Training Course Final Written Exams (2)

Aurgus 28, 3023 A.M., day of Monar, 8:24 a.m.


Vivian's hair was still wet as stood naked in front of a mirror and examined her reflection.


My skin has started to become pale once more...


Once I get my scores, I'm going to out tonight…


She continued examining her body.


This is sad…


I have a beautiful and perfect body but I have no one to show it to…


Let alone play it with…


She had no interest in touching a man. Meanwhile, if she were to touch a woman, considering her secrets and her current situation of taking the Training Course, she found herself lost at what to do.


Her hands slowly found their way between her legs.




Not bad for a woman who already had 2 children…


She spread herself.




With a single finger, she softly began massaging the top of her private area and she started to feel a tingly feeling.


This feels nice…


She continued rubbing, causing her eyes to close slightly and her lips to part from each other as she slowly raised her chin.




She bit her lower lip.


She began to search for the main source of the tingly feeling. And when she found it, she began to rub it slowly and carefully, afraid she might injure herself.


"Oh shit…"


She continued rubbing until she felt a wet sensation.


She pulled back her hand and inspected her fingers.


Is this cum…?










She grabbed a chair and sat in front of the mirror.


She resumed rubbing the source of the tingly feeling as she stared at her own reflection.


"God, you're so perfect, Vivian…!" she said breathlessly and rubbed even harder. "Ah…! Ah…! Fuck…!"


Caught in the pleasure of her own flesh, a desire to insert something inside her grew.


Without any hesitation, she inserted a finger.


"Umm…!" she moaned and bit her lower lips harder.


But after a few inserts, she suddenly stopped.


"This is a bit uncomfortable."


She went to her bed, laid down on her back, and then resumed.


"Umm…! That's much better…!"


Two fingers on her right hand were massaging the source of the tingly sensation, while one finger on her left hand was coming in and out of her.




Her toes curled and her hips started to rise as she spread her legs wider.






She was about to insert another finger when she realized what she was about to do and quickly pulled away her hand.






She got up from the bed and met the wall face-first because she moved too fast.


She palmed her face with her hand as she bent down.






She touched her nose.


"My fucking nose…!"


She blinked a few times, trying to understand what just happened.




Looks like I'm still not used to my strength…


I guess this is what I get from leveling up too fast…


She grabbed a towel and covered herself.


Her face then went pale as she remembered her initial thought on why she stopped pleasuring herself.


What the fuck was I doing…?!


I'm not gay…!


She grabbed some wipes and wiped her fingers.


I'm seriously not fucking gay…!


I do the shoving, not the other way around…!


She let out a sigh.


I have to go out and get my scores…




9:13 a.m.


At the Main Office building.


Vivian entered an office and there were five other trainees there, all dressed the same as her -- White Cloak with their hood up and a mask with a brown-colored sun on their forehead.


Everyone except two trainees spoke to each other.


Vivian tried to listen to their conversation for a moment but immediately tuned out after learning it was only about using a Magic Item engraved with a Vision spell, particularly which one is better; a passive one or an active one in traversing the tunnels.


Vivian herself had a Mithril-grade Earring of Vision that she bought through a loan back at the Blacksmith Shop in the compound of the Luxen Chapter Temple. But after acquiring [Greater Origin Transformation], she never had the chance to use it.


A door opened and a trainee came out of Blanch's office.


Another trainee got up from his seat and entered the office.




Sometime later.


Vivian entered Blanch's office and she immediately went over to him before saluting.


"Brother Inquisitor Blanch."


"Please take a seat and show me your Identity Papers."


"Yes, Brother Inquisitor."


Vivian took out her Identity Papers and showed them to Blanch.


After confirming Vivian's Identity Papers, he nodded and searched for her exam papers before giving them to her.


"Impressive scores, Crusader Heliza."


"Thank you, Brother Inquisitor."


Looking at her exam papers, she scored 100 over 100 on both tests.


"Not that there's any point in telling you this, but in case you're not satisfied with your scores, you can retake the exams. However, if you're satisfied, I can record them on your Identity Papers right now. And once that's done, you can never change it. The only way to change it is if you fail the Training Course and re-apply once again on your next Holy Crusade contract."


