Magic Art Training, Physical Arts & Etc

Day of Westar, 7:13 p.m.

Vivian activated a spell.

[Greater Origin Enchant].

A dark-red lightning aura appeared on her right hand.

She cast another spell.


As soon as her [Halo] skill started to manifest on her back, the dark-red lightning immediately began to start crawling from her hand to her arm, to her shoulder and then finally to the golden ring on her back. After the ring absorbed all of the lightning, it grew up to 4 times that it looked like there was a giant golden portal behind Vivian and it illuminated the entire room.


'Unlocked [Greater Origin (Greater Chaos) Mastery] - Level 4!'

A huge grin appeared on Vivian's face and she quickly deactivated [Halo].

Status Panel…


Name: Vivian

Class: Priest

Race: Greater Demon Human

Age: 0 (24)


• Poison - x1.4

• Fire - x1.2

• Dagger - x1.2


• Str - 11 (+136)

• Vit - 9 (+117)

• Agi - 12 (+127)

• Int - 8 (+130)

Mana: 1.5/276

Class Magic:

• Halo - Boosts mana recovery, Makes the bearer appear more trustworthy


• [Dagger Mastery] - Level 1 (x6.2) (Max/16) - Dagger Stab (10 mana points)

• [Dagger Mastery] - Level 2 (x6.2) (Max/81) - +2 Str, +1 Vit, +2 Agi, +1 Int

• [Dagger Mastery] - Level 3 (x6.2) (Max/161) - +2 Str, +1 Vit, +2 Agi

• [Dagger Mastery] - Level 4 (x6.2) (??/806) 

• [Body Art Mastery] (Dagger Mastery) - Level 1 (x5) (Max/10) - +2 Str, +2 Agi

• [Body Art Mastery] (Dagger Mastery) - Level 2 (x5) (Max/50) - +2 Vit

• [Body Art Mastery] (Dagger Mastery) - Level 3 (x5) (Max/100) - +1 Vit, +1 Int

• [Body Art Mastery] (Dagger Mastery) - Level 4 (x5) (??/500)

• [Poison Mastery] - Level 1 (x6.4) (Max/16) - Poison Strike (20 mana points)

• [Poison Mastery] - Level 2 (x6.4) (Max/78) - +2 Agi, +2 Int

• [Poison Mastery] - Level 3 (x6.4) (Max/156) - +1 Str, +1 Vit 

• [Poison Mastery] - Level 4 (x6.4) (Max/781) - +4 Agi, +4 Int

• [Poison Mastery] - Level 5 (x6.4) (Max/1,563) - +2 Str, +2 Vit

• [Poison Mastery] - Level 6 (x6.4) (??/7,813)

• [Magic Art Mastery] (Poison Mastery) - Level 1 (x5) (Max/10) - +3 Int

• [Magic Art Mastery] (Poison Mastery) - Level 2 (x5) (Max/50) - +1 Str, +1 Vit, +1 Agi

• [Magic Art Mastery] (Poison Mastery) - Level 3 (x5) (Max/100) - +6 Int

• [Magic Art Mastery] (Poison Mastery) - Level 4 (x5) (Max/500) - +2 Str, +2 Vit, +2 Agi

• [Magic Art Mastery] (Poison Mastery) - Level 5 (x5) (Max/1,000) - +9 Int

• [Magic Art Mastery] (Poison Mastery) - Level 6 (x5) (??/5,000) 

• [Leg Mastery] - Level 1 (x5) (Max/20) - Power Leg (10 mana points)

• [Leg Mastery] - Level 2 (x5) (Max/100) - +2 Str, +2 Vit, +2 Agi

• [Leg Mastery] - Level 3 (x5) (Max/200) - +2 Str, +2 Vit, +2 Agi, +1 Int 

• [Leg Mastery] - Level 4 (x5) (??/1,000) 

