about his parents.

All Naruto had now were even more questions.

Konoha Hospital.


The nurses were standing with their hands over their mouths in sheer shock at the sight before them. Even Tsunade was standing still in stunned silence as the machine attached to Naruto's chest read his heartbeats. Shizune was standing right next to her, her hand gripping Tsunade's arm tightly.

It was touch and go… but Tsunade knew she had done the impossible. Her eyes stared at Naruto's chest and then at the machine that was helping him breathe before her eyes went back to the boy's face. She stared at the scars which would make up the lower part of his face before her eyes went down to his chest moving up and down slowly.

Now was the next step; recovery. And she knew it would be a long and painful one for Naruto.

'We're here for you, Brat,' Tsunade thought to herself as tears welled in her eyes while two nurses left the surgical suite to prepare a private room. 'All of us are here.' Tsunade's hands were now rolled into fists as she thought, 'and don't worry, Sakura and Sasuke will be punished.'

"Shizune," Tsunade said while the both of them continued staring at Naruto's chest, "get Ibiki here now."