"Please record them on my Identity Papers, Brother Inquisitor."


Blanch nodded and then signed Vivian's Identity Papers.


"Brother Inquisitor, may I ask a question?"


Blanch stopped and looked at her.


"Yes, what is it?


"The only final exam for me to take is the Practical Final Exam. Do I still need to attend the classes?"


"That depends on you. However, you still need to have your attendance checked each day."


"I see. Thank you, Brother Inquisitor."


Blanch grabbed his Inquisitor Seal and stamped it on Vivian's Identity Papers before handing it over to her.


"Good luck on your last exam and may the God of Light continue to watch over you, Crusader Vivian."


"Thank you, Brother Inquisitor. May the God of Light continue to watch over you as well."




10:14 a.m.


Vivian stepped out of the building and swept her gaze around. 


There were people around her. Some were walking around, others were busy doing whatever they were busy with.




What am I going to do now…?


It's the day of Monar and my last Final Exam is on the day of Satur…


And it's a practical exam, not a written exam…


Should I go search for more monsters in the tunnels…?


She shook her head mentally.


I had 100/100 for both tests and I still have to have my attendance checked every day…


On top of that, there's still the other ongoing practical exam where I have to protect my identity until my last day here which would also affect my overall scores…


I don't mind failing the Training Course and end up being thrown at the Infantry Division… 


But I don't want to fail for deliberately making mistakes…




I'll just go at night…


Vivian decided to walk around the base for a moment before heading back to the dormitory.




12:56 p.m.


Vivian was inside a classroom for the 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. class.


Where's that Inquisitor Song…?


Why is he talking so long…?


He's always late…


A couple of minutes passed, Song finally arrived and Vivian along with 4 other trainees quickly rose to their feet.


A female trainee was the first to approach Song.


"Excuse me, Brother Inquisitor Song, I would like to have my attendance checked for today and then leave."


Song nodded.


"I will check it later once I'm done saying the announcement. It will only take a minute."


"Yes, Brother Inquisitor," the female trainee said and stepped back.


Song cleared his throat.


"Good afternoon, brothers and sisters. I have an important announcement to make.


"Brother Inquisitor Jail, one of the Inquisitors stationed here in the base, would like to speak to some of you and he has given me a list of names he wants to talk to. If your name is called, you are to go to his office right away and speak with him. And once you're done speaking with him, you may return here."


Everyone looked at each other.


"The names of the people that Brother Inquisitor Jail would like to talk to are Crusader Lax, Crusader Ice, Crusader Sandmaster, Crusader Love, Crusader Heliza, Crusader Blade and Crusader Hammer."


Vivian brows knitted together behind her mask.


Crusader Sandmaster is Xander…


Meanwhile, Crusader Tristan is Turd…


They were both my classmates at the Training Camp…


And only the 3 of us applied for the Inquisitory Division's Training Course…


Although both were weak, between Xander and Turd, Turd was smarter and more capable…


So why does this Inquisitor Jail want to talk with me and Xander…?


What connection do I have with the people mentioned…?




1:21 p.m.


Vivian and the people whose names were mentioned by Song were waiting outside of Jail's office.


To be specific, Jail's office was like Blanch's office. There was the main room where his secretary was sitting and where guests could wait, and there was the small private office of Jail.


There were only 6 of them because one of them was already inside.


"Sister Crusader Heliza, what do you think is the reason we were called?" a male trainee asked.


It was none other than Sandmater (a.k.a. Xander).


Vivian suppressed the urge to slap his mask away, rip out his jaw and gouge his eyes.


This fucking idiot…


The 3 of us made an agreement not to talk with each other unless it was unnecessary…


But this fucking incompetent weakling parasite --…


She cut off her thoughts and let out a deep sigh.


"I don't know. And I'm very sorry if I'm rude, but I'm not in the mood to talk right now because I'm currently not feeling well."


"Oh, okay. Sorry," Xander said and stopped talking. 




The door of Jail's office opened and a female Trainee stepped out.


Everyone looked at her but no one dared to ask any questions and she exited the office.


A male trainee who was next in line got up and knocked on Jail's office before entering.


Vivian was in the fourth place.




A couple of minutes later.






Vivian knocked twice before opening the door. 