• [Body Art Mastery] (Leg Mastery) - Level 1 (x5) (Max/10) - +2 Str, +2 Agi

• [Body Art Mastery] (Leg Mastery) - Level 2 (x5) (Max/50) - +2 Vit

• [Body Art Mastery] (Leg Mastery) - Level 3 (x5) (Max/100) - +1 Vit, +1 Int 

• [Body Art Mastery] (Leg Mastery) - Level 4 (x5) (Max/500) - +4 Str, +4 Agi

• [Body Art Mastery] (Leg Mastery) - Level 5 (x5) (??/1,000)

• [Savage Mastery] - Level 1 (x5) (Max/20) - +1 Str, +1 Vit, +1 Agi, +1 Int

• [Savage Mastery] - Level 2 (x5) (Max/100) - +1 Str, +1 Vit, +1 Agi, +1 Int

• [Savage Mastery] - Level 3 (x5) (Max/200) - +2 Str, +2 Vit, +2 Agi, +2 Int

• [Savage Mastery] - Level 4 (x5) (??/1,000) 

• [Body Art Mastery] (Savage Mastery) - Level 1 (x5) (Max/10) - +2 Str, +2 Agi

• [Body Art Mastery] (Savage Mastery) - Level 2 (x5) (Max/50) - +2 Vit 

• [Body Art Mastery] (Savage Mastery) - Level 3 (x5) (Max/100) - +1 Vit, +1 Int 

• [Body Art Mastery] (Savage Mastery) - Level 4 (x5) (Max/500) - +4 Str, +4 Agi

• [Body Art Mastery] (Savage Mastery) - Level 5 (x5) (??/1,000) 

• [Throw Mastery] - Level 1 (x5) (Max/20) - Power Throw (10 mana points)

• [Throw Mastery] - Level 2 (x5) (Max/100) - +2 Str, +1 Vit, +1 Agi, +1 Int

• [Throw Mastery] - Level 3 (x5) (Max/200) - +2 Str, +1 Vit, +1 Agi

• [Throw Mastery] - Level 4 (x5) (??/1,000) 

• [Body Art Mastery] (Throw Mastery) - Level 1 (x5) (Max/10) - +2 Str, +2 Agi

• [Body Art Mastery] (Throw Mastery) - Level 2 (x5) (Max/50) - +2 Vit

• [Body Art Mastery] (Throw Mastery) - Level 3 (x5) (Max/100) - +1 Vit, +1 Int

• [Body Art Mastery] (Throw Mastery) - Level 4 (x5) (Max/500) - +4 Str, +4 Agi 

• [Body Art Mastery] (Throw Mastery) - Level 5 (x5) (??/1,000) 

• [Sword Mastery] - Level 1 (x5) (Max/20) - Power Slash (10 mana points)

• [Sword Mastery] - Level 2 (x5) (Max/100) - +2 Str, +2 Vit, +1 Agi, +1 Int

• [Sword Mastery] - Level 3 (x5) (Max/200) - +2 Str, +2 Vit, +1 Agi

• [Sword Mastery] - Level 4 (x5) (??/1,000)

• [Body Art Mastery] (Sword Mastery) - Level 1 (x5) (Max/10) - +2 Str, +2 Agi

• [Body Art Mastery] (Sword Mastery) - Level 2 (x5) (Max/50) - +2 Vit

• [Body Art Mastery] (Sword Mastery) - Level 3 (x5) (Max/100) - +1 Vit, +1 Int

• [Body Art Mastery] (Sword Mastery) - Level 4 (x5) (Max/500) - +4 Str, +4 Agi

• [Body Art Mastery] (Sword Mastery) - Level 5 (x5) (??/1,000) 

• [Dual Swords Mastery] - Level 1 (x5) (Max/20) - Dual Power Slash (10 mana points)

• [Dual Swords Mastery] - Level 2 (x5) (Max/100) - +2 Str, +2 Vit, +1 Agi, +1 Int

• [Dual Swords Mastery] - Level 3 (x5) (Max/200) - +2 Str, +2 Vit, +1 Agi

• [Dual Swords Mastery] - Level 4 (x5) (??/1,000)

• [Body Art Mastery] (Dual Swords Mastery) - Level 1 (x5) (Max/10) - +2 Str, +2 Agi

