Rapid Progress

Seeing that things were progressing very well, Midas decided to give them some information about the situation in the Trial. About the Trees that were releasing toxins that were affecting their Emotions Negatively, about that being the reason why things were going to get worse before they get better.

After hearing all of this, they became very fearful. They had also noticed how emotionally charged they had become since they entered the Trials. Now, hearing that the Trial had been making them inhale something that was Amplifying their Emotions, they started thinking back to the irrational behavior they had seen from others.

They had thought this was Stress taking its toll… But boy were they far off the mark. Stress may have something to do with it, but it was only a small percentage of the problem.

As the time was approaching 6 am on the fourth day of their Trial, Midas was roasting some Cambium Chips over the flat "stone pan" for breakfast.