Upon entering, she saw a Gold Cloak Priest wearing what looked like a half-mask. The mask still had the gold-colored sun symbol on the forehead that all Inquisitors wear, but only the upper half of the face was covered. His hood was down so his other features were revealed -- he was a bald dark-skinned man. And as for his age, Vivian wasn't sure but he looked like he was at least in his late 20s.


Vivian went over to him and saluted.


"Brother Inquisitor Jail! I am Crusader Heliza!"


"Please take a seat, Crusader Heliza," Jail said and gestured toward one of the chairs in front of the desk.


"Thank you, Brother Inquisitor!" Vivian said and then sat down.


"Please allow me to explain why I called you here.


"You were one of the trainees who went out to explore the tunnels.


"And according to witnesses, a couple of days ago, specifically in the morning of the day of Thura, Aurgus 24, you came back at the base covered in blood and guts and ordered a new set of clothes at a tailoring shop.


"You also requested new Identity Papers which were also covered in blood and guts.


"And the reason you gave was that you were attacked by a Sarcoise.


"Is this correct?"


"Yes, Brother Inquisitor, except for the Identity Papers," said Vivian.


"What do you mean?"


"My identity papers weren't covered in blood and guts, they were only covered in blood."


To avoid any complications, Vivian decided that she was going to stick with a consistent story.


"I see," Jail said and nodded. "Can you tell me more about the Sarcoise that attacked you?"


"On the night of the day of Westar, I couldn't sleep because this is my first time living in such a place like this where there is no sun. So I decided to explore the East Exit which led to the mountains.


"And since it was my first time, as embarrassing as this may sound, I got lost or I think I got lost because the map didn't make sense.


"According to the map, there was supposed to be a large area with multiple tunnels. But when I got there, all I saw was a huge hole in the middle. However, there were still some land on the edges that could be walked on.


"And as I was walking on the edges, a giant Sarcoise suddenly attacked and I immediately defended myself. But in the process of defending myself and it was also my first time seeing and fighting one in real life, I got splashed by its blood and guts.


"That is what happened, Brother Inquisitor Jail."


Jail nodded and mused for a moment.


"You said the map you had didn't make any sense, correct?"




"Then why did you still continue when you saw the large area with a huge hole in the middle?"


"At that time, I was under the impression that I was lost because it didn't make any sense to me that the Temple of Priests would give their trainees a map where one of the exits was dangerous. So I decided to push through, thinking that I could find the East Exit and leave the tunnels."


"Did you find it?"


Vivian shook her head.


"I didn't. Right after defeating the giant Sarcoise, I got afraid that another one might attack me while I was walking on the edges and I might fall down the huge hole so I headed back."


"Do you have any idea why the Sarcoise attacked you?"


Vivian shook her head.


"I have no idea."


"So how did you manage to find your way back to the base?"


"After hours of walking around, I eventually found my way back here."


"You didn't trigger any traps?"


"If the giant Sarcoise wasn't part of the traps, then none I guess."


Jail leaned back on his chair and mused for a moment once again.


"I'm very sorry if this sounds like I'm interrogating you, but that's really not my goal here. My goal here is to ask if you noticed or encountered something strange or unexpected, like maybe another Queen Sarcoise, a different monster or someone."


Vivian shook her head.


"I've only seen a Queen Sacroise in the books, I've never encountered one in real life. And as for encountering a different monster or someone, I don't recall any."


"Okay, that will be all. Thank you for your time, Crusader Heliza. May the God of Light continue to watch over you."


"May the God of Light continue to watch over you as well, Brother Inquisitor."


Vivian got up from her seat and then exited the office.





Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed this chapter!


By the way, I posted some Chapter Drafts at P-a-t-r-e-o-n. And to view them, you can read them at…


There, you will have access to the Chapter Drafts for $5 a month.


Please note that the chapters posted there are only drafts. So when those said Chapter Drafts will be published here, there will be some edits. They also involve a few secret outline notes/details that I won't publish here because they contain spoilers or dispel some of the mysteries. And at the moment, Chapter Drafts 268-272 are posted there.


I would like to give my special thanks for this month's Patrons:




Thank you once again and I will see you in the next chapter.