• [Body Art Mastery] (Dual Swords Mastery) - Level 2 (x5) (Max/50) - +2 Vit

• [Body Art Mastery] (Dual Swords Mastery) - Level 3 (x5) (Max/100) - +1 Vit, +1 Int

• [Body Art Mastery] (Dual Swords Mastery) - Level 4 (x5) (??/500) 

• [Fist Mastery] - Level 1 (x5) (Max/20) - Power Fist (10 mana points)

• [Fist Mastery] - Level 2 (x5) (Max/100) - +2 Str, +2 Vit, +2 Agi

• [Fist Mastery] - Level 3 (x5) (Max/200) - +2 Str, +2 Vit, +2 Agi, +1 Int

• [Fist Mastery] - Level 4 (x5) (??/1,000)

• [Body Art Mastery] (Fist Mastery) - Level 1 (x5) (Max/10) - +2 Str, +2 Agi

• [Body Art Mastery] (Fist Mastery) - Level 2 (x5) (Max/50) - +2 Vit

• [Body Art Mastery] (Fist Mastery) - Level 3 (x5) (Max/100) - +1 Vit, +1 Int

• [Body Art Mastery] (Fist Mastery) - Level 4 (x5) (Max/500) - +4 Str, +4 Agi

• [Body Art Mastery] (Fist Mastery) - Level 5 (x5) (??/1,000) 

• [Whip Mastery] - Level 1 (x5) (Max/20) - Power Whip (10 mana points)

• [Whip Mastery] - Level 2 (x5) (Max/100) - +2 Str, +1 Vit, +2 Agi, +1 Int

• [Whip Mastery] - Level 3 (x5) (Max/200) - +2 Str, +1 Vit, +2 Agi

• [Whip Mastery] - Level 4 (x5) (??/1,000)

• [Body Art Mastery] (Whip Mastery) - Level 1 (x5) (Max/10) - +2 Str, +2 Agi

• [Body Art Mastery] (Whip Mastery) - Level 2 (x5) (Max/50) - +2 Vit

• [Body Art Mastery] (Whip Mastery) - Level 3 (x5) (Max/100) - +1 Vit, +1 Int 

• [Body Art Mastery] (Whip Mastery) - Level 4 (x5) (??/500) 

• [Light Mastery] - Level 1 (x5) (Max/20) - Heal (20 mana points)

• [Light Mastery] - Level 2 (x5) (Max/100) - +3 Int

• [Light Mastery] - Level 3 (x5) (Max/200) - +1 Str, +1 Vit, +1 Agi

• [Light Mastery] - Level 4 (x5) (Max/1,000) - +6 Int

• [Light Mastery] - Level 5 (x5) (Max/2,000) - +2 Str, +2 Vit, +2 Agi

• [Light Mastery] - Level 6 (x5) (??/10,000) - 

• [Magic Art Mastery] (Light Mastery) - Level 1 (x5) (Max/10) - +3 Int

• [Magic Art Mastery] (Light Mastery) - Level 2 (x5) (Max/50) - +1 Str, +1 Vit, +1 Agi

• [Magic Art Mastery] (Light Mastery) - Level 3 (x5) (Max/100) - +6 Int

• [Magic Art Mastery] (Light Mastery) - Level 4 (x5) (Max/500) - +2 Str, +2 Vit, +2 Agi

• [Magic Art Mastery] (Light Mastery) - Level 5 (x5) (Max/1,000) - +9 Int 

• [Magic Art Mastery] (Light Mastery) - Level 6 (x5) (??/5,000) 

• [Fire Mastery] - Level 1 (x6.2) (Max/16) - Fire Arrow (20 mana points)

• [Fire Mastery] - Level 2 (x6.2) (Max/81) - +3 Int

• [Fire Mastery] - Level 3 (x6.2) (Max/161) - +1 Str, +1 Vit, +1 Agility

• [Fire Mastery] - Level 4 (x6.2) (??/806) 

