Fruits of the Tree of Self Ripened

On the seventh day of the First Trial, Midas, Julio, Charlotte, Jasmine, and Amelia spent the day surveying the Forest from North to South, searching for potential targets to attract for the position of Associate.

There was no division of labour or directionality this time. Midas expressed his wish to create a map of this place so he got going. Everyone else decided to continue hanging out with those same people they had made connections with the previous day.

Julio decided to hang out at the camp and help the three newcomers build some cabins.

Midas understand why. Julio was concerned about leaving these people with no one to watch over them. Midas figured he might as well let Julio do his thing. He nodded with a curious expression and said, that Julio was a big boy and should take care of the new members and make them feel at home.

Julio nodded and said, that was his plan anyway, with a confident smirk on his face.