• [Magic Art Mastery] (Fire Mastery) - Level 1 (x5) (Max/10) - +3 Int

• [Magic Art Mastery] (Fire Mastery) - Level 2 (x5) (Max/50) - +1 Str, +1 Vit, +1 Agi

• [Magic Art Mastery] (Fire Mastery) - Level 3 (x5) (Max/100) - +6 Int

• [Magic Art Mastery] (Fire Mastery) - Level 4 (x5) (??/500) 

• [Wind Mastery] - Level 1 (x5) (Max/20) - Wind Arrow (20 mana points)

• [Wind Mastery] - Level 2 (x5) (Max/100) - +3 Int

• [Wind Mastery] - Level 3 (x5) (Max/200) - +1 Str, +1 Vit, +1 Agility

• [Wind Mastery] - Level 4 (x5) (??/1,000) 

• [Magic Art Mastery] (Wind Mastery) - Level 1 (x5) (Max/10) - +3 Int

• [Magic Art Mastery] (Wind Mastery) - Level 2 (x5) (Max/50) - +1 Str, +1 Vit, +1 Agi

• [Magic Art Mastery] (Wind Mastery) - Level 3 (x5) (Max/100) - +6 Int

• [Magic Art Mastery] (Wind Mastery) - Level 4 (x5) (??/500) 

• [Axe Mastery] - Level 1 (x5) (Max/20) - Power Axe (10 mana points)

• [Axe Mastery] - Level 2 (x5) (Max/100) - +2 Str, +2 Vit, +1 Agi, +1 Int

• [Axe Mastery] - Level 3 (x5) (Max/200) - +2 Str, +2 Vit, +1 Agi

• [Axe Mastery] - Level 4 (x5) (??/1,000)

• [Body Art Mastery] (Axe Mastery) - Level 1 (x5) (Max/10) - +2 Str, +2 Agi

• [Body Art Mastery] (Axe Mastery) - Level 2 (x5) (Max/50) - +2 Vit

• [Body Art Mastery] (Axe Mastery) - Level 3 (x5) (Max/100) - +1 Vit, +1 Int

• [Body Art Mastery] (Axe Mastery) - Level 4 (x5) (Max/500) - +4 Str, +4 Agi

• [Body Art Mastery] (Axe Mastery) - Level 5 (x5) (??/500) 

• [Hammer Mastery] - Level 1 (x5) (Max/20) - Power Hammer (10 mana points)

• [Hammer Mastery] - Level 2 (x5) (Max/100) - +2 Str, +2 Vit, +1 Agi, +1 Int

• [Hammer Mastery] - Level 3 (x5) (Max/200) - +2 Str, +2 Vit, +1 Agi

• [Hammer Mastery] - Level 4 (x5) (??/1,000)

• [Body Art Mastery] (Hammer Mastery) - Level 1 (x5) (Max/10) - +2 Str, +2 Agi

• [Body Art Mastery] (Hammer Mastery) - Level 2 (x5) (Max/50) - +2 Vit

• [Body Art Mastery] (Hammer Mastery) - Level 3 (x5) (Max/100) - +1 Vit, +1 Int

• [Body Art Mastery] (Hammer Mastery) - Level 4 (x5) (Max/500) +4 Str, +4 Agi

• [Body Art Mastery] (Hammer Mastery) - Level 5 (x5) (??/1,000) 

• [Spear Mastery] - Level 1 (x5) (Max/20) - Power Thrust (10 mana points)

• [Spear Mastery] - Level 2 (x5) (Max/100) - +2 Str, +2 Vit, +1 Agi, +1 Int

• [Spear Mastery] - Level 3 (x5) (Max/200) - +2 Str, +2 Vit, +1 Agi

• [Spear Mastery] - Level 4 (x5) (??/1,000) 

• [Body Art Mastery] (Spear Mastery) - Level 1 (x5) (Max/10) - +2 Str, +2 Agi

• [Body Art Mastery] (Spear Mastery) - Level 2 (x5) (Max/50) - +2 Vit

• [Body Art Mastery] (Spear Mastery) - Level 3 (x5) (Max/100) - +1 Vit, +1 Int

• [Body Art Mastery] (Spear Mastery) - Level 4 (x5) (??/500) 

• [Lightning Mastery] - Level 1 (x5) (Max/20) - Lightning Arrow (20 mana points)

• [Lightning Mastery] - Level 2 (x5) (Max/100) - +3 Int 

• [Lightning Mastery] - Level 3 (x5) (??/200) 

• [Magic Art Mastery] (Lightning Mastery) - Level 1 (x5) (Max/10) - +3 Int

• [Magic Art Mastery] (Lightning Mastery) - Level 2 (x5) (Max/50) - +1 Str, +1 Vit, +1 Agi 

• [Magic Art Mastery] (Lightning Mastery) - Level 3 (x5) (??/100) 

•[Greater Origin (Greater Chaos) Mastery] - Level 1 (x5) (Max/0) - Greater Origin Enchant (10 mana points)

•[Greater Origin (Greater Chaos) Mastery] - Level 2 (x5) (Max/200) - +9 Str, +9 Vit, +9 Agi, +9 Int

•[Greater Origin (Greater Chaos) Mastery] - Level 3 (x5) (Max/1,000) - +9 Str, +9 Vit, +9 Agi, +9 Int

•[Greater Origin (Greater Chaos) Mastery] - Level 4 (x5) (Max/2,000) - +9 Str, +9 Vit, +9 Agi, +9 Int

•[Greater Origin (Greater Chaos) Mastery] - Level 5 (x5) (??/10,000) 

• [Soul Mastery] - Level 1 (x5) (Max/20) - Soul Strike (20 mana points, 1 mana point)

• [Soul Mastery] - Level 2 (x5) (??/100) 

• [Claw Mastery] - Level 1 (x5) (Max/20) - Power Claw (10 mana points)

• [Claw Mastery] - Level 2 (x5) (??/100)

• [Body Art Mastery] (Claw Mastery) - Level 1 (x5) (Max/10) - +2 Str, +2 Agi

• [Body Art Mastery] (Claw Mastery) - Level 2 (x5) (Max/50) - +2 Vit

• [Body Art Mastery] (Claw Mastery) - Level 3 (x5) (??/100)

• [Dark Mastery] - Level 1 (x5) (Max/20) - Dark Arrow (20 mana points)

• [Dark Mastery] - Level 2 (x5) (??/100) 

• [Earth Mastery] - Level 1 (x5) (Max/20) - Earth Arrow (20 mana points)

• [Earth Mastery] - Level 2 (x5) (??/100) 

• [Ice Mastery] - Level 1 (x5) (Max/20) - Ice Arrow (20 mana points)

• [Ice Mastery] - Level 2 (x5) (??/100) 


• Earring of Spirit - boosts mana recovery


• Village Girl

• Adventurer

• Zhey/Zhem

• Otherworldly - Grants [Growth] - all affinity x5 

• Nemesis of Beasts - Animals and beasts have a natural aversion to the bearer 


So even at Level 4 it's still +9 to Strength, Vitality, Agility and Intelligence, huh…

I'm not gonna lie, I was expecting it to be bigger…

But hey, at least it's +9…

She closed the Status Panel.

I need to recover all of my mana first…

She activated a spell.

Nothing happened.


I ran out of mana...


Vivian was making her way to the Cafeteria and there were a number of people inside and outside the cafeteria because it was currently still dinner time.

When Vivian entered the building, she headed straight to the counter and joined the line to order food.

A couple of minutes later…

Vivian finally got to the counter.

"Hello, I'm here to get my second free meal of the day and I also want to order a large steak. Thank you." 

Given that Vivian now more or less has a stable income because she no longer has to worry about opening Magic Art Affinities, she decided that it was time to invest in her health and body.

She was a firm believer that a healthy body gives her a healthy mind which allows her to work more.

On top of that, whether one is a man or a woman, beauty is one of the most expensive social currencies in the world.

To her, anyone who doesn't invest in their looks and then cries about being called a creep or treated invisible by most of society is a fool.

"Yes, sister," the server, who was a Brown Cloak Priest in his teens, said and then started preparing Vivian's meal.

"By the way, is Sister Criselle here? I'm a friend of hers and I have some important business to talk about with her."

The Priest stopped and looked at Vivian.

"The Head Chef? She's at the back."


She's the Head Chef…?

"I see. Thank you."

After Vivian received and paid for her meal, she went outside to eat and then waited for the Cafeteria to close.


8:12 p.m.

The Cafeteria was closing and Vivian was waiting outside.

When Criselle came out and the rest of the staff, Vivian called and waved as she headed over to her.

"Sister Criselle!"

Criselle turned her head.

"Sister Vivian, hello."

A surprised expression appeared on Criselle's face when she saw Vivian wearing makeup.

"Hi, are you going to the Training Grounds after this?" asked Vivian.

"Yes, some of us are heading over there."

"Some?" Vivian said and looked over at the rest of the staff.

Aside from Criselle, there were 9 people -- 2 White Cloaks and 7 Brown Cloaks.

"Sister Head Chef, thank you for your hard work today. We will be going home now. Goodnight, see you tomorrow, and may the God of Light continue to watch over you," said one of the Priests.

Criselle turned her head to them.

They were 2 White Cloaks and 4 Brown Cloaks.

"Thank you also for your hard work, everyone. Goodnight and may the God of Light continue to watch over you as well."

When the six people left, there were only two Priests and one Priestess left, all of which are in their teens and Brown Cloaks.

"Head Chef, huh," Vivian said and smiled at Criselle.

"I recently got promoted after the previous Head Chef retired."

"Congratulations, Sister Head Chef," Vivian said with a grin on her face.

"Sister, I didn't know you were this type…" said Criselle.

Vivian let out a soft chuckle and then said, "All of you are going to the Training Grounds after this, right?"

"Yes, we are."

"If you don't mind, sister, I want to ask you something about Physical Arts as we head over there."

"Sure. But allow me to introduce everyone to each other first," said Criselle.


Criselle turned her head to the remaining Priests. 

"This is Sister Vivian. Sister Vivian, this is Brother Pierre, Brother Quinito and Sister Nancy."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Sister Vivian," the Brown Cloaks said and bowed.

Given that Vivian was older, a White Cloak and seemed to be close enough with the Head Chef that she could even tease her, the three teenage Brown Cloaks automatically decided inside their heads to address Vivian on how they would address the Head Chef.

"It's a pleasure to meet you as well, Brother Pierre, Brother Quinito and Sister Nancy," Vivian said and flashed a very warm and kind smile at them.

Seeing Vivian's beautiful face smile at them, Pierre and Quinito blushed.

They all began walking.

Vivian and Criselle were at the front, while the three Brown Cloak teenagers were at the back.

"Sister," said Vivian. "How do Priests train their Physical Arts?"

Vivian worded her question in a very specific manner.

In case anyone would wonder why she doesn't know because it was probably basic and common knowledge despite being 24 years old and was a White Cloak, she could easily explain to them that she just joined a month ago and was part of the Temple of Thieves.

"There are three ways, sister," said Criselle. "The first one is to kill an enemy, the second one is to fight someone who is at least equally strong as you, and the third one is to fight someone using Magic or Elemental Weapons." 

"I see... So it's no different from outside..." said Vivian.

"Yes, sister."

Vivian thought about Criselle's answer.

The first one is what I've been doing which led me getting suspended…

The second one, well, I can't afford anyone to see my blue blood…

The third one, I'll be bleeding money once again…

Is there really no other way…?

"There's also a fourth way, sister," Criselle suddenly said, interrupting Vivian's thoughts.

"A fourth way? What is it?"

"If you have the high-tier spell like [Light Enchant] or any of your Magic Art Affinities, you can use it on your weapon and train both your Physical and Magic Art."

"A high-tier spell? But wouldn't that also damage your weapon?"

"Yes, so you also need to buy a weapon that's appropriate to your Magical Force."

"I see."

Vivian immediately threw the idea away.

In her head, aside from the one Magic Art to two Physical Arts ratio so she can't have her Magical Force two grades above her Physical Force unless she wants to kill herself, her current Physical and Magical Force right was orichalcum-grade. So by the time she could get the high-tier Magic Art spell called [Light Enchant], even adamantite-grade weapons would be useless to her.

"Sister, I once heard that Priests have a legendary skill called [Sanctuary] but I've never seen it. Is it a Class Magic or Magic Art?" 

"It is a legendary-tier Magic Art spell."

"Oh, do you have it?"

Criselle didn't say anything and just smiled at her.

Vivian wasn't sure if it was rude to ask people about their magic spells, both Class Magic and Magic Art. Because so far, she hasn't really asked that much about Magic Art, mostly it was only Class Magic. And the reactions she received from Class Magic were mixed.

When she asked about Class Magic at the Temple of Thieves and Temple of Priests, they didn't tell her all of the Class Magic, only some.

When she asked about Class Magic at the eatery beside The Silver Wing Inn, the Wizard and Warrior told her their Class Magic and they also told her that most adventurers want people to know that they have Class Magic.

And when she was out on a quest with Marie, she didn't mind telling her about her Class Magic. 


How do I ask her without directly asking her…?

"Sister, is it forbidden knowledge to know about all the spells one can learn from Magic Art?"

"It isn't. However, asking someone about their skills and spells depends on the individual."

"I see. Sister, if you don't mind, can you tell me what are the spells one can learn from mastering the Light Affinity?"

"I can tell you but I can't explain all of their details."

A small smile appeared inside Vivian's head.

As far as I can remember, this woman only has 2 Magic Art Affinities…

Or was it 3…?

And she looks like she's in her early 30s…


What if she's deliberately lying in order to hide her true strength…?

Vivian may not have been a millionaire or billionaire back in her previous world. But one thing she noticed about those people, a majority of them, especially the self-made ones, want to keep a low profile.

The loud millionaires/billionaires are usually either fake or trust-fund babies.

"It's okay if won't explain the details. I simply want to know their names," said Vivian.

"Okay," said Criselle. "The spells that one can learn the Light Affinity are… 

"[Heal] which is considered as a low-tier spell…

"[Cleanse] as a mid-tier spell… 

"[Light Enchant] and [Light Guardian] which are considered as high-tier spells… 

"[Sanctuary] as a legendary-tier spell… 

"And [Light Body] which is considered as a god-tier spell."

Vivian wanted to ask what Mastery Level does one learn the mid-tier spells.

But after remembering that people don't seem to know about Strength, Vitality, Agility and Intelligence, and also the answer that Felize gave her when she asked about how a person knows if they learned a new skill or spell, she didn't dare to.

"I see. Thank you, sister."

They finally arrived at the Training Grounds.

Vivian turned to Criselle.

"Sister, I'm very sorry but I just remembered something and I have to go. Again, thank you for the information you've given me. Goodbye," Vivian said and smiled before leaving.


At Vivian's room.


Vivian who wearing nothing but a bra and underwear suddenly slapped her own forehead.


I forgot to ask her if [Sanctuary] can repair lost limbs…!

She shook her head.

No point in crying over spilled milk…

She grabbed a towel and other necessities for her night routine.

Tonight, she planned to take a bath and wash some clothes before going to bed.



Hello, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Thank you for reading!

By the way, I posted some Chapter Drafts at P-a-t-r-e-o-n. And to view them, you can read them at…


There, you will have access to the Chapter Drafts for $5 a month.

Please note that the chapters posted there are only drafts. So when those said Chapter Drafts will be published here, there will be some edits. And at the moment, Chapter Drafts 147-206 are posted there.

And since this will be my first time posting Chapter Drafts for this novel, I will be posting 60 Chapter Drafts for the first month (November). After that, it will be around 30 Chapter Drafts each month.

I would like to give my special thanks for this month's Patrons:

• Виталий В

Thank you once again and I will see you in the next chapter.